So here is the idea: As you may be aware there are three races in Starcraft who are in combat with one another for universal supremacy, in a nutshell. The idea here is that there is a newly discovered planet with key strategic value so the race is on to capture the planet and claim it for your race's own. The roleplay itself will be extremely low to non-existent. Players will control armies that they will move around the map to defeat their opponents when they meet in the same square of the map. When two armies meet the players send me, the moderator, their strategy for attacking. I compare the armies, as well as the strategies and determine the casualties to each army. The defeated army is sent back one position on the map from the direction they came from. I will post in the IC post the played out results of the combat, as much as I can without giving out the exact strategies that were used. If there is a contest to the results than I will publicly post the strategies for cross comparison as well as my breakdown of those strategies. Each race will have a stronghold. Armies can return to their strongholds to recruit more troops or change their armies. If your stronghold is taken, you cannot change your armies until your stronghold is reclaimed. If a stronghold is held for more than 3 rounds, it is destroyed. The goal is to destroy the other race's stronghold. Armies are made up of units from Starcraft II. Each army has a 200 unit supply limit, just like in the game- no mineral/gas costs are of concern, no supply depots, overlords, pylons needed. Units that can be transformed into other unit types can be used from the beginning, but their cost is the cost of their originating unit. For example a Protoss Archon takes up 4 supply, as either high or dark templar cost 2 each, and it requires two templar of either type to create an Archon. A player can choose to start with the starting unit and can transform their units as they could in the game, but it takes time, and keep that in mind in your strategies- similarly transformations are permanent. Your transformed units will be recorded into your armies after the battle is over. Units, like the Protoss Carrier or similar, that require a sub-unit build are assumed to have full load outs at the start of combat, and rebuild their ammo/sub-units at a fairly stable pace. Defensive encampments: If you stay put for one round of movement, as in choose not to move for one round, you can build a limited amount of fortifications and have a defensive advantage over forces who choose to attack you there. These defensive buildings are temporary, so when you leave you take them with you. Similarly, strongholds have a major defensive advantage, allowing weaker armies to hold out against stronger ones. Things to do while at your race's stronghold: - Recruit more troops to replenish your ranks - Change your army out for different units - Complete research to increase your armies effectiveness (all building research are considered to be completed) - Defend against attackers Things to do while at your enemy's stronghold: - Destroy - Destroy - Destroy - Try to keep defenders from kicking you out. As mentioned previously, the world is represented on a flat map, with varying terrains represented on it. The map will have a grid overlay on it. Armies can move at an average rate of 3 squares at a time. Though armies that rely more on heavier slow moving units will have slower speeds, while armies with faster lighter units will have faster speeds. Depending on the level of interest and the number of participants, each player will be able to start with multiple armies. At this point there are no hero/commander characters in play. Keep in mind, while there is technically hard-fast numbers for an individual units attack/defense/life this will be less important than how you use your surroundings and creativity in dealing with your enemies. The more detailed and precise your strategy, the more likely you are to succeed. In the game you couldn't set fire to the forest to create diversions, dig trenches to provide cover, use improvised weapons to create boobie-traps. All is fair in love and war, if you can justify your army carrying it, than I'll allow its existence and strategic use. So, what do you think, Commander?