Repairs were finished, at least. No upgrades yet. She sighed as she checked her PDA and her communicator, speaking to her AI briefly. She was able to confirm it before she turned her attention away from the funny but friendly Irishman. She gasped as she realized who she was looking at and who the prisoner was. Throughout the entire time that the Red Star cerdo was talking, her blood boiled and boiled and boiled. It reminded her of how ill the treatment of Paragon towards prisoners, towards her and most of all, towards her own people, the Spanish people. She remembered Madrid. She recalled Barcelona, Seville, Granada and most of all, Valencia! [b]Valencia![/b] How wonderful it would be to crucify the bastard who did this. Who threatened this. Who planned this. Immediately, when Osamu was finished talking, she lifted her right hand and cried out. "¡Asesino!" She turned to the volunteers and spoke out. "[b]What's the plan?[/b]"