Well that certainly was unfortunate for the Cleric now wasn’t it? To be the one to find such a weak spot in the ground and suffer through having a spike slip into one’s foot was unlucky indeed, but lucky for the rest as they now knew what lay in that oddly specific location. What was really satisfying though, was the inability to see past one's nose, not a very pleasing aspect and it most definitely wasn’t one that was going to be let go very easily. So, working past the smell that came from the pit that hinted towards death, Torus opted to work on four legs instead of two. Some may view it as a waste, but at least vision would no longer be an issue. Plus, at least he would be able to sneak far easier than he normally would, he had never had a real reason to that he could recall outside of his animal form, so he hadn’t bothered with practicing on two legs. With those thoughts processed, Torus now found himself taking up just a little more space in their lined order, but he was closer to the ground than the rest. Pawpads far quieter on the floor than those who had boots, claws retracted until danger made itself known. Of course, this position did not allow much more past what was already known, but an additional pair of eyes peeled for danger wouldn’t hurt, and it wasn’t like there wasn’t enough hanging cloth to ensure one could be grabbed without injury if something was noticed. [hider=Wildshape] Rawr... I'm a [url=https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Tiger#content]Tiger[/url] [/hider]