Penelope stepped over to the bed her father directed her to and set down her bag. She glanced over her shoulder at the two men as Crow gave John a bit of resistance before finally allowing him to put on the chain. The female knight made no comment on it, merely shooting her father a disapproving look before turning away as she took off her armor for the night. She figured that Crow had been resisting John in order to keep him unaware that his method of chaining the thief up hadn't worked so she made sure to go along with it. Eager for her father to fall asleep, she laid down on the bed and pulled the blanket over herself. Though she was a bit tired from the trip to the village, her excitement to steal some time with Crow kept her fully awake. Now it was just a waiting game. She shifted a bit on the bed so she could look subtly towards her father, hoping that it wouldn't take long for him to fall asleep. Luckily, because he was confident enough in his tactic of chaining up Crow, it didn't. The older knight's breathing had grown even and he seemed to have drifted off into a deep enough slumber. Penelope grinned to herself and carefully moved to sit up. She kept her gaze on him, watching for any sign of movement from him. He remained asleep though and she managed to move to the edge of her bed. Now up, she turned her head towards Crow and shot him an eager smile. The knight cautiously got up to her feet and moved towards the thief, creeping quietly across the room. It was a good thing she was getting rather used to sneaking around as she only made a small bit of noise with the motion. "Gods, I'm glad he's able to pass out quick." she whispered to him as she reached him. "Waiting to be able to even just speak with you—let alone be at touch you—all day while you're right in front of me is really starting to test my patience."