[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4yZTk5ZmYuVFdWMFpXOXkuMQAA/badaboom-bb.regular.png[/img] [h3][color=dodgerblue]Incognito[/color][/h3][/center] Eve flew through the skies, carefree as always. In her room, she had constant reminders that she was at a dead end job, but here in the sky she could feel her true self basking in the wind. Hell, even her powers seemed to work better when she was this relaxed! They probably didn't, but it still felt fantastic. It was almost a euphoric sensation, driving through the clouds like you were a god amongst men... okay, maybe she kind of was with her flames, but that's not the point! A lot of people had powers, it was just up to them to figure out how they worked. As Eve flew about the city on her way to the post office, she noticed one of her smaller booth roosts atop a smaller building. She used those as a way for her to get around the city quickly while not blowing her secret identity out of the water. They worked by just providing an easy place to change in and out of clothes, and making them wasn't too hard... after making a few arrangements with a friend, anyway. She coated herself in a fireball again before spinning herself about as she plummeted to the booth. The plummet created a smoke screen as she hit the ground, allowing her to slip inside the booth, throw her dress and hoodie on, and slip out before leaping off the building and sliding down a nearby pole. Once at the bottom, the harpy threw on some glasses and walked towards the post office. Checking her phone, she saw it was only five minutes until the place opened. She wasn't too far from it, but still, she had made it with good timing.