[h1] People of the Past [/h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4b/1b/d0/4b1bd018d0cf1ad812e40e9f799e60f9.jpg[/img] [b]Cedric Turner[/b] [i]Brerratic Nobleman[/i] Age : 23 Bio : Penelope first flame and heart break. Cedric is a charming individual who's quite skilled at manipulating. He was interested in getting closer to the Vermillion's for their wealth and power but soon found out Penelope didn't have access to either of those due to her uncle's hatred of her. Cedric was quick to toss her aside since she had neither of the things he needed. Since then, he's heard of her rising in rank and making a bit of a name for herself. Interested in using that to his advantage, he has hopes to get back on her good side. [/center] [center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b3/c0/36/b3c03623efd0af7407a0c01d402e7073.jpg[/img] [b]Beatrix 'Bee' Exner[/b] [i]Brerratic Noblewoman[/i] Age : 22 Bio : Beatrix was one of Penelope's closest childhood friend. Since her family were rather low ranking nobles, they were quick to let their daughter play with Penelope, hoping that friendship would be helpful to them in the future. Unfortunately, plans backfired. When John made it clear he was going to train Penelope to be a knight, Bee's parents completely disapproved as they worried their daughter would pick up similar interests as her friend instead of being focused on marrying a powerful husband. The two were quickly separated around the age of 14 and haven't seen each other since. Once a lively and bold child, Beatrix is far from who she wishes to be. Feeling forced to follow standards and trapped with a controlling and abusive husband, Bee is a quiet and polite girl who rarely speaks up for herself. She has a rather pessimistic outlook on life and usually keeps her feelings and thoughts bottled away.[/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/24/b8/cd/24b8cd3ab96f7a134bcc950a2f97b3ee.jpg?b=t[/img] [b]Letitia Whyte[/b] [i]Vermillion Servant[/i] Age : 47 Bio : An older servant that has served the Vermillion family for many years. She was the closest thing Penelope had to a mother growing up and that isn't saying much since John often got in the way of them growing too close to each other. He worried that his brother would see it as an excuse to make Penelope a servant. Despite his interference though, Letitia and Penelope still developed a bit of a bond and are always glad to see each other when they get the chance. Letitia is a warm-hearted woman who's known for being a bit mischievous as well as fun-loving. She makes the most of what she's been given in life and has served the Vermillions as a loyal servant. Though, she had always had a soft spot for Penelope and John, as she watched Penelope grow up and both of them are kinder than the rest of their family. [/center] [center][img]https://i-h2.pinimg.com/564x/25/fd/69/25fd6950bab9ca50123f317d321017ef.jpg?b=t[/img] [b]Krea Vermillion[/b] [i]Brerratic Noblewoman[/i] Age : 42 Bio : Wife of Edward Vermillion and mother of Lucy. She is a graceful and elegant noblewoman who is highly involved in her appearance. She oversees the manor while her husband is away and is quite clever. Krea holds a strong dislike of Penelope just like her husband and still views her as a disgrace to their family despite the progress she has made as a knight. Krea is also a large gossiper. She loves keeping in touch with the latest rumors and stories, usually doing so by going to lavish parties and spending time with the wives of other barons. [/center]