[color=c4df9b][b]Ettamri Belarence[/b][/color][hr] [color=c4df9b]"Tch."[/color] She was distinctly annoyed now, but that electric feeling of excitement didn't dissipate. It should have died, so why won't it die? It should just lie down and accept its fate. That feeling intensified even more when it was the priest that took the blow and was now in the path of the toad. Had it been just the thief, she would have been content to let him die. [color=c4df9b]"Get off."[/color] Grabbing Ash suddenly, she picked her up from the saddle, and dropped her near the thief, near throwing her into him. Lowering her body, Ettamri finally took out the large greatsword, its well maintained appearance belying its crude make. It was more akin to a large piece of sharpened steel than any well made greatsword, but she had used it long enough to trust in its durability and strength. Feeling her lean lower, Horsey started to gallop, knowing what she wanted him to do. Without the extra weight of another person, the destrier galloped through the plains like speeding demon, carrying the livid knight on it near the rolling toad with seemingly little effort. With her entire strength of arms, she swiped towards the side of the rolling frog, with the strong part of the blade where the impact was strongest.