Penelope listened as her father explained that their mothers had been friends. At first she was surprised to learn that the two had known each other but as she thought it over more, the less it began to surprise her. That likely explained how John had even known about Albin being Crow's father and why Albin had chosen to send him out of everyone. John had known this information for years but had kept his mouth shut, of course Albin would use him to track down his son. This new information began to to make her feel trapped. It sounded like the gods had already carved out a narrow path for her and Crow since before they had even been born. Was every difficulty they had faced in their life just a way of training them up for these tasks they needed to be complete? Toreus had been generally kind to her, even expressing some fondness. But, perhaps, that fondness was the same kind of fondness a rider would show their horse. The thought sent a shiver down her spine. Perhaps having the favor of the gods also meant being their puppets. As Crow turned to her again, the knight just numbly nodded her head as she felt herself starting to get overwhelmed. The knight suddenly felt trapped. She had once thought the gods didn't meddle in mortal affairs but with that theory broken, it felt like any choice she had made or was going to make was out of her control. Penelope looked over at Crow and frowned slightly as a new thought came to mind. All this time she had thought he was her choice, the one she decided to be with despite what her family and others would think, but was he really? Now it just seemed that the gods had chosen him for her long ago. Perhaps he wasn't her choice. Perhaps, he was theirs. Before she even realized what she was doing, she let go of his hand and shifted away from him slightly. Penelope blinked and looked up at hm before shifting her gaze away. "Sorry.." she mumbled, unsure what else to say. John eyed his daughter for a moment before focusing his gaze ahead towards the inn. "I'll explain more tomorrow...Right now, I think we could all use some rest."