[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NgWhiMr.png[/img] [hider=Tonya “Mac” Murphy] [b]Age: 24/11 | Gender: Female/Female | Illusion, Gravity Body | Power of Friendship, Regeneration, Third Eye | Moirai Coercion, Soul Jar, Martial Training, True Sight, Parasite, Gifted, Awareness, Mystic Artifact Magical Overload, Paragon, Blessing, Gifted Item | Monster Form, Big Brother, Arrogance, Vendetta Redirected Magic, Second Specialization | Non-Standard Limbs, Destroyer[/b] STR: 05 | AGI: 04 | VIT: 05 | MAG: 03 | LCK: 03 STR: 10 | AGI: 08 | VIT: 11 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 05 Earnings this post: Helped save some people, dispatched some witches, and held off Sammy. 1 Gold 5 Silver 3 Bronze Total: 3 Gold, 100 Silver, 99 Bronze [/hider][/center] So this was the big day, eh? It felt kind of weird. There was little to no build up this time. While Justine had spent several weeks gathering up magical girls, this thing with the Bates seemed to come out of nowhere. In fact, it wasn't quite live yet. But it would happen, and it would be a messy affair. Something was happening to Penrose. Magical girls were starting to become more cliquish. The idea of Penrose's magical community coming together as a whole was a distant one. If not for her spool, she would have doubted so many people would show up once things got out of hand. But the one thing that She kept thinking about was Alicia. She had been using her spool of thread to look over the girl's life, trying to peace together exactly why a member of beacon would be so easy on monsters. Would she be easy on her? Could Alicia and Mac have a conversation one day? Eh, unlikely. B-but she would enjoy it! If it did happen. Maybe. She actually hadn't been hitting beacon too hard this time around, had she? And she wasn't likely to start. With a horror on the horizon, they all needed to band together to kick its ass. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YCep4BG.png[/img][/center] There are two types of people: those that arrive early and those who arrive late. The ones who arrive early crave obedience and order in their lives. Those that arrive late are usually more whimsical and free spirited. The reason why there are no third types of people is because it's very difficult to arrive directly on time for anything. Some people would say that the act of trying to arrive right on time would land you in the latter category, as most people would assume you were late if you didn't set some time aside just in case you ran into something unexpected. Also worth noting, the same types of characteristics can be gained from looking at cat and dog people. Dogs are obedient pack animals, while cats tend to do their own thing. Sammy was a cat person. [b]”Just in time!”[/b] Sammy burst into the restaurant wearing a [url=https://i.imgur.com/eA4rnK8.jpg]rather adorable uniform.[/url] [b]”Now all I have to do is make a few deductions!”[/b] Sammy had never actually seen Amaryllis out of costume, so she'd have to run around calling out her name to get her attention. But that sort of thing was far below her status as a detective. This was a test of her detectives skills. A warm up before tackling a real case. A waiter approached her. [b]”Hey miss! Are you looking for your mom and dad?”[/b] [b]”Absolutely not! A supah sleuth like me doesn't need clues to find those types of missing people! I'm looking for a different mark.”[/b] Sammy scanned her surroundings. The knight of rose shouldn't be hard to find. Almost all magical girls were between the age of 7 and 16, and there were very few woman in that age group seated here at this hour. Fewer still that had come without adults. She couldn't rule out groups of girls, as the knight could have come with friends. But such groups weren't present. [b]”Alright, I need at thick book. You will fetch it for me.”[/b] [b]”Eh?”[/b] The waiter was curious as to what she needed the books for, but didn't ask. There was an old phone directory behind the receptionist's desk, which he promptly got. By the time he returned, he could see that Sammy was standing on a seat opposite of Amaryllis. He jogged over to the table, book in hand. [b]”What are you doing?”[/b] [b]”Yes, it's all coming together now.”[/b] Sammy surveyed the table and its single occupant. The girl drew her finger and pointed it at Amaryllis [b]”A girl with voluptuous curves who's eating a salad, despite meat clearly being in her diet...”[/b] She swept her hand threw the air. [b]”...All this food pushed to the other end of the table...”[/b] Sammy closed her eyes and placed a finger on the side of her head. [b]”The perfume, the smoke, the unusual look of calm on her face, and the glares of all the other patrons. There's only one thing I can deduce from all this...”[/b] Sammy threw her fists up into the air. [b]”All of this food is for me!”[/b] [b]”Hey!”[/b] Before he could get out another word, Sammy swiped the directory out of his hand and dropped it onto the seat she was standing on. [b]”I'm not sure why you guys would all pitch in and try to buy me food. I mean, I'm not [i]that[/i] cute.”[/b] She sighed. [b]”And if some little rascal is trying to win my heart, I'm already in a relationship.”[/b] Sammy sat down on the directory, which elevated her just enough to where she could comfortably use her utensils. There were no words to waiter could use in this situation. His face was turning purple, as were a lot of the other waiters. They slowly backed away from the table before vanishing from sight. If Amaryllis truly wanted to be left alone, Sammy granted her peace. [b]”Amaryllis, you have no idea how lucky you are.”[/b] She placed her fork on a plate with a danish and dragged it closer to herself. [b]”You get so much attention when you're this cute. If I looked like you, maybe people would leave me alone so that I could actually get to the bottom of my case.”[/b] She started to cut the danish up with her fork and knife. [b]”But I suppose it's good for getting witnesses to talk. Everyone seems to let their guard down just because you're cute. Oh, and you can have some of this by the way, I'm not really even hungry.”[/b] [hr] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/92155fce2efb33c49a759aef8875cbb6/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so2_640.png[/img][/center] The event from 2 week ago was a mess. The Golden Trove was quickly becoming a hang out for pesky magical girls, which was putting Boteg on edge. Between Charlie's angels extended visit and the unannounced appearances from Mayra, Su felt like she had acquired a second job. Well, a third job. She always took care of Boteg and the apartment complex, now she just spent more time acting as a body guard and less time searching for Penny. Su wasn't even sure what she was going to do if she confronted Penny. Her removal was something Boteg was insistent on, but Penny had many allies, and Su risked angering any number of them. And aside from Su's well being, Mika had been feeling down recently ever since meeting Lupa. She had really come around from two weeks ago, thanks in no small part to Helga. But that was another magical entity to spook Boteg, and required explaining to someone who could just barely speak Elizabethan English. And then there were all of Su's smaller failures that were highlighted by the bigger ones. She ran off on her own to confront a monster girl, who was fortunately just Mayra. One of the reasons why the Mayra thing was so upsetting to her was that Amber died doing exactly what she did. They broke away from their friends in a high pressure situation and attempted to fight a monster girl. That was a foolish thing to do. At least Helga didn't chew her out about it. Su had managed to find some free time to get away from all that. Helga and Mika both recommended she go do something fun. While Su was grateful for the change in scenery, being away from work gave her time to think about Amber. Without the constant stream of things to do, she couldn't get her mind off of her death. She was just outside of Penrose, in silver glade forest. It was just a cluster of evergreen trees that seldom saw any visitors. This was where they had decided to bury Amber. It wasn't the sea, but Amber always kept an evergreen air freshener in the bridge of the ship. Helga had uprooted a boulder and carved it into a gravestone, and Su planted some violets over her grave. She heard they tend to grow and spread easily, which meant one day Amber's grave could become a flowery meadow. She could picture it in her mind's eye. The purple peddles swaying in a calm breeze, all surrounding Helga's stone pillar. But there was something off about the forest today. The forest floor was littered with an unusual number of branches. At first Su thought there was a wind storm, but the damage was too widespread. With all the trees around, there was no reason for there to only be damage this far into the forest. And the damage got worse the closer she got to the grave. It wasn't just tree branches, but entire trunks that had been knocked over. The type of damage was very inconsistent as well. Some of the trees looked like they had been ripped out of the ground, while others had been broken up and scattered about. Su ran deeper into the forest, unsure what she would find waiting for her. The clearing around the grave was much wider now, and was surrounded by craters. The stone pillar had been knocked over, but what was more unsettling was the ring of dirt surrounding the grave itself. Su knew what she was going to see when she got closer, but she still couldn't believe it. Of everything that had been happening to her, the world was going to give her another gut punch. The closer she got to the grave, the more her fears were confirmed. It wasn't until she was standing over the hole that she was able to accept it. Someone had stolen Amber's body. Her vision was spinning. Su took a step away from the grave, and nearly lost her footing in the soft dirt. Her stomach was on fire, and she had to fight the urge to throw up. This was wrong. Su couldn't think of anyone who would hate her enough to do this. Nobody knew the location of the grave site aside from people close to her. But Mika was too kind hearted, and Helga loved Amber too much to even joke about it. Her mind kept asking the same question over and over, but she was unable to deliver a response. Had Penny decided to consume Amber's body? Did the magical girls from two weeks ago do something? There was no one to comfort her, and even if she screamed, no one would be there to hear it. With a growl, she rolled over onto all fours. She wasn't getting anywhere with this. Su didn't see any of the violets she had planted. Maybe Su was setting herself up for disappointment, but she had to find them. Right now, that was more important than the location of Amber's body. She crawled over to the piles of dirt and brushed them away with her hands. Over and over again, until her hand finally caught on the stem of something. It could be a violet, it had to be. She tool hold of it and gently pushed the dirt away from the shape until the plant came free. Sure enough, the violet had survived. It was missing a few pedals, but they would grow back in time. With a sigh, Su hugged the flower against her chest. That was all Su really needed right now. She could already feel herself calm down. It was such a relief to know that not everything had been defiled. She placed the flower off to the side where it would be safe, and retrieved some bottled water from her handbag so that it wouldn't dry out. In time, Helga would come back to set up the stone pillar. And while it wasn't assured, Su was determined to find Amber's body and return it to this place. But knowing that Amber's grave would one day be covered in violets was a victory, however small. [hr] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/74a4dbc1a92b61b102d27c67251f3aef/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so6_640.png[/img][/center] They were back in the sewers again. Elroy and Regina had used them to traverse the city many times. Regardless of the sun's position, the underground passages were just one giant shadow that they could use to get anywhere in Penrose. Regina was making her way towards the abandoned school, and Elroy was following close behind with their prize wrapped in a dirty blanket. They were covered in bruises, as were the beacon buddies. [color=c9272c]"It doesn't really look like the body of a magical girl though."[/color] Elroy gestured with the blanket. [color=c9272c]"But I guess we shouldn't question our patron. I doubt the ghosties would attack us if it wasn't."[/color] Regina kept looking ahead. [color=f200f2]"It is a magical girl. She's exactly as our patron described."[/color] She closed her eyes. [color=f200f2]"Did you hear that announcement? That girl claiming penrose is hers? How childish!"[/color] [color=c9272c]"I actually agree with you."[/color] He chuckled. [color=c9272c]"Say, does this end of the world plan feel a little premature? I mean you wanted to square off against beacon, show thunder thighs that we're the real Penrose royalty. Hell, we've only just begun building an excellent harem! And then we gotta settle things with the ghosties."[/color] [color=f200f2]"The body will take care of all that."[/color] Regina looked off to the side. [color=f200f2]"But I know you like a good fight, and I'm sure we'll get one as soon as the ritual starts. It'll just be screams as far as the eye can see."[/color] Elryoy scratched his chin. [color=c9272c]"That does sound good."[/color] He snorted. [color=c9272c]"But still, doesn't that seem a little unfair?"[/color] Regina snorted. [color=f200f2]"The world has always pit itself against us. It never wanted to be our friends or see us grow."[/color] She looked ahead. [color=f200f2]"So now it all burns, and we get to watch."[/color]