[center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/amkvj2gkf/image.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=springgreen]“Answers? You have eyes, don’t you. Look around and find your answers there.”[/color] Touka went back to her lunch. She wasn’t going to entertain the notion of conversing with an idiotic light girl. Clearly there was no one injured, student or Magical Girl. Yet. She didn’t need to answer Allegra’s equally stupid final question because Ayumu gave her the truth. Touka raised an eye to hear she had encountered this light girl earlier but didn’t pay it much mind. [color=springgreen]“Is that right.”[/color] Hearing Ayumu’s explanation, Touka turned her piercing stare right back onto the light girl. [color=springgreen]“Well, you seem like you have half a head on your shoulders. You’re a smart girl, right? Smart enough to know you shouldn’t be poking wild animals set loose.”[/color] Touka grinned, baring shark-like teeth before Allegra. [color=springgreen]“Or you can decide to side with us. We’re much friendlier than the crowd you’re running with.”[/color] As she spoke, there was a sudden surge of negativity that passed through the entire classroom. To the ordinary student, it was only a quick wave of rising heat, assuming they had no demons of their own. To the Magical Girls, especially the dark ones, it was indication of Ami’s power fluctuating. For Touka, it pulsed right above her and she snapped her gaze at the ceiling. [color=springgreen]“Tch. Holy bitch,”[/color] she spat, zeroing in on Aegis. Another surge of hatred sparked and wafted over, snaking to Chie’s location. The only reason she didn’t get up right then and there was because she sensed another dark presence in the school. Even the Mascot noticed it, a red fat [color=ed1c24][b]<.