[center][hider=Kane "Ghost" Anderson] [center] [b]Kane Anderson[/b] [b]"Ghost"[/b] [b]18[/b] [b]Male[/b] [b]Caucasian[/b] [b]American[/b] [h2][u][b]Detailed Information[/b][/u][/h2] [b]Appearance[/b] [hider=Kane][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Lancer.Fate.stay.night.full.1639984.jpg[/img][/hider] Kane stands at 6'3", quite tall and muscular, although not overly built. He weighs about 200 pounds, mostly muscle, and has very defined shoulders and jaw line. His eyes are an amber color and he has blue hair, genetic mutations from his power. His hair is short though, it's that picture just without the ponytail. He casually wears shorts and a tanktop in the summer and jeans and a sweatshirt in the winter. He normally wears more casual and comfortable clothing unless he's dealing with the public. He's in peak physical shape for an 18 year old. [b]Hero Appearance[/b] [hider=Ghost][img]https://pics.blackopstoys.com/ebaypics/HOTTOYS/902184/Raiden%20(1).jpg[/img][/hider] Basically that but with blue hair sticking out instead. [b]Personality[/b] 🍉 Despite an edgy costume appearance, Kane is a relatively down to earth individual. He has a lot of hobbies and interests, ranging from music and videogames, to sports and ass kicking. He tries to be humorous and sarcastic, trying to be witty and clever in a conversation. The fame and attention is pretty nice, and kicking ass is great, but he truly does his job to help others. He knows all too well that everybody needs a helping hand some days. In this way he's kind, compassionate, and caring for others. This is all surface level, since deep in his heart he is somewhat closed off to try and protect himself from hurting. However, on the job, he means business. His moral compass is the same, but he takes his job very seriously, and does not show this same kindness to those who would hurt others or put them in danger. The ghost can be as friendly as Casper, or can haunt you for the rest of your life, and after it. [b]Notable Relations[/b] 🍉 Has many friends and acquaintances, but nobody who is very close to him, keeping a very hard inner shell for his heart. [b]Everyday Skills[/b] 🍉 Kane enjoys singing, is very proficient in many sports (Volleyball, basketball, and football mainly), as well as plays guitar. He's also an avid gamer, enjoys parkour and exercise. Dancing and acting are minor hobbies of his as well. Has extensive medical training from school and taking more advanced classes for it. [h2][u][b]Combat[/b][/u][/h2] [b]Fighting Style[/b] 🍉 Kane is normally a close range fighter, as his powers don't provide much range. However, he does commonly bring equipment into the field to suit his needs. His style is similar to a rogue, quick hits, in and out, stealth and back line assaults. He is skilled in hand to hand combat and use with weapons, always making his opponents guess. He relies heavily on being quick on his feet, versatile, creative, and thinking one step ahead. [b]Strengths[/b] 🍉 Kane is exceptional at stealth, able to disappear in a moment's notice, as well as get in and out of danger. This also makes him great for reconnaissance and gathering information, as well as infiltration. His strengths lie in hitting fast, quiet, and hard. If anything he can be a very annoying distraction and very hard to hit. [b]Weaknesses[/b] 🍉 Kane can't really hit like a truck, he may be strong, but he's not super strong. He's not punching through metal or anything. He can only do so much in combat, and has to rely on his powers and clever thinking to overcome opponents. Also, he is as fragile as any normal human being, and catching him off guard could spell doom for him. [b]Equipment[/b] 🍉 At this moment, Kane usually uses an extremely durable and hard metal staff for combat, that can split in half. It also can run an electric current through it, shocking the opponent. Kane also keeps handy items like smoke bombs, sleep darts, sometimes even a sword, but they're always coming out with new gear for Kane to use in the field. [h2][u][b]Power[/b][/u][/h2] [b]Strengths[/b] 🍉 [i]Phasing:[/i] As his hero names eludes to, Kane can phase himself at will. When he is phased out, he's invisible and intangible, everything passes through him. Kane does control whether he phases through the ground or not, however, and he can go through walls, physical objects, basically everything, and is pretty much untraceable. This can be instantaneous, and he can do it to part or all of his body. He can also make other things phase with him, like his clothes, but he's still working on phasing larger objects. For right now, he hasn't tried unphasing through solid objects. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations[/b] 🍉 Phasing requires energy and stamina, so depending on how much is phased for how long, Kane will get tired and unable to phase. To combat this, Kane tried to be smart with his phasing, and has built up his energy over the years. Also, while phased, he also cannot interact with the world around him. He cannot hurt anybody or anything while phased. And when unphased, while he may be able to hurt someone, he can also be hurt, and an unexpected attack while unphased can hit him hard. [/center] [/hider][/center] I PMed this to Shard but I'll also put this here to be approved, but I did have questions about the powers and what not and wanted to work that stuff out. I realize the nature of the power can be awkward, so I'm not against scrapping it for another power.