[@Crusader Lord][@Belladonna] [color=39b54a][h1][center]Maria Falena[/center][/h1][/color] Maria was blushing a little when the other girl was starting to nibble on her shoulder, Trying to move away as she thought Luna to be some sort of vampire wanting to suck her blood. "Ah..yes my name is Maria, And what is yours?" She asked the rather clingy girl, Looking over towards Lilianna moving a bit closer towards her because she felt a bit safer. "Umm what is your name?" She said in a quiet manner wanting to get their names at least. Once the introductions were over she got into her mech hovering above the ground for the time being, "Just let me know if you see anything" She radioed to the others. Now flying away form the others as well, Using the tech in her mech to search for who they were looking for.