Fendros regarded Meesei neutrally for a silent pause. He then sighed and looked away. "Maybe you're right..." He pointed at Meesei. "But I'm not giving him an inch. I won't let him push us around, okay?" They stood waiting for what felt like roughly twenty minutes. When the door finally opened, Rossarm held it open and stepped aside for Calia. Both of them wore frowns that gave no emotions away. Calia glided forward into the hallway and made eye contact with Meesei. "Thank you, Meesei," Calia said, sounding as straightforward as she looked. "I have taken enough of your time here. I should return to Cheydinhal and let you take Rossarm though his induction." [hr] "Very well," Sabine said. She betrayed a little anxiety on her face about how the scholars would react to their projects being halted at the Oculory, but that was a matter for later. "I will tell them to leave you be. And I will do my best to find what you need. Will that be all, Hal-Neesa?"