[h1]Other Nobles[/h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/79/45/2e/79452e659e231e2b180d1f8a7314f6c3.jpg[/img] [b]Francis Exner[/b] [i]Brerratic Nobleman[/i] Age : 25 Bio : The husband of Beatrix and a wealthy knight. He's an ambitious man who enjoys power, which he usually abuses when he does get it. Francis acts polite and calm, usually hiding his ulterior motives and more aggressive nature from the outside world. Instead, he takes out most of his hidden frustrations out on his wife, whom he's rather controlling of.[/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/bf/5f/1dbf5f8e048d529505c485edcb9c3f81.jpg[/img] [b]Oliver Lenz[/b] [i]Brerratic Vassal[/i] Age : 28 Bio : The husband of Dimia Lenz. He's a kind and timid man who often doesn't speak out much. He was taken by Dimia's beauty and she by his money, making them a less than perfect pair. Oliver is actually quite brilliant, being sharp when it comes to handling money and had a little bit of knowledge about everything as he usually spends his free time with his nose in a book while his wife is off at balls with her lavish gowns. [/center] [center][img]https://i-h2.pinimg.com/564x/08/20/a7/0820a73bdb62e276f363999f2a1707c4.jpg?b=t[/img] [b]Tybalt Merton[/b] [i]Captain of the Royal Guard[/i] Age : 45 Bio : After the failure to protect the old king, the former captain of the guard was dispatched and replaced by Tybalt. He takes pride in his job and having favor with the royal family. He's extremely loyal to the king and follows him a bit blindly. Tybalt, though a bit intimidating, is generally a level-headed man who [/center]