[@LuckyBlackCat] this is what I got so far sorry if the process is slow been sick all week Name: Samantha Gagaga Age: 17 Appearance: Civilian: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8jCWZRn.jpg[/img] [/hider] Magical girl: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KG0CfkO.jpg[/img] [/hider] Mana Crystal: A small golden compass attached to a necklace hanging around her neck. Virtue: True Freedom Magic: Portal Manipulation: Sam’s main magic is portal creation, the ability to create doorways between two non-adjacent locations. The portals can be used to reach distant lands although, she has to know exactly where she’s going and what the location at least looks like. When jumping through a portal you maintain all forward momentum and continue to build that forward momentum as if nothing were impeding the subject making it easy to reach terminal velocity from any angle. Self-Existence transcendence: Samantha can reduce her footprint on the fabric of reality by reducing her own existence, by doing this she can achieve things such as phasing, flickering and creation of afterimages as she stitches herself back into reality. In doing so she can not harm anyone or anything, in fact, she can go completely through solid objects and living beings as if she were a ghost without the ability to interact with them until she recreates her existence or at the very least that body part’s place in the world. The more she voids her own existence the harder it is to come back something on her person has to be around to use and an anchor for anything past seventy percent non-existence. History Other: (Can be left blank)