[quote=@HaleyTheRandom] For a girl, I'm not really.... girl like(?). At least not a stereotypical girl, anyway. My nails break? Okay. There's a bug? Cool. Spider? I end up squishing those for most of my friends. My hair? It's either down or in a ponytail. I know no other style. Crying over a boy? Bitch please. Starbucks? Eh. Spending three years to shop for clothes? Hell no. Someone give me an oversized hoodie and my favorite pair of ripped jeans. Not knowing what to eat? Eh. I know what I want to eat, but you don't want what I want which means I can't have it which means we're getting pizza. [/quote] Hello fellow tomboyish girl. I mean I'll look for clothes if I see anything that looks interesting but that's about it there. I'm not super scared of spiders or bugs. I'm pretty meh over food but will voice an idea. I don't really cry over a boy. I only go to Starbucks for the cookies around X-mas time. My nails break I don't give a shit. My hair is short, curly, and down and I plan to keep it that way.