[h2]Mordred[/h2] “So you really knew about Father. I had a hunch that — if she had to tell anyone — it would be you and maybe Bedi. Seeing the way you talk about her is enough to confirm it,” Mordred said in an easygoing way. Maybe the fact that she and Lancelot were talking while holding swords would feel strange for anyone else looking, but it was only natural for a knight to do so. “Anyway, Father aside, I think I shouldn’t be that surprised to see you guys around. If I remember something that my former Master told well enough, we are pretty Premium Picks when it comes to Servants,” the blonde knight’s voice was high with pride, and an uncharacteristic good kind of longing, as spoke about her previous Master and the last time that she recalled being part of a Holy Grail War. “Since Father allowed herself to be summoned. I imagine that, other than you-know-who, everyone else will eventually be here. In fact, this perfect chance to let them know the truth about who the Great Mordred truly is, with style! Though, I feel bad for anyone who ends up summoning Tristan; they are going to be in for a long ride,” Mordred finished her declaration by flashing out her best grin while being surprisingly considerate enough to avoid talking about Galahad in front of Lancelot. “By the way, this is my new Master, Kobayashi Seria. Don’t go trying to charm her, alright?” the blonde said as she put a hand on the shoulder of the redheaded girl that managed to be even smaller than Mordred herself. [h2]Hinami Asakura[/h2] “I don’t know what picked your interest, but it sure is nice to have a walk around the city with such a good looking guy,” Hinami said, in a witty tone, as she walked behind Gilgamesh. The fact that he didn’t even bother to lock the door when he left always amused her. Then again, the simple idea of anyone daring to steal from Gilgamesh was like the height of suicidal behavior. If no one, or nothing, else dared to interrupt them it would be just a matter of half an hour of walking before they reached the University.