[right]Collab Wtih: [@Chiro][/right] [color=gray]Sierra watched in shock as Fenros took off back towards the castle. [/color][color=cadetblue][b]“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!”[/b][/color] [color=gray]She growled out as she got ready to take off after him. It was then that Verrick jumped down from the rope and told her to stay with Annabelle and that he’d be back with Fenros and Eleanor soon. Sierra watched as her mentor took off and ran the same direction Fenros went, her mind thinking of the ways she could beat the two up when they got back. Grumbling, Sierra hoisted herself up the rope and dropped down the rope to the ground on the other side of the wall. She looked to where Annabelle was before walking into the woods, within a few minutes she came back out her quiver and bow on her back under the cloak and a bag in hand as she approached the woman. Pulling down her hood, Sierra revealed her face to the woman for the first time. Half her red hair pulled back into a braid and her stormy blue eyes focused as they observed Annabelle’s wounds from the Inquisitor. [/color] [color=cadetblue][b]“Looks like you really took a beating. With the mouth ya have on ya, it ain’t that surprising.”[/b][/color] [color=gray]She chuckled to herself as she knelt down on the ground and opened the bag she had with her. She poked around in it pulling out a few things before looking back up at the woman. [/color][color=cadetblue][b]“Well sit your arse down. I can’t help ya if you’re standing and doing nothing.”[/b][/color] [color=gray]Annabelle did as she was told, sitting down and letting Sierra do her work. She had caused enough trouble with her reckless actions. Now she needed to stay clear of trouble, as much as she could. Sighing, Annabelle looked at the direction of the city.[/color] [b]”Sebastian always said that I talk too much, or talk when it’s not appropriate. I sure hope he has prepared for the eventuality that I revealed who I am. He was always the smartest of us.”[/b] [color=gray]She then turned her eyes on Sierra and chuckled.[/color] [b]”Who would have thought that I ended up being saved by the Woodsmen. It is like the seers say, no one knows how the Fate will truly spin.” [/b] [color=gray]Kneeling in front of Annabelle, Sierra got to work applying the medicine from her bag on the wounds and bandaging them. She half listened to the woman speak, half focused her full attention on what she was doing[/color]. [color=cadetblue][b]“Was Sebastian your lover? Or one of them? You did say us so probably one of them? Were you in one of those cult groups?”[/b][/color] [color=gray]Sierra chuckled to herself, knowing full well the woman in front of her did not seem the type to be in a cult or a polyamorous relationship. She didn’t care though, she held slight hope that she was just for the interesting tale to fill the silent night.[/color] [color=cadetblue][b]“Oh and it is technically the rebellion who saved you. The woodsmen put ye away. Though how the two correlate I will leave that to your imagination.”[/b][/color] [color=gray]Annabelle’s eyes went wide of Sierra’s words[/color] [b]”Lovers? Never! I mean, sure, once in a lifetime you think of...”[/b] [color=gray]Annabelle slapped her face after realizing what she just said.[/color] [b]”Sebastian is my older brother. It was he who taught me how to fight, and who helped me protect Isobel, my younger sister. I wonder how he has taken the fact that I’ve been living as an outlaw, and he must pretend that I am disowned by the entire clan.”[/b][color=gray] Annabelle sighed again, the dear memories from the Tyler manor filling his thoughts.[/color] [b]”And now they are in danger again, all because of my big mouth. I just hope that I still get a chance to go and save them, and Granny Viola, before the Vanguard or Inquisition get them. Then there are uncle Cid and aunt Oriana. They took me in when I wanted to try my luck in Akarath as a child, and again when I was looking for a place to hide. Now they too are probably in danger.”[/b] [color=gray]She then turned back to Sierra,[/color] [b]”Still, I am relieved to know there are others like me. I thought I was alone, though in retrospect I should have known I wasn’t. Out of curiosity, how many are there in the Rebellion?”[/b] [color=cadetblue][b]“You wanted to bang your brother?!”[/b][/color] [color=gray]Sierra broke into a fit of laughter after the woman let that slip. Well of course it wasn’t exactly what Annabelle said but Sierra had a dirty mind at times and she wasn’t good with being a people person. Being offensive and saying rude or dumb things like this were normal for her. [/color] [color=gray]After calming from her fit of laughter she stood up and dusted her pants off. [/color][color=cadetblue][b]“Oh that’s too good… that is too good…”[/b][/color] [color=gray]she muttered to herself. She listened after that ot Annabelle as she was asked how many were in the rebellion. Sierra simply shrugged after being asked that question.[/color] [color=cadetblue][b]“I don’t know. We haven’t been given much information beyond location of where they are and what we needed to do while here. You weren’t apart of the original plan but someone with the balls to try and assassinate the king by themselves is automatically worth something to the rebellion. So count yourself lucky. You have balls so the rebellion wants you.”[/b][/color] [color=gray]Annabelle felt terrible embarrassment. [/color][b]”No” Absolutely not! I never thought it that way!”[/b] [color=gray]The outlaw sighed, [/color][b]”And I probably just dig myself deeper with this conversation… Well, you wouldn’t be laughing if you met him. I think half of Yeruse’s girls have wanted to marry him at one point.”[/b] [color=gray]Annabelle shook her head before continuing.[/color] [b]”But enough about that. I can understand the secrecy. Kept me quite safe before the whole getting captured. And I’m not sure if I’m brave or mad, when it came to killing the King. I didn’t feel fear or hesitation or anything, when I pulled the trigger. He was no divine figure or anything that would bring awe to my mind. He was just a man who deserved to die. I will do that again, if I need to. But you don’t need to worry about me causing trouble, or, as long as my family is safe, at least. I have caused enough trouble already by working on my own, so I will do what I’m told, within certain limits. I’m not sure about Fenros, though, and I don’t blame him. It’s because of me that he’s out there.”[/b] [color=cadetblue][b]“Fenros is probably much happier now that he and his love crush will be free of judging eyes. I mean anyone could see the two have been in love with each other for years now but of course neither has acted on it although the princess probably was blind to her own feelings now that I think of it…”[/b][/color][color=gray] Sierra thought out loud before disappearing into the forest for a second and reappearing with four horses in tow. She quickly got the four ready for riding before returning over to where Annabelle was. [/color][color=cadetblue][b]“Though he may not right now, he will be thankful for ya later. Now him and the princess can finally admit their feelings for one another and do all that romantic stuff and such. I mean, he is a beefcake so it sucks that he will be off the market but he’s been off market for quite some time since he only had eyes for the princess. It is too bad. Probably would have been one hell of a lay.”[/b][/color] [color=gray]Holding her hand out to Annabelle, Sierra awaited the girl to take her hand so she could help the woman up. [/color][color=cadetblue][b]“As you can hear. We don’t have much time until the others are back. Hopefully you can ride a horse… if not you will be stuck riding with either Verrick or I and trust me you don’t want to ride with Verrick. Honestly I’m not the best to ride with either since we are gonna be mid-escape and I need to be able to shoot the bastards before they shoot us. So really, you are riding on your own whether ya like it or not.”[/b][/color][color=gray] The whole time she was talking, a commotion on the other side of the wall could be heard. It was distant at first, but it was drawing closer as time passed. Soon the others would be there and they’d be on their way, away from the castle.[/color] [b]”Don’t you worry about that”[/b][color=gray] Annabelle answered, grabbing Sierra’s hand, rising with the lift.[/color] [b]”I grew up among animals. Maybe not as much as another friend of mine, but I know, how to ride .”[/b] [color=gray]It was then that she also noticed the sounds. [b]”Looks like we’ll be in a hurry.”[/b] [color=gray]Annabelle said and climbed to the horse she assumed was meant for her.[/color] After helping Annabelle up, Sierra nodded in response to what she said. She was quick to mount her own horse and there the two sat awaiting Verrick, Fenros, and Eleanor.[/color]