[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/i3SjOyT.png?1[/img][/center][hr] Sarathai, on the other hand, was not the slightest bit frustrated with this outcome. The nobles said a bunch of typical melodramatic nobility-themed garbage before doing what nobles did best- dismissing those they saw as being beneath them. It was all he could do to keep his posture professional instead of sagging in relief at their brusque dismissal. Frankly, wasn't their mission ultimately intended to foster good relations between this nation and the Order? From Sarathai's experience, the vast majority of the populace couldn't give a shit about what the nobility was up to, so while saving the King's son would be be a great boon on the upper levels, actually going about to the regular folk helping and healing them would probably be just as good for the Order. Provided they didn't fuck it up, of course. Not trusting himself to speak for fear of making things worse, Sarathai gave a simple salute before he and his companion were being escorted out of the palace. Only when they were well and truly clear of the palace did Sarathai feel safe to let loose that enormous sigh of relief he had been holding back. Before he could try to stammer out some apologies and excuses for portraying himself as her assistant, his partner took the initiative. Fortunately, she didn't seem the least bit furious at his subterfuge, nor did it seem she was irritated with the way he had comported himself before the king and his advisors. "[color=6ecff6]Oh, uhh, my name?[/color]" Sarathai said after she had finished introducing herself, "[color=6ecff6]I'm Sarathai, with no real neat and convenient nickname as of yet. I, er, I sorta don't know much about healing. All I've got is a bit of warding, though I'm sure I can pick it up and make myself useful if you'll have me as an apprentice for real.[/color]" He felt it best to come clean about that bit right from the start, as she would figure it out for herself the moment they actually went to tend to some sick people. For some reason, her name sounded a bit familiar. Unfortunately, couldn't call up the reason why that would be off the top of his head and felt that it might be a bit too awkward to ask her outright if he should know who she was. It would come to him, either by remembering it for himself or by someone else dropping some manner of fancy title to kick-start his memory. [hr]