Sable sat at the desk in his room the holo-communicator in front of him bathing his shell in bright blue light. 'His' room, it was a weird thing to think about even after two years on the ship, there were people out in the galaxy being used as currency and here aboard the Noreaster, a droid has its own personalised room. Technically Sable was following orders, while other members of the crew including Solace went into the city to look for fresh blood he was to check the cargo hold once it had finished being loaded but until he got that message there was little point to him leaving his room. In front of Sable hovered the image of a human woman with short dark hair, fiddling with something in her hand just out of shot. [colour=limegreen]"I'm surprised you've kept it after all these years Everei."[/colour]"Why? it's the best gift Alanna ever got me." The woman replied placing whatever she was toying with down in front of her. It had been five years since Alanna had passed but Sable and her former partner still spoke often, once a month or so. Normally it was just so Everei could badger Sable into coming out and joining her but Sable didn't mind as sometimes it was just nice to talk to someone from his past. [center][h1][color=Limegreen]Five years ago[/color][/h1][/center] It was a damp overcast day on Saleucami; Sable, Everei and the other half-dozen members of the Eunectes stood around the grave. Sable with one arm around Everei's shoulder to try and help her not have a breakdown, the rest of the crew simply paying silent respects to their deceased comrade. As the rest of the crew returned to the ship Sable stayed by Everei's side as she placed a picture of the two of them onto the top of the grave. To most onlookers, the two wouldn't seem like a likely partnership. Everei was a harsh looking woman, scars covering quite a lot of her. And even though she was younger than Alanna she looked far older. Whereas Alanna looked very young in comparison, While she may have looked like a clone of her mother her personality had all the human personality of her father, that is to say, stubborn as all hell. Before departing in her own ship back to her cell Everei offered Sable a space in her ship, a chance to join the upstart rebellion and stick it to the Empire for what they did to Alanna. But Sable, for now, would decline, Alanna's instructions were clear he was to find his own way in the galaxy for a while, 'discover himself' and who was he to question her orders. [center][h1][color=Limegreen]Present day[/color][/h1][/center] [colour=limegreen]"Speaking of gifts, you never mentioned what all that money went towards getting, I do hope your bosses spent it wisely."[/colour] "Sable." She began with a sigh. "You and I both know that even if I knew I couldn't tell you, you never know who's listening in on here. Now if you'd come out here and join us, join me, you could see how that money has been... invested." [colour=limegreen]"Look, Everei I've explained this to you every time we talk. I'm not coming to join you until my contract here ends. Alanna wanted me to 'discover myself' whatever that means. And if it's more the money you're after than me then all you have to do is ask, I have a... friend who can arrange safe transfers."[/colour] "You're dammed stubborn Sable. Just like Alanna was, sometimes I wonder whether you made her like that or she changed you. No, you don't have to worry about money Sable, from what I know the money Alanna gave us still hasn't run out. The bosses are more after you than your money." Before Sable could respond a voice came over the ship's intercom. "We've finished loading the cargo, we'll close the door behind us." [colour=limegreen]"Well Everei that's my cue it was nice talking to you again, same time next month?"[/colour] "Sounds good see you then." and with that, the image of the woman disappeared. and Sable's room fell back into silence save for the metallic clanks of his feet on the floor. Sable picked his E-5 from the storage rack and placed it on his back before leaving and locking his room. It was the same at every port the ship stopped at when they took on supplies, Sable would check the hold before the ship departed in case of stowaways. Being the only one able to detect life forms automatically landed him with the job but he didn't mind. In the hold, no one bothered him. He closed the door as he entered and patched himself into the Cargo bays controls before beginning his checks. After finding the Kushibanin there not too long ago Sable made sure to be extra thorough less something more dangerous than a helpless small fluffy creature slip by him. The check went smoothly for the first few minutes, everything so far was present and accounted for. Then from behind him fell, followed by a loud metallic thud as it landed. Sable spun around and drew his blaster pointing it in the direction of the noise, spotting the said fallen crate he noticed something red shuffle in behind the crates next to it Sable dimmed the lights in the hold till it was pitch black before magnetising himself to the floor. The silence that now filled the darkness of the hold was deafening, the metallic thunking of Sable's footsteps the only break to it, as he rounded the crate he saw the Twi'Lek huddled in as tight as she could be. He raised his blaster [colour=limegreen]"I can see you Tail Head, throw your weapons on the floor in front of you."[/colour] maybe it was lucky that he had darkened the bay since in his NV mode he spotted the familiar shape of a lightsaber on her hip. [colour=limegreen]"Including the Lightsaber."[/colour] His tone was harsh, almost like he was barking orders at her. the heavy robotic filter of his voice echoing around the silent hangar. [colour=limegreen]"Boss we've got a problem in the hold, another stowaway, armed and possibly dangerous, you might want to get back here as quick as you can. And Airus, I'm gonna need your help... she's got a lightsaber."[/colour] Sable announced over the crews' comlink.