The morning had been an ordinary September 1 morning for James Dalton. He groggily pulled himself out of bed between 7:00 and 7:30 AM and got dressed. He chose to dress in his school uniform rather than change into his uniform on the train like he normally did this time. He would have to meet with the other prefects as soon as the train left, and then patrol the train, so it would just be so much easier to be dressed in his uniform with his shiny new prefect badge from the get-go. Once he was dressed, he hauled his luggage downstairs and set it by the front door before heading into the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast before his parents took him to King's Cross station in London. As usual, Platform 9 3/4 was a bustle of activity as parents said good bye to their children and students boarded the train to begin their journey to Hogwarts, whether it be their first year, their seventh, or somewhere in between like James, in his fifth year at the magical school. James said good bye to both his parents, gave each a hug, then boarded the train. There were still about fifteen minutes left before the train left, giving James plenty of time to board the train and carry his luggage into the prefects' compartment. He sat down and nodded at his fellow prefects, not recognizing any of the ones that were here yet. His fellow Gryffindor prefect wasn't here yet - he wasn't even sure who she was - and the others were not ones he was familiar with either.