[center][h1][color=#1E90FF][i]Lara Donner[/i][/color][/h1][/center] After a few pleasantries had been exchanged, the group fell into an amicable silence just as the train left the station, something that Lara was beyond happy about but was also causing her already on-edge nerves to have a field day. [i]Is it alright if I pull out a book? Or would that be rude to read while I'm around them? It would be rude, wouldn't it? I'd basically be telling them not to bother talking to me at all and even though I like the silence, who's to say they like it to? They might hate the silence but not want to say anything about it out of politeness for all that I know! If that's the case, what do I do? If I'm wrong they might be irritated, if I say something stupid they'll think I'm a weird idiot and regret sharing a compartment and on the off chance I'm right and manages not to say anything dumb, they'll want to continue talking and I don't know what to talk about! The weather?[/i] Her thoughts could very much have threatened to continue on like that for the entire trip to Hogwarts, had she not been pulled out of them by a soft mewl from her cat. All nerves forgotten for the moment, she stopped subconsciously wringing her hands, a soft smile crossing her face as she glanced towards Salem. Looking at her travel-companions, she momentarily threw her doubts away, choosing to prioritize her cat's happiness. "Would you mind if I, um, is it alright if I let my cat out? I promise t-that he's very well-behaved." [i]Not too bad...animals are usually a safe topic...right?[/i]