Maren studied the sellswords' face. She found a thin smile, and weary eyes. Cassius had barely been in her service a month and now she had led them both to there probable deaths in the city of bridges. But in that time, Cassius, and [b]the dozen or so men[/b] of his hired company had been well taken care of...the people of Tamberle were sympathetic to her cause, and the city was wealthy. The soldiers ate and drank their fill from the city coffers. The people of Tamberle were as much at risk as Maren's own small rebellion and were gracious in their hospitality. [i]"It's not my intent to let them have you without a good fight, milady,"[/i] Could she trust his loyalty? Or would he and his men run once the situation seemed hopeless? "I do not doubt that, Cassius," said Maren turning away from the walls to look upon the city. "I doubt any quarter will be given to this city, however. These men are mercenaries from Karsus, hired by my brother. They are not trained soldiers. They are looters. Bandits given royal sanction. This city will burn if they breach the walls." [i]And I am the cause of all this, thought Maren.[/i] For a moment, she doubted herself. Her brother had taken the crown that was rightfully hers. She was the eldest, after all. Fled the city with a handful of loyal men and women. That seemed ages ago. She had no choice, really. She would have been imprisoned, or worse. It wounded Maren's heart to think her brother [b]Mago[/b] would be capable of such crimes, but here they were. [i]What would father think? Son and daughter tearing apart the kingdom like this?[/i] The city was quiet now, as the moon rose above the eastern walls. A few lightly armored city guard patrolled the streets, lighting braziers and torches. The money-houses and merchants guilds were quiet. Even the inns and taverns seemed somber this night. The people well knew what would come in the morning. "Cassius. I know you will fight. That is what I hired you and your men to do. I do not expect the Karsusians to breach the walls tomorrow. They are not organized enough to take this city that quickly, but once they do..." Maren looked down at her kerchief. The embroidered silk scented with oils from distant lands could buy a commoners food for an entire season. She balled the cloth up and tucked it into Cassius' breastplate. "Keep me alive Cassius. Do that and you and your men will be well rewarded," said Maren.