Penelope followed Crow as he lead the way out of the room. She tried to move as quietly as she could and luckily that seemed to be enough as they were able to slip out of the room. The knight smiled to herself and remained quiet as they exited the inn. Once they were outside, she swept her gaze over the village with a hint of caution. Though they were away from her father, they still had to be cautious about running into any of the local guards. The last thing they needed was either of them being recognized and word of them together getting around. Luckily the area seemed clear and quiet so she relaxed a little. As Crow turned to her, she smirked at his words. "Of course I remember." she mused, thinking back on their first visit to Sarton two years ago. "Feeling a little nostalgic huh?" Penelope looked up at him affectionately and let out a peaceful sigh. "It is strange to think about how much has changed since then... I wasn't even calling you by your name until we visited this place." It brought a hint of amusement to her eyes now as she thought about how much her view of him had changed since then. It had been the first time in this village that she had stopped calling him 'thief' and finally addressed him as Crow. She could even recall the exact spot they had went to before.. As he went on to ask her if she had figured out where he was taking them, she smiled up at him. "I have. The pond from before." she gave his hand a soft squeeze and shifted to walk closer to him. Though it had been two years ago, the route was still vaguely familiar to her and she could still easily recall what the pond had looked like. Reflecting back on it, she remembered that she had snuck out of the room with Crow since she couldn't sleep. "Sneaking out late at night to get away from strict older knights has been our thing before we were even a thing." she said with a soft laugh. The knight looked up at him with a small smirk. "I just hope we don't get attacked by some rebel nobles this time."