[center][h2][color=#ed1c24][b]Vasani'Brinme Skirata || The Shadow[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] The insane amount of noise erupting from the streets and festivities drifted through the otherwise still, silent room. The only way one could the signs of other objects in the room was the silhouettes of furniture, highlighted by the flashing of the light from the streets outside. Occasionally a loud bang, followed by cheers could be heard from the streets below. Likely fireworks or some illicit activity, the girl muttered to herself as she stood quietly in the center of the room. The only illumination came from the little visor over her right eye, projecting the data she was typing away on her comlink. Then silently moving over towards a dresser next to the bed, she pulled out drawers as she searched through with a precision of one who has practiced time and again to find... something. Letting out an irritated sigh as she looked through, the girl then moved to procedurally search through the room for soemthing. Something she could use to complete her contract, then get paid and off this forsaken ice planet. How she hated these damn places, reminding her too much of [i]that[/i] planet. After a furious amount of searching, the girl finally found what she was looking for in the apartment. In the bottom of a lockbox, with a hidden compartment in the bottom that she had needed to remove the bottom of the box just to find. A simple little chip, which caused her deep red lips to curve into a small smile. Oh, how these little pieces of metal could hold [i]so much[/i] that could scare so many men into doing whatever one wanted. Her mood noticably better, the girl calmly made her way back towards the bed to sit on the edge and wait. Plugging in the chip to her commlink, she made a small giggle of delight at seeing the information contained within. It was [i]exactly[/i] what she desired it to be. Then moving herself over to the kitchen, the girl helped herself to a deep red wine. The fruity scent was absolutely stunning. Moving with the wine glass and seating herself on the edge of the bed, she smiled and swirled the liquid in the glass then leaned back just slighly while planting her other hand on the bed. A pose the girl knew would draw attention to her and keep her target offguard, something beneficial to the girl. She did not have to wait long, as the door to the small apartment slid open and a rather tall male torguta in a nice looking suit stepped in. The light turned on, a he froze as the door closed behind him. The sight of the voluptuous red-skinned twi'lek relaxing on his bed. The black bodysuit she wore was one meant to leave behind no traces of the woman, but also one that gripped her form rather tightly. Her lips curved into a seductive smile as she took a sip of the the wine, her orange eyes locked onto her prey. [color=#ed1c24]"Mr. Kevros, a pleasure to meet you. Don't bother pulling that blaster, by the way, you shoot me and this information I have gets sent out to... all of your associates. Now we wouldn't want that, would we Mr. Kevros? So some on in, sit in that chair and kick the blaster over to me. Now."[/color] She said in a sweet tone, yet one dripping with venom as she watched him comply with her orders and soon she had acquired a new heavy blaster. The man silent, yet seemingly curious about what she could possibly have on him as the twi'lek stood up and walked towards the seated man. On the table in front of him, she placed a simple holo-projector. Clicking a few commands on her commlink, a projection of the Torguta and some human female appeared in front of him. Then switched to what seemed to be a ledger as she walked behind his chair and leaned forwards. Her arms coming over his shoulders from behind, resting on his chest as her lips were next to his lips as she whispered. [color=#ed1c24]"You've been a bit of a naughty man, Mr. Kevros. That right there most [i]certainly[/i] does not seem to your wife. Even more, whats this buisness ledger you got? Paying for these expensive trips to Spira for two? Yet... that's not your wife is it? Dear me..."[/color] She muttered as she let go of him and moved back around in front of the torguta as he tried to spout excuses, threats, everything in the book towards the twi'lek who seemed to be rather enjoying herself. [color=#ed1c24]"Don't try, Mr. Kevros. We both know what your wife would do to your reputation if she found out. Our dear former imperial agent still has her contacts I would bet, and even better we both know her vindictive streak. I much think you wouldn't want the empire finding out where the man stealing from under their noses is hanging out."[/color] She said with a giggle once more as she walked towards the counter where she left the bottle of wine. [color=#ed1c24]"But I like presenting solutions, not problems. So, here's what you're gonna do sweetheart. You're going to drop all bounties you have placed, and I won't release these. If you place them again, I will know and I will release this information directly to your wife and children. When we see how long you'll last."[/color] The girl said with a grin, knowing full well that the thief's family was the most important thing in his miserable existence. She had, afterall, been trailing him and his family for the past two months. It only took about ten minutes of a silent standoff between the two before he caved and picked up his commlink. Moments later, Brin got a notification of what had happened to his bounties. Turns out, they had all suddenly gone offline with the man claiming settlements had been reached. Giving him a friendly smile, Brin stepped towards him and looked at the sitting torguta. [color=#ed1c24]"I'm [i]so[/i] happy we could reach an agreement Mr. Kevros. Remember, keep your word or I will release these."[/color] She said calmly, turning the wine bottle over and pooring the liquid out all over his suit. Walking out of the the building, she beautiful twi'lek made her way among the crowds to a booth in the First Port Cantina. Moments later, a tradoshan joined her and spoke a simple sentence. [color=39b54a]"Drinks are on me tonight, dear."[/color] Which caused the girl to smile as she heard the phrase they had agreed upon, and soon the trandoshan slipped away. Checking her comlink, she confirmed the money transfer. As she stood up soon after and started making her way out of the establishment, her gaze found a rather attractive woman sitting next to a squirely rodian. Giving her a friendly wink, Brin then blew a kiss towards the woman with a flirtausious smile as she left the establishment. After that, it was a short stop at her hideout to collect Sparky and the pack containing her basic droid maitenence gear, two other outfits, her lightsaber, and the disassembled sniper hidden away. From there she made her way down to the docks to find a ship to stowaway on to escape from the planet before the torguta came after her for what she had just done. Finding a simple enough looking ship, a CR90. She supposed that would work well enough, and soon stole away into the cargo hold of the ship alonng with little Sparky. Hiding among the cargo, the girl let out a barely audible sigh as she sat back then opened up the comlink once more. Tapping a small command on the bottom left corner, she watched with a grin as the Torguta's bank accounts were reduced to zero, spread generously out to the occupants of Anchorage who had accounts associated with the area, except for him. Thus ensuring he lost his fortune and couldn't place more bounties while also giving a nice festival gift to those who lived in the city. Every transaction going through with a little drawn sprite attached to it, a little callsign she had made to associate with her 'shadow' bounty hunter name. Leaning back and pleased with her work, she sighed. Then something fall next to her, knocked off where it had been stored next to her head. As it hit the ground it made a loud, and metallic thud against the metal floor. Her breath caught as she looked frantically around to see if somebody had noticed the sound. [hr] [center][hider=Sprite][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/creepypasta/images/3/36/Big_ps_missingno.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120507000202[/img][/hider][/center]