[@Lady Selune] Sure enough, as she poked her mostly invisible head out, there appeared to be two men mugging a young woman. Trash from the overturned trashcan spewed out into the pavement as the two leered down at the woman, who was mostly blocked from Charlie's view. No one had noticed her yet, but police would be several minutes away. Would Charlie step in? [hr] [@olcharlieboi] Unsurprisingly, except to the bully, the confrontation didn't go quite as well as they had thought. While their victim wasn't much taller than the leader himself, who was an impressive 6'2" football star, they had failed to notice that he wasn't like most of their victims. In fact, he was more on their level without his powers than they might have guessed. As such, the attack to the groin went unblocked. While that would put most boys down, this bully had taken his fair share of hits below the belt. Somewhat desensitized to the pain, he only mildly bent forward, quickly recovering enough to send out a hard jab that connected solidly to the solar plexus, driving the wind cleanly out of Charles' lungs. The other two swiftly advanced, wrangling his arms out wide and slightly behind him while applying pressure to his shoulder blades. "Oh, you asked for it you little shit," the leader growled, opening up with two punches at Charles chest.