[color=e6e6fa] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8PIhUbX.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CcrKmPl.gif[/img][/center] [sub][color=ffc0cb]L O C A T I O N[/color] / / [color=violet]Home Sweet Home and other places she'd rather not be[/color] [right][color=ffc0cb]I N T E R A C T I N G W I T H[/color] / /[color=violet]Self, Family, Penny, Oliver[/color][/right][/sub] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sdW7s0m.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent] The morning Estelle Lambert had was not a fun one. She had gotten home close to midnight last night and almost immediately after she had gotten out of the shower and she got into her Nostalgia Jammies (her words) of Bubbles from the 90s Powerpuff Girls cartoon series, she had fallen asleep. From the time between her waking up only six hours later, she had a dream. It wasn’t just the run of the mill dream that she always had, which that is to say she usually drempt of things that were happy-go-lucky (much like Stella herself) or something that happened recently. It was during the six hours, she found herself inside a beautiful palace and in the arms of someone, she couldn’t see. A bright, yellow light had blocked most of his face. All she could make out was how she felt completely safe in his arms. She hugged to him as if her own life depended on it. And he embraced her just the same, though it was with a gentle touch. He was taller than her, but she never felt like she was small compared to him. As she took to his form for a comforting embrace, the sounds of a peaceful, serene, and somewhat romantic arrangement of a string quartet and a piano played as they slowly waltzed across the ballroom. “Stella., I love you..” His voice made every inch of her body tingle with a nervous appreciation, causing her to hug to his body even tighter and tighter and.. [i]THUMP![/i] Stella’s rude awakening came in two parts. The first being the unwelcome sight of the cold hardwood acting as her temporary bed, her blanket and pillow over her head, blocking the bright sun from penetrating the blue and yellow pillow casings and comforter she was forced into wearing. Part two was the loud musings of her ironic alarm that was singing to the tune of Walking On Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves. [color=pink]“Sometimes I hate the world,”[/color] Stella mumbled to herself, fighting (and failing) to free herself from her pillows and blankets. After a long five minutes of being forced to hear the same “I’m walking on sunshine” hook almost twenty times. At this point, she was tired of it and yelled at the top of her lungs. And wouldn’t ya know it? That was just the strength that she needed to break free of it. It was, at that very moment, did Stella wake up to the sight of her entire family looking at her. Her cousins, who were just as amused as her aunt, uncle, and parents, were laughing through their hands over their mouths. [color=skyblue]“You okay there, Stells?”[/color] Winnie asked. After spending a moderate moment of pouting, she simply nodded. [color=dodgerblue]“Good. Now get dressed, sweetie! We leave in thirty!”[/color] Without even an opinion from the rest of her family, let alone her, Frank, her often impatient father, had made his demands. And for the next three hours, she would be a walking zombie, barely existing in the backseat of her father’s Van as they saw her Uncle Wesley and Auntie Florence depart for the one-way flight from Miami International to Paris. She wished she could go to Paris. That had always been her dream ever since she did her ancestry project in her Junior year and found out she was half-French. Being able to soak up the family heritage was something deeply passionate to the teen. As it was close to ten, Stella and her parents got back into the van and they drove off. Not even ten minutes on the highway and her father, who was behind the wheel, spoke up. [color=dodgerblue]“So, Stella, tell us how did homecoming go? Was Oliver a gentleman like he said he would be”[/color] She froze in her seat, sinking into it as she avoided her father’s curious gaze through the mirror. And her mother saw this. In an attempt to save Stella from Frank’s typical embarrassing behavior, she decided also speak up. [color=db7093]“Frank, dear, you can see Estelle is quite tired, can’t you?”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“Can’t. I’m driving. I can’t take my eyes off the road.”[/color] [color=db7093]“Then do just that. In silence.”[/color] Her mother’s tone was quite cold as her father uncharacteristically perked up and didn’t utter a single word. Stella knew her mother had what most called kryptonite. Her cousins from her mother’s side of the family often spoke about the Ice Witch of the Monroe Family. He always assumed they meant her Grandma Chelsea, but right now she knew it was about her mother, Melissa Monroe. She didn’t need to say thank you. She knew her mother found joy in making her father squirm. So instead, she relaxed and took out her phone. She sent two text messages. The first to Oliver, which read. [indent][color=pink][i]Hey, we had an early morning. My family had to drive my father’s sister’s fam. Omw back. Hope ur morning was good. 💗💖💗💖💗[/i][/color][/indent] And the second was sent to Penny. [indent][color=pink][i]Hey girl! We just left the airport. Shuld be there in an hour. Ill be over when we get settled. Cant wait to talk about last night. 💗 💖💗💖💗[/i][/color][/indent] Shortly after sending that second message, Stella had fallen asleep with her phone in hand to the sounds of her mother’s berating of Frank’s grandma speeds he called normal driving speed.[/indent][/indent][/color]