As they reached the castle, Penelope looked over the familiar building. It felt a bit strange for her to be returning there now, especially with Crow of all people. There was a small sense of comfort from being there though. As she thought about it now, it might be her last visit to the castle and inner kingdom altogether since she was planning to run off with Crow at the end of the war. It made her feel a small bit of peace that she was able to visit one more time. When Crow spoke up, she looked over at him and gave a small nod of agreement. "Can't argue with that. I didn't think I'd see this place until after the war... and that was only before I met you again." she shook her head and moved to follow after Crow as he stepped into the building. Once inside, her gaze swept over the inside. Nothing had changed since her last time there and she dipped her head respectfully to a couple nearby guards. "Ah, so you've finally arrived." Almost as soon as the three were inside, the man Penelope recognized to be one of the king's attendants came walking towards them, followed closely by the captain of the castle guard. The captain was an older knight named Tybalt, whom had replaced the former captain after the incident with the half failed rebellion. Penelope had only worked under him for a few months before she had moved on to work with Mia instead. "Yes." John answered as he moved to step to the front of the group. He dipped his head to the attendant and shook hands with Tybalt. "I trust the king has informed you both that I'm to take the thief directly to him, correct?" "He has." Tybalt mused, his gaze narrowing on Crow. "I've merely come to offer extra guards." "That won't be necessary." John responded shaking his head. "My daughter and I have handle him fine the whole way here. The only thing left is to bring him to his highness." "Are you so sure? You can never be too careful with these criminals." Tybalt wrinkled his nose. "With all due respect sir, we have it handled." Penelope spoke up now as she met the captain's gaze. Crow was already nervous enough, the last thing he needed was to be further stressed out by a bunch of guards surrounding him. She offered him a polite smile and then looked to the attendant. "The only thing we need is to see the king. I'm sure he doesn't want to be kept waiting for us any longer." The attendant blinked and quickly nodded his head. "Right, of course. Follow me." he said turning to lead the way to the throne room. John murmured a word of thanks and moved to follow the man. Penelope glanced over at Crow with a quick, reassuring smile before focusing her gaze back ahead.