Kaito accepted the offering of clothing gratefully, adding a polite bow of thanks for good measure. The items looked perfectly plain. He would blend in quite nicely. Hopefully it would help him go unnoticed long enough to figure out exactly what his purpose here was supposed to be. As Gilda began preparing breakfast in the other room, Kaito undressed quickly. He continuously cast a wary eye at the entranceway into the kitchen, making sure Gilda couldn't see him. Kaito even took his boxers off, certain they weren't going to be of much use to him anymore. After discarding his regular clothes into a pile, Kaito pulled on the borrowed clothing. Sure enough, they were slightly too big. He had to adjust the cord at the waist of the trousers considerably to keep them from falling and exposing him. Old-fashioned clothes were a pain, he realized. Once he was satisfied with himself, he scooped up his bundle of dirty clothes and popped his head into the kitchen. "I just remembered," he piped up. "Didn't you say something about a gem yesterday? I'd like to see it, if that's alright." Just then, a strong draught of wind buffeted the cottage. The door and shutters rattled, and a gust of cold air seeped in and spun around them. Loose bits of straw kicked up off the ground, and Kaito found himself instinctively clutching his bundle of clothes against it. He glanced nervously at the door, afraid it might come down at any second.