Yes, it [i]did[/i] seem like she had come over to Sara with this thing because she would be in the know and would not give her hell over it. The Lieutenant - while she had been cold to people in the past - also seemed to have a certain soft side that Kate had been noticing. Eren could have ended up in alot of bad ways, but in her [i]own[/i] way, she had shown that she cared for the plight of others as more than just doing the job or following orders. What is it they referred to this as? Going above and beyond the call of duty? Yes, that sounded right. Although, this was more like delving deeper into the heart of humanity, given the situation. In either case, it was a great quality to have, and definitely great to see it in a person like Sara Reinhardt. In Kate's world of trying to make sense of the world and all the people in it, the people who behaved irrationally toward's Eren's plight seemed less and less human, and more like unthinking animals. The things they said back there... The MPs were a bunch of scared roaches, and it was deplorable. The first real victory, and they were prepared to waste it... Well, that was over now, and in light of that, Kate had indeed been getting a little more proactive with her work, her smile broadening as Sara remarked. [color=f7941d]"I'll be demonstrating it at the base."[/color] Plans were in motion, then. Now, while Kate was eating, she actually stopped when she heard Sara curse. She wasn't sure why it was she did that, at least not without noticing after a second that she was apparently rather tired. This seemed a good a time as any to broach a particular subject, something that'd been standing out to her that need not be, at least not with her. So, after a moment... [color=f7941d]"You really don't have to be formal with me, you know. Everyone knows that I don't... I really don't think that way, about title and position and stuff. Makes me uncomfortable. Maybe one day I'll be [i]Dr. Bellows[/i]...but right now I'm just Kate, or Katherine. Whichever works."[/color] Because someone like Sara, who helped out a friend of hers, deserved to BE a friend, to be someone Kate cared about.