[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/501076833073233922/548559222150004746/pwbubbles.medium.png[/img] Nailah couldn't help but chuckle and raise an eyebrow when she heard Tali agreeing with her regarding having Shye joining their little group. It was also undeniable that even if she was being affected by Tali's music, she went to sleep incredibly fast. Who knew how much tired or stressed that poor girl was before she met them? [color=C86050]"Hey! It's not like it's a bad thing to show some affection now, is it?"[/color] Nailah replied after Lynn jokingly said for Shye to be careful due to them being a bit clingy before laughing as Tali splashed her with some water. When Shye began talking though, Nailah became aware of how much that woman had went through. She was honestly shocked by their kindness and how they accepted and took care of her so quickly after meeting her. Deep inside, Nailah knew how it felt to be alone in the world, just like Shye had said, so she couldn't help but let out a warm and kind smile towards her. [color=C86050]"You know... There are wounds that no healing magic nor any medicine can heal... Wounds that afflict not the body, but the heart."[/color] Nailah said, with a calm, comforting voice. Hearing her speaking like that, without teasing anyone or without a smirk on her face was indeed unusual, but it wasn't bad. [color=C86050]"People nowadays are getting more and more distant from each other. Kind eyes and warm smiles are difficult to find. People don't hug each other, show their affection anymore and aren't honest with their own feelings and desires... As such, these wounds are often overlooked despite being so painful and agonizing..."[/color] Nailah said, walking towards Shye. [color=C86050]"We descended are not golems without feelings. We were made to love and be loved. We have desires, we crave for physical contact we want to be pampered and have people whom we can count on and take care of us. To ignore our own feelings, our own desires is what create those wounds... As well as not receiving love. That is what we from the Temple of the Fallen Goddess believe."[/color] She said, with a kind smile. [color=C86050]"Love, affection and pleasure are sacred things. Things that are part of ourselves. We shouldn't simply deny or demonize them like some religions do. They are not 'evil' at all! Love and pleasure aren't things that need to be hidden or things to be ashamed of."[/color] she continued. [color=C86050]"Don't think too much about accepting or not our offer, Shye. It is fine to depend on others and be protected by others from time to time. Nobody should be alone in this world. I don't know exactly what you've been through, but I know a wounded heart when I see one."[/color] Nailah continued, gently embracing Shye. [color=C86050]"If you want to come with us, you are welcome to do so. Well... I don't know if I have any authority to say that since I'm not officially part of the Alliance, but..."[/color] Nailah finished as she continued gently embracing her. Despite her being naked, she wasn't teasing her like she did with Lynn. It was a warm and gentle embrace. It was the embrace that a mother would give to her child, filled with love and affection. Shye watched as Nailah approached listening to her words. Shye didn't know what to say about such a thing, and when Nailah embraced her, a chill ran down her spine causing goosebumps across her pale skin, despite Nailah's natural warmth. Her body had tensed for a moment, as if by normal reaction it was preparing for something to happen, but quickly she relaxed as she knew she was safe here. Shye started to tear up a bit, letting Nailah embrace her she leaned forward into her, resting her head on her shoulder as the tears started to roll down her cheek. This whole feeling was unusual to her. From how she was treated to even the simple yet powerful feeling of someone embracing you for comfort. It was much unlike the spur of the moment joy when she could speak, and even more so than any of the times she had used herself in an act to get closer to a target. This was real. She wasn't really in a position to return the hug, but to let herself be embraced by Nailah as she quietly weapt on her shoulder. Sadness? Joy? maybe a bit of both. The worth of someone that genuinely cared mixed with something in her that wondered why this was something she never had before. Nailah, as she embraced Shye, would notice something peculiar about her. Normally hidden behind her clothes or her hair, she could feel long welts that went across her back. Something that marked more people as slaves than any collar, the marks left behind from a dreadful whip. Tali liked the emotional scene, but with Lynn so close and distracted, her mischievous side bubbled up. Again, probably about to massively embarass Lynn, Tali slipped under the water and suddenly pulled the other woman under the water. Once below the surface, Tali gave her no mercy and planted another kiss on her lips, giving her a warm but obviously impish smile. That quick pull and kiss lasted but a moment and the Tyro/Lassa woman darted away a bit, the air from her lungs causing bubbles to stream from her mouth and nose. She let herself sink to the botton and sat, watching Lynn intently for her reaction. Lynn gave a short outcry that was quickly muffled as she was taken under the water. She soon saw the form of Tali over her as she brought her close, [color=7FFFD4]"W-wait-!"[/color] Too late, she got in another surprise kiss and swam away before she could react. Lynn's eyes once again went wide in shock, wondering what in the world brought this about, and for a second time. She knew it made her uncomfortable. so why did she keep doing it? Did Tali enjoy messing with her that way? Was this a sign of something more? It was all quite confusing. Even when she would see people flirt every now and then, it was never anything like this. Nobody just ran around kissing people like that....did they? Lynn shook her head to clear her mind, recovering a lot faster this time. [color=7FFFD4]"W-what was that for?"[/color] she asked a little flustered, still under the water, her tail curling around her. "Chirp... Chirp..." Aste's pet valavin had let out its distinct chirp as Shye woke up, before flying off to his owner's shoulders, Aste. Aste couldn't make out of the entire situation, but it seemed the lady of the red hair is well-liked. That dragon pet was behaving well it seemed to her, not that it matters alot, but the baths seemed lively ay. At that moment, her left eyebrow twitched. All that is important now is to get a warm baths and a good night's sleep. [i]The hugger's group...[/i] She hoped that she couldn't get into that part of the alliance activities. The notion of the fallen temple goddess was quite an interesting thing that she would hear. And it was as close as what she read from the books. She wouldn't want to know what the huggers are doing under water. Perhaps she should ask the boys instead, they don't seem as.... playful as the girls. "That alliance of yours, actually I'm on a journey to study on Ancient Magics, so mind if I tag along?" Reluctantly, Aste asked the question to the huggers of the baths. Nailah felt Shye's body and muscles tensing up for a second, almost as if she was preparing for something to happen, but a second later, tears started flooding her eyes as she leaned forward, finally accepting Nailah's embrace, starting to cry. It was almost like a scared, abandoned puppy. She was wounded, exhausted, extremely wary of others and never received any type of love and attention before. When Shye accepted Nailah's hug, she couldn't help but let out a sweet smile as she hugged her a bit tighter, letting her cry. As she hugged Shye though, her hands felt the scars on Shye's back. Immediately upon feeling them, Nailah immediately knew what made those scars. Feeling them in her hand made Nailah remember of the time she was treated as nothing more but a beast on the Fotian Arenas. The only reason why her skin was smooth and had not even a single scar was because she was considered too dangerous to be provoked back in the arenas. Thinking a bit more about it, she was exactly like Shye. An abandoned, wild animal. But while Nailah and Shye were in the middle of a delicate moment, Tali didn't seem to mind that. With the corner of her eyes, she saw when Tali got underwater and suddenly pulled the poor, surprised Lynn with her. Without stopping hugging Shye, Nailah closed her eyes and mentally sighed after what Tali did. She would have to talk with her about teasing Lynn too much. She was way too pure and innocent for that and if she continued, she would obviously make Lynn confused. Nailah didn't have any idea that what happened underwater on that brief moment after Tali pulled Lynn was way worse than she had just imagined though. Aste, who was obviously a bit confused with what was happening, suddenly asked if it was fine for her to tag along with the Alliance after being quiet for a moment. [color=C86050]"I don't see why not. But again... I'm not exactly part of the Alliance..."[/color] Nailah whispered, turning her head to Aste, while being careful to not make it so Shye wouldn't feel uncomfortable and close herself again. [color=C86050]"I would be careful with some of the members though..."[/color] Nailah said, making clear that she obviously didn't trust a few of the other members. Shye calmed down after a moment, gathering herself. She took a deep breathe as she lifted herself from Nailah's shoulder, shuddering a bit. She wiped her tears from her eyes before looking up to Nailah, straightening up a bit as she sat tall and proper, how she was always taught. Even still, she was shorter than Nailah and had to look up to her. [color=DC143C]"Thank you...all of you. Your alliance, official members or not, have done more for me than anyone ever has before, and have helped me more than you could ever imagine. I will accompany all of you... if you will have me, i would like to repay this kindness."[/color] she said with a weak yet earnest smile, tears still trying to form. [color=DC143C]"I guess... I should probably be getting dressed."[/color] She stated, looking away a bit and pushing her hair behind her ear again. Tali swam around Lynn, coming up from behind and wrapping her arms around the Lassa girl. "It was because I wanted to. Like I said before, dear Lynn, you are very kissable and huggable. So, if you don't want me to occasinoally kiss you or hug you, let me know. Otherwise, it'll probably happen." Her hug was very much a comforting one. She knew it took the girl by surprise, at least momentarily despite her tending to enjoy it, but she also wanted Lynn to know she wasn't doing it just to be mean or anything. She looked over in time to see Shye getting ready to get up and leave. "Shye, feel free to come with us. I have a spare bedroll if you need one. We will get that collar off yet." [i]So that white haired girl wasn't also part of the alliance? [/i]Aste thought. That Garret seemed to be the leader of the whole Alliance thing, from what is seen from the previous encounter with the merchants’ guild. There that she felt that the baths is long enough for her, and that she should be packing up and getting to her rooms, but before that, she had to ask the 'leader' Garret Everrard herself. Stepping out of the baths, Aste wiped her drenched skin with her bath towel, not before changing into her fresh set of gray robes. Placing her pet swallow back into the cage, Aste headed out for the main taverns. Nailah smiled kindly to Shye, seeing the tears rolling down her face as she thanked for their kindness. It was good seeing that she who was so closed, so reserved was finally opening herself and accepting their kindness. [color=C86050]"Don't worry, Shye. You're not alone anymore. Don't forget that."[/color] Nailah said, with a kind smile to Shye before she turned away to dress herself and get out of the bath. When Shye was already getting ready to leave, Tali and Lynn finally got out of the water as Tali said that she had a spare bedroll, welcoming Shye too. [color=C86050]"Oh, so you're finally done, Tali?"[/color] Nailah asked, putting her hands on her waist, not really aware of what had happened underwater but simply assuming Tali had played a prank on Lynn. The white haired girl with the pet swallow also was getting ready to leave the bath seeing how she was putting her pet back in the cage. [color=C86050]"Anyways... Tali, Lynn is really innocent and pure... You shouldn't provoke her that much..."[/color] Nailah said, scolding Tali. Due to her tone of voice and her expression though, she was probably not aware of what had happened underwater, otherwise she would scold Tali a bit more fiercely than just giving her an advice as she was doing right not. [color=C86050]"Hnnng~ I think we should probably leave too, right girls? It's been a really relaxing bath, i really needed it~"[/color] Nailah said, stretching herself as she got out of the water, looking to Lynn and Tali, waiting for them. Lynn climbed out from the bath and put the rest of her clothes an gear back on, thinking about what Tali said. Her face was still quite red and she got dressed in silence of that was any indicator to Nailah of what may have happened. She sighed slightly, not sure if she was flustered about the sudden act or warmed by her compliment. Maybe next time she should try to keep herself together and return the compliment? She wasn't sure. She started to wonder if Tali was trying to hint if she [i]liked[/i] her or not or just teasing. And if so, why her? Nailah seemed to be quite beautiful, and they seem to get along well too. Why didn't she seem to go for her as much? Lynn shook her head slightly then looked up with her usual smile ready to go as her staff floated over to her from the corner of the room, following her out as she left the bath with the rest of the girls. Shye nodded Tali at her offer,[color=DC143C] "T-thank you, I appreciate it."[/color] she said softly, [color=DC143C]"If you will excuse me."[/color] She picked up her other towel and went to the small room she changed in, Nix perking up from where she was playing with the servitor and scampering off to follow her in. She stayed in for a moment pondering what had happened, and even reached up and touched her collar. It was almost like she could feel the barrier Aste placed on it. Could they really remove it....for good? She breathed deep, calming herself so she wasn't still teary when she came out. Although this time in the bath comforted her quite a lot, the same thoughts and feelings slowly came back as she worried about Bidzil, hoping Aeden might make it in time. She knew it was improbable, but she had to keep that small bit of hope inside to keep her losing herself. She got dressed, put on her gauntlets and greaves and stepped out from the changing room, noticing the girls were about out of the room as well. She then started to follow behind them to go wait in the tavern. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/501076833073233922/518205227367792651/cup-and-talon.regular.png[/img] The long flowing cloak of this mysterious figure began to recede as if an illusion was being lifted from the eyes of those before him. He stretched his left arm out to his side, over his sheathed blade attached to the hip. The cloak he wore wound up around his arm, contorting into a new form. A simple yet elegant cloth that draped over his shoulder. It had the symbol of an all seeing eye, a staple in the royal families of Nero. Not that the commoners of the alliance would know. Wounding up his cloak revealed his face and attire. He was scarred and blind in his right eye, or see it seemed, from previous battles. He wore elegant clothes with black gauntlets and boots. His sword by his side resonated with a dark enchanted aura. "Hello." He placed a hand on his chest, his gauntlets were like claws and he was steady able to avoid them without worry. Bowing gently before continuing. "I am Algimar. I was told the alliance was gathering here." He looked to Allard with a pleased smirk. Observing the few others inside. He noticed one who sported a Halo and reeked of a Seraphim. "I was tasked by the rulers of Nero to join this alliance. As a representative member for Nero's interests." Aeden let out a thoughtful sound as he got into a thinking posture in his seat. Nero sent a representative. Of course they would. Aligmar appeared to have had his fair share of battles considering the scars on his face. From what he understood, few nobility among the Nero would let themselves have such scars. So, the odds were he was a warrior. [color=ffd700]"Well, you have found the alliance although the majority of our membership are currently wrapping up their own errands."[/color] Aeden stood up and extended a hand to Aligmar for a handshake. His expression neutral and evaluating everything he could. [color=ffd700]"I am Aeden. You have a look of a warrior."[/color] A cold read appeared to be the best approach to evaluate the newcomer. [color=9ACD32]"Well then, welcome ta tha Alliance! I am Adelhard Baldewin, you can call me Allard,"[/color] he greeted himself with a hearty smile after Aeden, standing up from his table, his size now towering above Algimar. His posture however wasn't very threatening, moreso just proud. [color=9ACD32]"You caught us at a good time. We should be leaving in a little while, as soon as everyone gathers an' organizes o'coarse."[/color] Dremmick was steadily reading his book, but something about the man triggered a warning in his mind. He remembered Nero royals tended to be the main contractors of missions that require, well...[i]a fatal touch[/i], and if not, it was a fetch mission for fresh blodd to toss down their gullet. Even if this man didn't do such things, in fact his visage almost made it seem like he himself was a fighter, he would still most likely know of people who do. While there are plenty of royal families, they would all at least know about each other fairly well. Dremmick, unsurprisingly, was not thrilled of this new development. Algimar smiled as best he could as Aeden offered his hand as a new acquaintance. Though his resting scowling expression and scarred lips made his smile visibly a bit of an effort on his part. Though genuine despite. He grasped Aeden's hand, feeling the firmness of his Seraphim grip. Algimar's eyes wandered on their combined grasp for a moment. He did not often feel such a firm hand from a seraphim. "I see. It's a pity the others aren't here. But I am a patient man." Algimar watched as those who were in the alliance came to greet him. He was partly taken surprise by Allard. Rising to his full height before him and welcoming him. "I suppose you are Gaia's representative." He gave Allard a gentle bow. "May your Queen live on." He said with respect. Though Allard reeked of battle he did not seem like much other than another Gaian enjoying his day within his home town. Aeden considered the firm grip of Algimar as he stepped back after the shake. The smile he gave seemed genuine enough although it was clear the man was not used to doing such a thing. Considering his own experiences with Nero in the past that did not surprise Aeden. His response to Allard told him that the newcomer at least made the effort to appear to have honor and respect. Aeden did little to hide his wariness. He had not survived as long as he had without having a healthy dose of paranoia. There were few places in this world that Aeden felt safe in, and now that the Dolofon proved they could be anywhere almost completely undetected those safe places were even rarer. Nyph glanced up at Aeden and then to Algimar. He had his own caution toward citizens of Nero since they were the ones that captured him all those years ago. Still, he had come across several over that time that were good people, so he was open to making a new friend. [color=yellow][i]"Hi! I'm Nyph! Nice to meet you, Algimar!"[/i][/color] [color=9ACD32]"I guess I am,"[/color] Allard chuckled at Algimar referring to him as Gaia's representative, [color=9ACD32]"Though I would be much more comfortable if I just represented m'self if I were ta be honest with ya."[/color] He gave a short bow when Algimar gave his respects to the queen. [color=9ACD32]"Ya missed quite a bit of excitement last night. Crazed beasts in tha forest and a strange man using plants ta attack tha town. Not ta mention a scuffle with one o' them Taxis big shots apparently."[/color] he said glancing to Dremmick, who only glanced up for a second in return before continuing with his book. [color=9ACD32]"Wasn't there ta catch the details in that, but considrin' that nothin' else came from it, I'd wager it it was settled."[/color] "Hello there." Algimar said to the little dragon. Looking down at him with a uncertain expression. "It is nice to meet you as well. I am certainly aware of how good conversationalists some dragons are." He gently smiled. "I look forward to your chimes." He looked to Allard who was mentioning the various battles that took place in the town. He shot Allard a bit of a cold glare before returning to a calm emotionless canvas. "It is known that Nuxta's worshippers are beginning to appear all over, including various... effects.. of his curse. In fact last night the capital of Nero was attacked by a Dragon, a powerful one. Likely sent by Nuxta." He looked down a bit, a bit of scorn etching into his eyes. "There's an attack on just about every town at night. Been that way for the last two days since Nuxta attacked Vrondi." [the girls now start to arrive from the bath] Allard's eyebrow rose at the man's glare. [color=9ACD32]"Well can't say we have had anything that intense. A dragon with tha strength to attack the capitol city of Nero, eh? Nuxta has the whole world in chaos it would seem. I'm sorry to hear that."[/color] Allard responded, his countenance becoming a little less jovial and more serious. When the girls walked in, his smile seemed to come back upon seeing Nailah. [color=9ACD32]"Well, it seems most the rest were hidin' in tha baths!"[/color] he laughed. News of the capitol city of Nero caught Dremmick's attention. He closed his book as he sat back in his chair to listen to what else Algimar would say, but it seems that they were interrupted by the women who just came into the room. Dremmick had about the same thought as Allard. What kind of dragon had the power to attack the capitol city? Surely Nuxta didn't have followers that powerful....[i]or did he[/i]? He would need to get more information about this later. Maybe Sophia may know more about it. A dragon that powerful would have to have been around a while, she must have heard something. Shye's arms were insecurely folded in front of her as she followed behind the others as she walked into the tavern. She saw Dremmick, which didn't quite set right with her. Allard seemed busy talking to someone she couldn't see past his large frame. But the n her heart skipped a beat when she saw Aeden here as well. Wait..why was he here!? Had he not left yet? Did something go wrong and he had to come back? Was Bidzil safe...or.... [color=DC143C]"A-Aeden?"[/color] Her voice called out to him, though quiet like the soft tinkling of a bell. Her face looked confused and worried as she met his eyes, her heart started to race at all the things his being hear could mean, none of them could possibly be good, could it? Aeden felt a chill of nervousness run down his spine as he heard Shye's voice behind him. He wondered exactly how she was feeling about him having returned so quickly after his mission. Then he imagined how it would feel for her to know of his success. He faced her with a calm smile on his face. [color=ffd700]"Hello,"[/color] Aeden greeted her as he approached her stopping just within reach. [color=ffd700]"I'm back sooner than expected. I fulfilled my promise to save him. Those bastards are going to think twice before they try to pull off that stunt again."[/color] He took a breath to watch her reaction. He felt gratitude towards her. He had been living in doubt over the Aion's cause for at least a year. He had started taking them for granted and possibly would have left them before long. She had revitalized his reason why. She had saved him from his own doubt. He would remember that for as long as he could. Shye had an awkward mixed feeling. On one hand, her very soul felt like it wanted to soar the skies in elation, but on the other, something in her mind cried foul. She was obviously confused by Aeden's sudden return, and given her point of view, she never saw him leave, and he was already back. She trusted leaving her son in sunfire because of the Aion presence there, though she still doesn't know that the orphanage was their base itself, but she had always thought that if anyone could protect him when needed, they could. But he couldn't possibly be playing at such a cruel joke, could he? This man bore the armor of the Aion, he wouldn't lie about this, right? Learning to trust in others was another thing that Shye hadn't had the pleasure of doing before. Shakily she took a step forward, looking to Nyph as if to see an answer and then back to Aeden. Shye needed to see it in his eyes, [color=DC143C]"S-so...Bidzil...is he...."[/color] she left as an open question waiting to hear it from Aden himself, her emotions starting to take ahold again. Aeden noticed Shye's hesitation immediately. Before he could answer Nyph piped up. [color=yellow][i]"It was super scary! There was a dark shadow thing in his room and Aeden got hit and turned frenzied! We saved him though."[/i][/color] Aeden cleared his throat to interrupt Nyph. [color=ffd700]"The Merchant's Stores had scrolls of Home Traveling and that's how we were able to do this so fast."[/color] He placed a hand gently on her shoulder. [color=ffd700]"We went together and were fortunate enough to break the portal they used to bypass Sunfire's detection. All that's left to do is to free you. I promise that as soon as we can make it back to Sunfire that collar will be removed."[/color] His eyes stared into Shye's with the fervor of his reignited passion. [color=ffd700]"I'd also like to say thank you,"[/color] Aeden said meaningfully. [color=ffd700]"You reminded me of the reason why I am committed to the Aion. The children. I've spent the last eighteen years working at the Sunfire Orphanage. It was at first to help me learn how to be a part of society after being a slave for so long, but those children matter far more to me than I had thought before today. So, thank you, Shye for reminding me of my purpose."[/color] With that he embraced her. Though he initially went to embrace her, he would be a little too late as she rushed in to hold him, probably nearly knocking him off balance. She cried out joyously even with the tears running down her face. She was smiling wide even though her eyes were shut from her tears of joy. She couldn't find any words to say for all the thanks she wanted to give them. The love and kindness shown to her in the past few days was almost to much to take in. But this, This was the most important thing of all. While she still had the collar on, her son's safety was what she had always feared for ever since he was conceived. Now, he could truly be safe, able to hopefully life some sort of normal life unlike the turmoil she had to live in so far. And as for Shye, with her collar currently weakened, and her child safe, she could finally be free, something she never imagined in her wildest dreams would ever come true. She couldn't help it, but when Shye looked up again, she pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Call it the heat of the moment, but if anyone was looking to find a place in Shye's heart, Aeden definitely found it. Tali took her scolding in good humor, leaning in close to Nailah and giving her a peck on the lips. "You are cute when you get all motherly over Lynn. Please, understand that I will not harm her and I will respect her boundaries, once she lets me know of them." She stepped over to her clothes as the others began to get ready to leave and slipped back into her garb, forgoing both the gloves and headdress, leaving her white horn and hair free to see, cascading down her back, forming nearly a cloak of slightly wavy strands. She followed the other girls out, walking into the main room, easily seen adjusting the clothing around her bosom as she hadn't perfectly set it in her hurry to keep up with everyone. She then looked around, seeing Aeden and Shye in a hug. Tali smiled, thinking things probably went well between them. Aeden was startled as Shye beat him to the punch with the embrace and doubly shocked him when she pulled him in for a kiss. He should have considered it as a possibility. He still remembered his time as a breeder for the Therosi. It was a terrible experience. Upon his rescue and his joining the Aion he swore off any intimacy as a result of the experience. However, this was not unpleasant. Ultimately, Aeden felt a strong mix of feelings he had no idea what to do with. Even so, he knew for certain he did not want to play with her feelings. After a few moments in the kiss, Aeden slowly pulled away. He cupped her cheek with a hand. [color=ffd700]”I appreciate your feelings, Shye. I am not certain about my own.”[/color] He paused considering just how much effort he had placed into protecting her son and setting up her freedom. Was that just duty or perhaps something else? [color=ffd700]”After all I’ve done, I can say I do like you. I don’t want to commit half-heartedly.”[/color] Shye first had a look of confusion as the moment seemed to stop, but it was very quickly replaced with that of embarrassment. Her hands came up and held his hand for a moment before letting go. Her eyes went downcast to the floor as her face became flushed. [color=DC143C]"I'm sorry, I-I got carried away,"[/color] she replied. "Thank you," she then continued with a small bow, becoming more formal. [color=DC143C]"I'm not sure how long I could have carried on if I lost him. I wish that I may one day make up for all the troubles and danger I have placed on you and the rest of the alliance. If I am able, even after we return to Sunfire and I am free of this collar. I would like to join the alliance as well."[/color] Algimar watched the others file in. This alliance was larger than initially seen. Other groups poured into their ranks in order to influence this alliance. Despite this everyone here seemed to be enjoying themselves and each others company. For the most part. Over hearing Aeden and Shye he found out she actually was not a part of this group. She also had a collar. One that was given to her through Nero related means. He silently listened as he kept his attention with the others. "Hello there everyone. I am Algimar Trudian. I am a direct representative from Nero here to aid you on your journey. I hope to be of use." He gently lowered his head in a bow. Nailah did notice that Lynn was acting a bit strange as she got out of the water, but she didn't think much of it as it was probably due to Tali's prank. Tali in the other hand, took the scolding she had just given her in good humor, going as far as stealing a small kiss from Nailah. Nailah couldn't help but let out a giggle, shaking her head in front of the irredeemable prankster that Tali was. [color=C86050]"Just don't be too forceful. The girl is still really innocent and naïve regarding certain things..."[/color] Nailah mentioned. [color=C86050]"If you want to play with someone, why don't play with me instead?"[/color] Nailah replied, with a teasing smirk towards Tali as she walked towards the room where she had left her clothes. While putting on her clothes, she did caught a glimpse of Shye trying to calm herself down, but instead of saying anything, she thought it would be better to give her a few moments for her to put her thoughts in order. After all, receiving so much attention surely was something new for her. But Shye apparently wouldn't have that much of a moment for herself, as the second she entered the tavern, her eyes met with Aeden. While Nailah didn't knew exactly what were the circumstances between both, it was clear that whatever it was that was making Shye nervous had apparently been dealt with. As she wrapped her arms around Aeden and kissing him in a bit more intimate moment, Nailah couldn't help but let out a discreet giggle as she passed by without interrupting Shye. For Shye, someone who had suffered so much in her life, love was definitely something she needed. Seeing that Tali had the same smirk she had on her face, Nailah turned to her, with a sweet smile. [color=C86050]"It would be better to not interrupt them, right?"[/color] Nailah whispered. It was clear by her voice and expression that she was indeed glad that Shye found someone for her. Turning her attention to the others who were in the tavern, her eyes wandered to where Allard was. He was talking with a strange, but undeniably attractive new guy. The second she looked to him, a mischievous smirk appeared on her face. [color=C86050]"Oh, believe-me, I was needing a good bath!"[/color] Nailah replied as she heard Allard mentioning her and the other girls. [color=C86050]"It was indeed a fun bath, wasn't it Tali?"[/color] Nailah asked, with the same mischievous smirk on her face as she let out a giggle. Walking towards the new guy, she stopped only a few centimeters away from him as she walked around him inspecting him curiously, almost like a cat. [color=C86050]"Algimar... It's a pleasure to meet you."[/color] Nailah said, stopping in front of him, her face a few centimeters away from his own, a bit too close than one would normally feel comfortable with. Judging by the characteristic smirk on her face, she obviously intrigued by his appearance. Clearly not in the bad way though. [color=C86050]"I hope I can get to know you better! Welcome to the Alliance."[/color] Nailah said with a wink, giving a few steps back. [color=C86050]"So big guy, where are we going now? I feel like a new woman after that bath. I don't have a problem with cold water, but it would be nice if every town had one of those..."[/color] Nailah said, remembering the times she had to use a river or the cold water of a small tavern to take a bath. Garrett, now a little less for wear decided it was high time to shirk the relaxation in his room at the inn, remaining complacent for some time staring out the window watching life go by as he makes great attempts to break the intrusive, harshening thoughts as to who he is and what he hungers for. He stands, pulling off anything belonging to the inn, and prepares his outfit for proper, public presentation, the blood forged plates that clung to his body simulating a type of black carapace or exoskeleton of a bug, protecting his arms, legs, and vital points atop his now-utilized chestless leotard which was to be a base for the protective gear he was to wear atop it. It was a new look, and not an unwelcome one, the armor he wore was for functionality over style, and now he had functionality of protection without armor, which was exactly what saves him from being the stoic zombie the taxis and Vrondian nobles abhorred. He decided is was high time a little recognition was in order, swishing a blood-forged, spiky, patterned set of plates to form a large, blackened tail with bright red grooves pulsing with the redder hue, to symbolize a more, primal appearance. With an exhale of relief, this visit more of a baptism to a newer, [i]Blighted[/i], individual, a separate cover for the same book. He strode over to the exit of his inn-room, opening the door, stepping through, and shutting it firmly behind him. With a soft grin on his face, he stepped through the halls leading to the other rooms until he returned to a staircase which lead to the main inn area, he would descend these, reaching the bottom, and calling out with a firm, reverberating voice. "[color=a0410d][b]Alliance.[/b] To me. We are departing momentarily. Regroup for the plan of action.[/color]" With this said, he would return to the wonderfully carved table, where he would stand beside in wait. The others entering this inn did take in a bit of observation from Algimar. He was expecting more soldiers. Yet his eyes beheld charitable beauties, their grace in their cleaned forms and revealing attire. A contrast to Nero's well clothed populace. Even walking among the Gaians in this town he did not witness such a lax in attire. He certainly was in the world now. He looked a bit cautiously asNailah approached him. He did not falter in her presence, nor did he strike a smile to encourage her further. "It is a pleasure to meet you." He finally did smile,smiling as if nothing had happened. He was clearly solid under pressure. Algimar then turned to see Garrett making his way down the large Gaian staircase and stop at a carved table. "I suppose this is your chosen pathfinder." He uttered aloud to no one in particular. He approached the table. "It's a welcomed sight to see such a diverse attendance. I am Algimar. I am sent by Nero to aid your mission." He raised a hand and his words, though covering his mouth, rang into Blight's ears and his alone. "Purifying the land is one objective. But I am aware of finding the hammer within the mountains nearest Wyvern territory." He said this in secret, in case others were not aware of the alliance's true mission. Allard nodded to the girls as they arrived and gave them a smile. If Allard was honest with himself, something in him stirred when he saw Nailah flirting with Algimar. Allard's brow furrowed a bit without his noticing, but before he could quite dwell on the feeling, he heard Garrett's voice from the stairs as he announced himself and for them to group together before they left. All sighed before taking a seat himself. He looked to Nailah when she asked where they were going now. He coming back to talk with him seemed to instantly dispell whatever feeling took root before. His smile returned to him as he started to reply, [color=9ACD32]"Ta tha mountains I believe, wyvern territory if I remember correctly."[/color] When she mentioned how the bath made her feel her smirked, [color=9ACD32]"If I had know that was where you were headed, I may have made a detour,"[/color] he heartily chuckled. Dremmick stayed where he was. He was within earshot, so he didn't see why he needed to move, though he did close his book, storing it before looking over to see what Garrett was wawnting to say. He had seen Shye and Aeden embrace. He trusted what Mason had to say about her, so he let his grudge go, seeing how even a veteran Aion member could trust her. Shye was a little beside herself at the moment, a tad embarrassed with herself. Nix, however, was quick to fly in and land on her shoulder, chirping at her and nudging Shye's cheek. She reached up and pet her a bit, then gave her a scratch under then neck, making Nix's back foot twitch a bit. Shye found her own seat and neatly sat down, awaiting what was to be said. Lynn made herself comfortable in another chair, her staff floating over to her and resting against the table. She was small enough in the large seats to sit cross legged with her arms in her lap, the sleeve covering most of her legs and her tail slowly saying back and forth. The bath had done a lot to perk her up for the day and the sun gave her plenty of energy. She sat in a spot that left enough room for Nailah and Tali should they wish to join her. Tali's good time watching and listening to the relatively light mood of the inn's lobby was quickly broken as Garrett walked by and practically barked an order at the group. Her expression said it all. Garrett was failing so badly that even the more diplomatic and carefree one of the group was both unimpressed and not in the least respecting his attempt at authority. Due to her obviously soured mood and the rather sinister glare she gave the man, she opted not to sit by Lynn. Tali hopped up onto the stair railing and watched from above. "You keep acting like someone that leads us. You do not. We do not need what looks like a serial killer playing at being a soldier trying to lead us like some pompous fool. You have done absolutely nothing to garner respect from the group and have made not one, but two, horrible impressions. I am normally very tolerant of people, but you are perhaps one of the few that will not make that list if you do not shape up and act more amiable." Having said her piece, she glanced at the group as a whole. It seemed out of character for her to make such biting remarks, but she was far from tolerant for people trying to force themselves to be the rulers. Aste walked out of the door to the Tavern. Her pet swallow is more well behaved behind the bird cage. She straightened the curls of her grey cloak once exiting the baths. [i]Another alliance gathering,[/i] she thought. There is a man that she doesn't recognise. One that he calls himself Algimar. Now to talk about men... she almost forgot to ask on that leader, that garret. Aste approached the same brown table, in her smooth gliding steps. Tali and that Garret doesn’t seem to get along somehow. Regardless of so, Aste would just say what she needed to say. Whether that guy is really a leader or not is for her to find out. “Greetings, Sir Garret,” Aste almost choked back her regretful breath when she got herself into addressing him formally. “I want to join the Alliance, name’s Aste.” She tried making herself sound more calm and composed like she usually does. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/501076833073233922/530514354366578727/lancaster-castle.regular.png[/img] Mason stared at Lucius with confused scowl; clearly taken aback by the Noble's sudden passive-aggressive demeanor. [color=darkorange]"Don't worry sir Lucius, we're making the last of our preparations to move out now. Surely you wouldn't want an operation of such high importance to be rushed, and consequently fail; would you?"[/color] he responded with a raised brow as Lucius and his knights walked away. With a shrug and a sigh, Mason entered the Taxis HQ, continuing his search for Amaiah. Mason would find her within the previous room him and Dremmick had entered. Though now he was allowed swift entry due to his recognizable figure. Amaiah turned to see who the door opened for. Seeing Mason she gave him a friendly smile. "I see your group haven't gone yet. Is there something else you need?" [color=darkorange]"Actually, yes. There is."[/color] Mason said with a smile, [color=darkorange]"After seeing you work earlier, I decided to try taking up alchemy myself to better support my friends as my magic is a bit..... Unstable. I was wondering if you had any equipment you could spare a novice like myself just getting into alchemy. Unfortunately however, I happened to spend what money I HAD on new equipment, and my new book, so I was thinking I could collect reagents and such for you while we're in the mountains. Would that work for you?"[/color] "Hmm.." She went. Not directly to Mason but to the room itself. As if it had the answer. "I know your mission is to heal the lands. But I do need a few things to improve the elixir. Here's a list. You can take what extra supplies you need as long as you fulfill this list." [color=darkorange]"Thank you Ms. Amaiah, I'll be sure to get these reagents for you!"[/color] Mason said with a warm grin as he accepted the list. Quickly gathering the supplies listed in his book, the young Aion then left the Alchemist to continue her life-saving work in peace, heading to the inn to see if the others were ready to head out.