[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190222/c4043adb086b604c5fd6cf18184ed0a4.png[/img] Miley Hugged her parents a final goodbye and watched them leave. When she couldn’t see them anymore she turned around and ran top speed into the brick wall pushing her luggage thingy. Her owl jerry was clearly enjoying it sitting on the handlebars as he puffed out his chest feathers. She ran right into the station and to the middle of the platform then took a sudden swerve and turned to a very quick stop just for fun. She stood there looking around “see anybody we know jerry?” She asked the owl. Jerry flew up and sat on her head looking around. “Jerry stop that! You’re gonna make my hair super messy!” Her hair today was platinum blonde with super light streaks of pink and blue, nothing crazy but definitely pretty. She looked around a bit more than shrugged and went inside the train. She sat in an empty compartment near the front of the train. Hogwarts here I come again again again again!