Sounds like your problem isn't uploading from someone else's computer, as you're perfectly capable of doing that. Here are a few simple methods to avoid your situation. [h3]#1: The grown up method[/h3] [indent] - Tell "him" that you'd like to upload an image online, and that there are less security risks to him if you have a guest account. Bonus points if you tell them it's for online roleplaying. -If he says yes, then YAY! GUILT FREE RPING ON SOMEONE ELSE'S COMPUTER! You're no longer abusing anyone's trust. [/indent] [h3]#2: The other grown up method[/h3] [indent] - Buy a computer or phone that has internet magic, and upload from chosen device. You might even be able to RP from it too, and no longer need to lie to "him" about your crazy sex fantasies. YAY FOR INDEPENDANCE! [/indent] [h3]#3: The sneaky bastard method[/h3] [indent] - Find a computer with internet access, something like a library computer. Upload a photo from there. Make sure you come in at an hour where there aren't a lot of people. You might need a USB stick to get photos and such onto the computer, and there's a possibility it'll get deleted. but if it works? YAY FOR BREAKING THE SYSTEM! [/indent]