Hi, it’s BingTheWing, the infamously flaky GM who never commits to the RPs he conceptualizes. I’ve chalked this up to the fact that I’m more of a writer that comes up with multiple small ideas rather than one big, detailed one, an attitude rather unsuited to the effort and dedication it takes to maintain a long-term RP. However, just because I can’t commit to these ideas doesn’t mean other writers on this site should be deprived of them. Attached herewith are a list of the RP concepts I’ve had in the past and (coming soon) new ones I will develop, [b]free for anyone to use for their own RPs provided that: a.) I am credited as the author of the original concept, and b.) I am notified of the use of said concept, preferably through PM.[/b] In short, the free usage of these ideas, concepts, and proposals for RPs is open to anyone in the Guild who wishes to run them on their own. If you are unclear if one of your concepts falls under the “usage” of my own concept, please contact me. [s]TL;DR: I’m too lazy to run these RPs myself so y’all can use them if you want esketit[/s] I respectfully ask that nobody post in this thread except me for the sake of organization. Please PM me for questions or clarifications.