[quote=@Marrok] For your consideration ;) [hider=Reno Valentine] [center][h1][color=929292][i][b]Reno Valentine[/b][/i][/color][/h1] [img]https://stuporheroes.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/batbeard2.jpg[/img][/center] [color=929292][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=929292][b]Race/Ethnicity:[/b][/color] Caucasian [color=929292][b]Height:[/b][/color] 6'1" [color=929292][b]Personality Description:[/b][/color] Reno is ever the opportunist, trying to find the advantage in any situation. He's a small time crook that finally made enough green to take a vacation, with the intent of selling some of his wares to the party people at the hotel he'd be staying at. Little did he know that vacation was going to turn into a nightmare. Reno is not afraid to defend himself and is no stranger to guns and violence, given his profession. He is, however, one who does not trust easily and always looks out for himself first. Ever the deranged, perverted, drunk and/or high miscreant in any given situation, Reno tends to be socially awkward when around people of class. [color=929292][b]Character Profession/Job/Career:[/b][/color] Drug Dealer [color=929292][b]Character Nationality:[/b][/color] American [color=929292][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [list][*]Firearm Proficiency[*]Knife Proficiency[*]Primitive Survival Skills[/list] [color=929292][b]Weaknesses/Detriments:[/b][/color][list][*]Reactionary[*]Hot Headed[/list] [color=929292][b]Character Blood Type:[/b][/color] AB+ “This hell looks a lot like paradise.”[/hider] [/quote] Looks good to me :D Is it fully completed?