[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jYqOTPr-hJLJsgjoioU8IeG-fDRIu8WlRkTNN8CvSfE/https/78.media.tumblr.com/2ab89af0fb5751c9d5ae666f24ca95b4/tumblr_pbwt0dYgzh1w6599so1_1280.png[/img] with Captain Crunch and Sandra Photos[/center] [hr] Alistair was pretty much dragged into a pub without much time to prepare. Not that he had anything else to change into anyhow. [b][color=00ddaa]”I hope you don't mind, but it's kind of a double date.”[/color][/b] Despite how excited Crush seemed just moments ago, she was back to her more stern, serious self. Though it was clear this was very much something she wanted to be doing. [b][color=00ddaa]”Now, I don't mind paying your way here. But we're dealing with people of a very high caliber. Sandra Photos heads the compass, which is a special military division. It's been very successful, and you'll soon see she's the no-nonsense sort. Charlotte Walter is a highly decorated war hero who never lost in battle. So just keep that in mind. It is a casual gathering though, so you don't have to be super up tight.”[/color][/b] Crunch stroked her chin. [b][color=00ddaa]”What is your occupation anyway?”[/color][/b] If anything, Alistair seemed amused by the sudden change in demeanor Crunch exhibited. A strong-willed, beautiful woman who could enjoy herself is the initial impression Alistair had gotten from Crunch. And to him, those were all very desirable traits. Now if only he wasn't sharing their time together. Considering his... less than perfect appearance due to events that had taken place prior, he certainly wished he had some extra time to tidy up. He did his best to brush dirt off of his coat as they entered the pub, but that was no substitute for a legitimate cleaning. His expression did betray his feelings about this, though paying close attention to what Crunch was saying, it soon returned to normal. [color=c1ba46]"I do appreciate it."[/color] he told Crunch as she mentioned spotting him for this date. Being well financially was something Alistair was used to, given his family, but he imagined a Discover had little use here. As Crunch continued and then spoke of the people who would be joining them, Alistair nodded. [color=c1ba46]"I see."[/color] it wasn't surprising that as a captain, Crunch would have friends or acquaintances that were of a higher standing in society. He had learned to loathe such people normally, but as they were military in nature, he felt they might not grind on him so much. [color=c1ba46]"Occupation?"[/color] he repeated, thinking to himself for a moment. He'd had a lot of smaller jobs over the years because he had a habit of quitting them once they became boring to him. But that's to be expected when the only incentive he had to even hold one was because he wanted to experience something interesting. [color=c1ba46]"At the moment, I haven't found something I fancy enough to commit to".[/color] [b][color=00ddaa]”Well, let's hope they don't ask too many questions about your occupation then.”[/color][/b] Crunch opened the door to the tavern. While Crunch spoke very highly of the people they were dining with, there was not much to say about the establishment. The place looked something akin to what could only be described as the fantasy version of a “cat cafe.” All of the serving staff were feline demi-humans, and there were a few cats walking around the joint as well. There was very little in the way of decoration. Aside from a few cat banners, there was little separating this from a regular tavern. [b][color=00ddaa]”I thought Sandra hated demi-humans. It's odd that they would choose to dine here.”[/color][/b] Before long, they could hear a woman in the back raise her voice. [color=tomato]”I'm Just going to say it Lotte, this is a disaster!”[/color] [b][color=00ddaa]”Oh, that makes a bit more sense.”[/color][/b] Crush and Alistair made a bee line for the back most tables, where the woman's voice continued to get louder. At the very back were the only other two humans in the joint. One appeared to be a knight that hadn't changed out of his armor, and the other was a [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/49070c9dbd94b3fa400e6b8dcae2b88a/tumblr_nt38eo2XRr1rl8894o1_1280.jpg]fiery woman.[/url] who had taken the time to dress up for the occasion. She wore a red dress and accessorized herself with gilded jewelry. And an emerald pendant. [b][color=00ddaa]”Sorry to change plans again, but a stand in for my date showed up.”[/color][/b] Sandra eyed the two newly arrived. [color=tomato]”Must have been pretty short notice. You're late and [i]not even dressed for the occasion![/i] Am I the only one who pays attention to these things!?”[/color] Crunch folded her arms. [b][color=00ddaa]”It is as you say, this was kind of a last minute thing. If you'd prefer, I can leave.”[/color][/b] Sandra grumbled through her lips. [color=tomato]”Sure, it's better than eating alone with this air head.”[/color] Charlotte didn't have a lot to say. His head was tipped back and he looked dead to the world. Had he been overworked? [color=tomato]”Take a seat.”[/color] Once Alistair and Crunch had a seat, Sandra scanned them with her eyes. [color=tomato]”Alright, so, who are you? What makes you so special?”[/color] Alistair had witnessed many highs and lows in his lifetime already, and that included the establishments he had visited. If he said this tavern was the worst joint he'd been taken to for a date, he would certainly be lying. That said, it would not be wrong to say he was expecting something... a tad classier, given how important the people partaking in this date sounded. In the end, however, that was of little important, he figured, so he remained quiet on the subject. As for the abundance of demi-humans, they intrigued Alistair, to be sure. It seemed they were something tolerated around here, not welcomed. Had Alistair been introduced to this world in a much less violent way, learning about these being might've been something he pursued. Alas... [color=c1ba46]"You friends, I presume?"[/color] Crunch's response to the raised voice was entertaining. Rather than surprise, she seemed used to it. Were these people prone to outbursts? Hopefully they weren't insufferable like the kinds back home. The Archibald decided it best to follow Crunch and wait to see. When they came upon the only other two humans in the establishment, Alistair remained quiet as they took a seat and allowed the others to interact. He listened quietly, until the girl in the red dress turned to him. [color=c1ba46]"I am Alistair Archibald, a pleasure to meet you,"[/color] he introduced himself rather politely. His expression was much more relaxed than it had ever been since coming to this world. Perhaps because this situation was closest to something he was familiar with. [color=c1ba46]"As for what makes me special,"[/color] he then turned to Crunch, his features now seemingly asking the woman if he should mention his predicament to these two. Crunch nodded. Sandra seemed to notice this, if her eyebrows are anything to go by. [color=tomato]”Yes, Mr Archibald?”[/color] She folded her hands under her chin. Turning back to Sandra, Alistair continued, [color=c1ba46]"I've died countless times"[/color] Alistair thought about how fun a conversation based around this curse of his might be. Though it required both the physical ability to speak about it, and the assumption that people wouldn't just call him crazy. Regretfully, neither of these things were possible right now, so that remained in his mind and nowhere else. Instead, Archibald actually continued with, [color=c1ba46]"While there's other things that make me 'special', I'm certain you may be intrigued to hear I'm a foreigner who comes from a land where the very existence of magic is considered naught but fiction, as it seems that it has become somewhat commonplace here."[/color] Sandra narrowed her eyes. [color=tomato]”Are you...”[/color] Her words trailed off. The situation was already pretty awkward, so Sandra just staring at Alistair wasn't much cause for alarm. Then she pushed herself away from the table and stood up. [color=tomato]”Alright, while we wait to be served, maybe we could dance a bit. We're also swapping partners.”[/color] Crunch raised her brow. [b][color=00ddaa]”You typically start with your own parter first though, right?”[/color][/b] [color=tomato]”Are you telling me you don't want to dance with our legendary hero? ”[/color] She pointed at Lotte, who seemed to be drooling a bit now. [color=tomato]”Come on Alistair, stand up.”[/color] She extended her hand. [color=c1ba46]"...Alright."[/color] Alistair took her hand, but it was clear he wasn't sure why she'd suddenly gotten the urge to dance. Something was off about this situation, and it was probably the fact that there wasn't music to dance to. And while normally Alistair would've simply declined due to the absurdity of this situation, he was unaccustomed to the culture of these people, and it may have been disrespectful to Sandra, and by extension, Crunch. He did manage to shoot Crunch a confused look. [b][color=00ddaa]”I want him back when... The song's over.”[/color][/b] Crunch looked ahead at Lotte. [b][color=00ddaa]”Did you want to-”[/color][/b] He slumped down in his seat until his head sunk below the table. Crunch was only able to sigh. Sandra hummed a tune to herself while dancing around the “catopia.” The demis were already taking a lot of interest in the only humans in the joint, but this was really getting everyone's eyes on them. Alistair noticed that they were being danced towards the “inn” side of the tavern. As Sandra passed by the front counter, she dropped a few coins down without saying anything before dancing towards the rooms. [color=tomato]”You've danced before huh? ”[/color] Her smile was starting to fade. [color=tomato]”You're not great at it, but you haven't stepped on my toes yet.”[/color] Being the center of attention was nothing new to Alistair, so he kept his focus mostly on the girl before him. He took notice of their direction, but for the time being, her exact intentions were unknown to him. The newfound pessimist in him told him to be on his guard. Yet, as it was supposed to be a date and dates were to be 'fun', he tried pushing negative thoughts to the back of his mind. [color=c1ba46]"I did take classes when I was younger, but it seems my edge has gone dull in that regard. Haven't had many opportunities to do so in recent years."[/color] he explained. As the dance went on, his movements seemed more fluid. [color=c1ba46]"But I obviously can't say the same about you. Is this hobby of yours?"[/color] he asked. Sandra blushed, if only slightly. [color=tomato]”We- Ah- Imea-”[/color] She cleared her throat. [color=tomato]”I've just had a lot of time to practice. Girls are suppose to be good at this sort of stuff.”[/color] After guiding Alistair into one of the rooms, she released his hands and shut the door behind herself. Sandra gave a nod before turning around to face Alistair.[color=tomato]”So how many times has it happened now? This is the sixth attempt, isn't it?”[/color] She tapped her foot on the ground. [color=tomato]”Right, you normally can't talk to people about it. You'll kinda choke up, and if you force past it, it'll kill whoever you're talking to. But that won't happen to me.”[/color] [color=c1ba46]"I...err"[/color] For once in his life, Alistair found himself at a loss for words. He'd expected either something really good or really bad to happen when he entered this room. But Sandra just hit him with something that may be either one. It took him a minute to regain his composure, and then Alistair finally spoke, and did so with a stern tone. [color=c1ba46]"...be very clear with me. What are you speaking about, exactly?"[/color] he demanded. Sandra placed a hand on her chest. [color=tomato]”Do I really have to spell it out for you?”[/color] She folded her arms. [color=tomato]”You have a power, but you don't know it's name. And if you try to talk to other about it, you get nervous.”[/color] She somehow fret her brow even more. [color=tomato]”Does any of this sound familiar?”[/color] She squeezed her eyes shut. [color=tomato]”Does the name Lord Talus ring any bells?!”[/color] [color=c1ba46]"Talus..."[/color] he pushed the name out of his mouth successfully. So she was someone related in some way to this incident of theirs. Speaking that name, it was impossible that she was referring to anything other than this curse that plagued him and the others. Surprising, to say the least. But what was her role in all of this, he wondered. [color=c1ba46]"Yes, yes it does. The 'man' that brought me here was named Talus."[/color] he admitted, the feeling of the word quite foreign to his mouth. He still wasn't sure if she was a friend or foe, so he kept his eyes on her. [color=c1ba46]"How do you know all of this? Were you brought here as well?"[/color] he asked her. His tone was ripe with suspicion, though oddly enough it was much less harsh than before. [color=tomato]”I do have to be careful what I tell you. We don't have a lot of time, and it's probably safer for you if you don't know what I am. Things have been set up so that you remain ignorant for as long as possible.”[/color] She glanced off to the side before returning her eyes to Alistair. [color=tomato]”There were once nine witches of sin. A long time ago, the witch of envy killed all of her competition before she was sealed away. You probably heard a few people talking about witches. They were probably talking about the witches of sin.”[/color] Sandra groaned. [color=tomato]”There are also witch cults. They are lead by archbishops who can use the ancient magic of witches. Certain individuals can use these dark arts, but... You know what? Go to a library and get a book discussing authorities. We have more important things to cover.”[/color] She took a few steps towards Alistair. [color=tomato]”There is a witch cult call the high council. Unlike most other cults, they are obsessed with creating artificial witches of sin. It's a project as insane as creating your own gods so that you can worship them. Yet they succeeded.”[/color] Sandra took hold of her wrist. [color=tomato]”The artificial witches, They are watching you. All of you.”[/color] She growled. [color=tomato]”I wish I knew what his role in all of this was! But moving on, the world does not like the Witches. They are akin to demons, and Od Laguna is something of a god. I believe those concepts hold up in your old world, correct?”[/color] She was starting to speak faster. [color=tomato]”Some of you must be vanishing because of Od Laguna. Somehow she knows the witches want you here, but I don't know where she's sending you.”[/color] Despite being hit with quite the infodump, Alistair did what he could to ensure everything she just said remained in his memory. There was quite a bit to take in, and he now had so many questions. But for now, it did not seem like they had the luxury of time. He would try to ask what he could. [color=c1ba46]"Then would the people that have been attacking us be part of this 'High Council' you speak of? If that's true, and if their 'artificial witches' desire us for something, why have they been attacking us? What purpose could that possibly serve?"[/color] [color=tomato]”I don't really know what's killing you, so I don’t know. But if you've run into problems, Lord Talus likely set things up that way.”[/color] Sandra placed a hand on Alistair's cheek.[color=tomato]”Maybe we can talk again in the future. But the new witches are watching us, so it's best we end things for now.”[/color] Sandra Took her hand off of Alistair and sharply drew her palm across his face. [color=tomato]”And maybe learn to keep your hands to yourself, ya filthy animal!”[/color] Sandra stormed out the door to the room. [color=tomato]”Men have NO shame, even foreigners!”[/color] A few seconds later, Crush walked into the room and looked at Alistair, who now had a big red hand print on the side of his face. Crunch just sighed and leaned up against the frame of the door. Alistair normally wouldn't take kindly to being slapped when he hadn't done anything wrong, but if that was the price for information he was severely in need of, then he supposed he could let it slide. He raised his hand to his cheek and rubbed it as Crunch appeared at the doorway. He glanced up at her, giving her a strained smile. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V2sBURgUBI&ab_channel=ThemeGuy]"Don't suppose you enjoyed your dance as much as I did?"[/url] Alistair Archibald wasn't one to place complete trust in a stranger's words, especially not when his life was being targeted by unknown threats. But it was hard to dismiss everything she said as nonsense. Normally, he would not be able to speak that being's name. And she even knew about their [b]Back Because of Die[/b] skill/curse, or whatever they decided to name it. She was without a doubt connected, but it was equally possible she was with the people who wanted them dead. That said, she seemed to want to keep things to herself. And this made Alistair trust her words more than if she'd spilled everything out to him. She could even be some sort of neutral party, for all he truly knew. [color=c1ba46][i]Suppose I'll learn more if we get a chance to actually speak once more. For now, if these witches really are keeping an eye on us, then it's best to play the fool and go back to the date. I'd kill to eat right now.[/i][/color]