[center][hider=Alexya Krashkov] Basic Information Name πŸ‰ Alexya Krashkov Hero Name πŸ‰ Venom Age πŸ‰ 15 Gender πŸ‰ Female Ethnicity πŸ‰ Russian Nationality πŸ‰ Russia Detailed Information Appearance πŸ‰ Alexya is a well built, not to muscular girl her skin tone is very pale. She is usually never seen without her gasmask on. Her hair is long and blood red. πŸ‰ Her eyes are a shade of pink as they are modified to fit her needs, mostly just to more easily see the chemical compositions of anything she wants to see. Hero Appearance πŸ‰ Her suit is a basic russian rangers looking outfit with a gasmask and noise blocking headphones. [hider= Gas Mask + Face] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/852721489075530479/29E9A48DEA64010FF3887C2CFB55ABFEB0FAF70E/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true[/img] [/hider] Personality πŸ‰ Alexya is a very gloomy person, she doesnt really like to talk to people unless she can earn something out of it or they are friends. The people that know her know that she is quite intelligent, she is a fast learner and a very strong manipulator, she does have a witty side to her but not many people get to see it. She takes pride in her intellect, often using it to help people with their assignments in school or with anything they have a problem with. Notable Relations πŸ‰ Her Family consisting of Fater, Mother, Little sister and Twin brother. πŸ‰ Her grandmother Everyday Skills πŸ‰ Cooking. This is a skill she picked up from her grandmother as her grandmother always said "Alexya if you want a man you need to know how to cook" She tought it was abit sexist but she decided to let grandma teach her how to cook. πŸ‰ Painting. She picked this skill up when she was little as she was bullied in school so her time were mostly spent on either Painting or Chemistry πŸ‰ Chemistry Combat Fighting Style πŸ‰ Strategic. She is usually seen analyzing the battleground before engaging, when in danger she disperses the toxic gas around herself as to hide herself from the enemy while she builds up the range of the gas. Strengths πŸ‰ Crowd Control πŸ‰ Close range hand to hand combat Weaknesses πŸ‰ If the mask breaks she cant use her power without hurting herself πŸ‰ Her power makes it difficult for her to go on missions that involve saving people πŸ‰ Her gas gets completely useless (Except for the decreased visibility) if her victim has a gasmask on. Equipment πŸ‰ Saiga-12 πŸ‰ MP-412 REX πŸ‰ Bayonet Power Toxic gas Strengths πŸ‰ It Disperses a toxic gas from her hands which can either asphyxiate or make the victim go mad seeing things only seen in your worst nightmare Weaknesses/Limitations πŸ‰ 20 feet area around her. πŸ‰ Has to wear the hazmat suit at all times when using the power πŸ‰ Really hard to help the public πŸ‰ Drains alot of her energy when dispersing it Cosmetics πŸ‰ Her eyes are robotic as when she was a kid she accidentally used her power without her mask on. πŸ‰ Got anything else you'd like us to know? πŸ‰ She was voted "Most likely to become a villain" in her school by her teachers [hider=Pictures] [img]https://i-h1.pinimg.com/564x/69/b2/37/69b237a5a319e4135f2d4cac8247598d.jpg?b=t[/img] [img]https://i-h1.pinimg.com/564x/72/79/69/727969d019059306da91bd6ebbf3851a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Viking] [color=f7976a]Name[/color] Alex TorbjΓΆrn [color=f7976a]Operator Alias[/color] Viking [color=f7976a]Age[/color] 29 [color=f7976a]Gender[/color] Male [color=f7976a]Nationality[/color] Swedish [color=f7976a]Birth-date / Location[/color] 1990-03-25 / Gothenburg [color=f7976a]Special Forces Group[/color] SOG [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/F%C3%B6rsvarsmaktens_specialf%C3%B6rband.svg/140px-F%C3%B6rsvarsmaktens_specialf%C3%B6rband.svg.png[/img] [color=f7976a]Appearance[/color] [hider=SOG] [img]https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/1abc5286cf5d5f198a50f80ac50a4bdb/5CC859D6/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p750x750/36979119_204305773576908_8540148202983129088_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&ig_cache_key=MTgzMDc1OTM0OTUzMDY4MzEyNg%3D%3D.2[/img] [/hider] [hider=Piket Polisen] [img]https://scontent-frt3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/2b8d0f0c9242927b373a7ea4064288d4/5CAC458D/t51.2885-15/e35/47490926_781073155573114_1009936357815500610_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTkyNTc3MTg5ODQ3NDc5MDgxMg%3D%3D.2[/img] [/hider] [color=f7976a]Psych Profile[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] Grizzled [color=Black]●[/color] No Bullshit [color=Black]●[/color] Loyal [color=Black]●[/color] Focused [color=Black]●[/color] Viking is the kind of person that does not give a shit if you have been friends for more than 10 years if you say something that he doesn't enjoy or go against the chain of command you are done, he doesn't mess around. His mind is one of the strangest things I have ever seen, he can go from sitting and talking to his friends to a deadly hunter in 0.2 seconds. I wouldn't say that he's completely mentally fine but he's definitely not dangerous to the public in any way. [color=Black][[/color][color=Green]AUTHORIZED FOR SERVICE[/color][color=Black]][/color] [color=f7976a]Relationships[/color] [color=Black][REDACTED][/color] [color=f7976a]Stance in Combat[/color] Attacker [color=f7976a]Operator Equipment[/color] [url=https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatkarbin_4]Automatkarbin 4 (AK 4)[/url] [color=Black][[/color][color=00aeef][i]Primary[/i][/color][color=Black]][/color] [sub][color=Black]●[/color] [color=00aeef]1x Thermal sight[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] [color=00aeef]Foregrip[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] [color=00aeef]Silencer[/color][/sub] [url=https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/information-och-fakta/materiel-och-teknik/vapen/kulspruta-90/]Kulspruta-90[/url] [color=Black][[/color][color=00aeef][i]Primary[/i][/color][color=Black]][/color] [sub][color=Black]●[/color] [color=00aeef]1x Thermal sight[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] [color=00aeef]Bipod[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] [color=00aeef]Barrel Stabilizer[/color][/sub] [url=https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/information-och-fakta/materiel-och-teknik/vapen/pistol-88/]Pistol 88[/url] [color=Black][[/color][i][color=00aeef]Secondary[/color][/i][color=Black]][/color] [sub][color=Black]●[/color] [color=00aeef]1x Thermal sight[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] [color=00aeef]Laser pointer[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] [color=00aeef]Silencer[/color][/sub] [color=Black]●[/color] Claymore [color=Black][[/color][color=00aeef]Equipment 1[/color][color=Black]][/color] [color=Black]●[/color] Smoke Grenade [color=Black][[/color][color=00aeef]Equipment 1[/color][color=Black][[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] Breaching Charge [color=Black][[/color][color=00aeef]Equipment 2[/color][color=Black][[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] Flash Grenade [color=Black][[/color][color=00aeef]Equipment 2[/color][color=Black]][/color] [color=f7976a]Operator Ability[/color] [color=00aeef]BERZERK![/color] When Viking is shot at he gets an extreme adrenaline boost making him feel no pain making it hard to strike him down. After the adrenaline runs out he feels all of the pain at the same time usually making him blackout as both the pain and the energy used to go into this state of berzerk comes to bite him in the ass. This ability makes him a very good first man in the door but he should never hold a position alone as when he blacks out he's gonna need someone to get him to wake up and patch him up. [color=f7976a]Biography[/color] Alex always wanted to follow in the steps of his father by joining Piket polisen (Swedish SWAT). His father was a sergeant in Piket Polisen and his grandfather used to be a Lieutenant for Piket polisen. At the age of 15, he joined the Swedish cadet force and reached the rank of Cadet captain by the age of 17. When he turned 18 he got drafted by the Swedish army where he went through boot camp with flying colours. In boot camp, he got both marksman certification and medic certification after the boot camp he decided to get the squad leader certification meaning he had to stay for an extra 3 months. When he got his own squad he decided to signup his squad for deployment in Mali where after their medic was shot in the head 3 people from his squad decided to go AWOL while they were walking away from their post and putting the rest of the 15 man squad in danger by letting the enemy see them Alex decided to shoot the 3 of them in the legs so that they couldn't get away, this was later expunged from the record and the families of the soldier were payed a respectable amount of money to sign an NDA. At 25 he was recruited into speciella operations Gruppen (SOG) where he got deployed to [color=Black][DATA EXPUNGED][/color] where he and his squad's mission was to [color=Black][DATA EXPUNGED][/color] At the same time, he joined SOG his higherups decided to sign all of SOG up to work for piket polisen aswell. [color=f7976a]Training and Experience[/color] [color=f7976a]Swedish Military[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] 6 years service as a team leader in the army [color=Black]●[/color] 4 years service as a SOG team leader [color=f7976a]Rainbow[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] Rainbow Operator Recruit [color=f7976a]Piket polisen[/color] [color=Black]●[/color] 4 years service as a breach lead [color=f7976a]Theme Song[/color] [Youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54xgvHQNG84[/YouTube] [/hider] [hider=Nagash Krakiow] Name: Nagash Krakiow Rank: lieutenant Money: 100 GP Title: Leader of clan Bashkaum Looks: [hider=Picture] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ce/87/24/ce8724fc8ccf7c7048fdfd995c1565e8.jpg[/img] [/hider] Race: Orc Traits: Total points 9 (2) Former Rank and File (1) Big (1) Educated (1) Handsome (2) Close Combat Expert (2) Artillery Expert Flaws: Vanguard General (2 points) Poor (2 points) Magic Hater (3 points) Attributes: Strength: 9 Intelligence: 3 Charisma: 5 Backstory: Nagash is a very respected leader in the clan "Bashkaum" which is one of the 3 most respected and feared clans right next to "Blog Og" and the half-human half-orc clan named "Raz Han" when the new world event happened he decided to try to take the greatest warriors from his clan and head out into the big world where he had only been once before and that was at the golden times of Yagak when he united the clans and made sure that UzgHan reclaimed its lost land. He is now a lieutenant and has some of his best warriors in his ranks [/hider] [hider=Ichiro Zanto] [color=fff200]Name[/color] Ichiro, Zanto [color=fff200]Birthday[/color] April 04, 1997 [color=fff200]Age[/color] 21 [color=fff200]Appearance[/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bb/43/21/bb4321f8d75cd9acce3b4aa6e15c3a1f.jpg[/img][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b3/24/b7/b324b70815f5259d1e72c213d58b3fe1.jpg[/img] [/hider] Height: 5’3 Weight: 100 lbs Other prominent traits: blue hair, blue eyes, short, quirky, usually dresses in her school uniform. [color=fff200]Position[/color] Dorm Room A-1: Room 109 [color=fff200]Secret[/color] Public Secret: Depression Secret: [Redacted] [color=fff200]School[/color] Is in her senior year at Millington University, studying animation with a minor in economics. [color=fff200]Occupation[/color] Ichiro works as a waiter at the Reese family diner as a waiter [color=fff200]Personality[/color] Ichiro is kind of that very stereotypical cute girl she has decided to follow her ambitions and try to be an animator, she is very outgoing and cute, she likes to party and talk about cute boys, She recently just broke up with her boyfriend as he thought that the Reese family was just faking the disappearance for publicity and she knew they would never do that so they went their separate ways. She is the kind of girl that can explode on someone really fast if they do something wrong. [color=fff200]Short Bio[/color] Ichiro moved to the US when she was 2 years old meaning she does not really remember anything from her former family but she sees her new family like her actual family because in her mind family is more than blood, As you probably understand she was adopted when she was 2 by a family from the US that wanted to start a new life with a kid, so they chose her, according to them she had run up to them and jumped straight in to their arms as they went in to the adoption clinic. She was raised in this town and have grown up with a lot of the people here, for example, every weekend they would go to the diner she now works at, they used to go to the doctor's office that she once worked as an assistant making coffee for the doctors, And she had playdates with the boy she now has a crush on. When she turned 17 her parents got in a car crash and her dad was killed and the mother was crippled for life and after a year her mother killed herself with a Glock-18 to the head meaning at 18 she was alone without parents and her life went to shit, but the Reese family accepted her as one of their own, allowing her to work at their diner and sometimes come over to eat dinner with the family. She got heartbroken when two people out of the family that she now counted as her own disappeared she could not fathom the pain they went through every day so she decided to take double shifts and not crave extra payments for late night work. She is still keeping up the facade though, she smiles in school and laughs with her friends but inside she is hurting for all the people she has lost, and some people know that she is depressed and cries when no one is looking.[/hider] [hider=Anastasiya Ivanov] [hr] [img]http://www.directexpose.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/sputniknews-com.jpg[/img] [color=fff200][sub]"They won't even notice me"[/sub][/color] [hr] [b][u][color=ed1c24]Name[/color][/u][/b] [i]Anastasiya Ivanov[/i] [b][u][color=ed1c24]Callsign[/color][/u][/b] [i]скорпион (Scorpion)[/i] [b][u][color=ed1c24]GENDER[/color][/u][/b] [i]Female[/i] [b][color=ed1c24][u]SEXUALITY[/u][/color][/b] [i]Heterosexual[/i] [b][color=ed1c24][u]AGE[/u][/color][/b] [i]26[/i] [b][u][color=ed1c24]RACE[/color][/u][/b] [i]Caucasian[/i] [hr] [b][color=ed1c24][u]GROUP[/u][/color][/b] [i]PMC[/i] [b][color=ed1c24][u]APPEARANCE[/u][/color][/b] [i]Spetsnaz sniper uniform[/i] [hider=Attire] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvHtlmBWgAEYVET.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [b][color=ed1c24][u]PERSONALITY[/u][/color][/b] [i]Anastasiya is harsh when she talks to you, she is not here to talk to a baby she is here to train you or kill you, she sees down at women who see themself as lesser or do not try their best when they are doing something. Anastasiya always had to fight for a spot at the table since she had 4 brothers who were all older than her and were all trained by to be a fighter. This made Anastasiya into the woman she is today and in her opinion, her rough upbringing was a good thing as it taught her to deal with an issue instead of running away from it.[/i] [b][color=ed1c24][u]HISTORY[/u][/color][/b] [i] Anastasiya lived 5 minutes outside of Moscow with her family: Katya (Mom), Alexander (Dad), Alexei (Oldest Brother, Spetsnaz SL), Dmitriy (2nd Brother, Russian Air Force Pilot), Karik (3rd Brother, Russian Armed Forces SL), Maksim (4th Brother, Spetsnaz EOD), Rostislav (5th Brother, Russian Armed Forces Negotiator) and of course Anastasiya (Youngest, Spetsnaz Sniper). According to her the upbringing she got being the youngest in the family and having to fight for a spot at the table was something that made her grow a lot and made her understand that you have to face your problems and not just run away from them. When she joined the army she decided she wanted to follow in her brother's footsteps and join the Spetsnaz, so after 3 years of hard work and dedication in the army she got handpicked for tryouts to become a Spetsnaz sniper, she passed the test with flying colors making it easy for her higherups to immediately put her in to one of the squads in Spetsnaz the squad was called Scorpion 4-4 and this is where she later took her callsign from. She was in the US teaching snipers from a PMC squadron how to shoot and do hand to hand combat like a Spetsnaz when the incident happened it came like a warning on the news first but then got more and more serious as people understood what happened. The PMC she worked for got contracted by the government to try to help keep people from looting in downtown NYC so they flew in on a UH-60 Black Hawk and she took position on a roof to keep overwatch for the people on the ground. It took maybe 30 seconds before she set up for someone to come out and shoot at her guys so she took him out but 10 seconds later there was a loud bang behind her and before she could react everything went black... She woke up maybe 10 hours later from what she thought but it had actually been 12 days and NYC had been overrun by looters and Zombies or well she called them husks because she thought that they looked more like dead people moving than dead people trying to eat your brain. She checked her equipment and noticed that nothing had been taken so it must have been a sniper on another roof. When she looked around more on the roof she saw Alexander a recruit that she had trained to be a good sniper he was just laying there not moving and bleeding out of the right and the left side of his head, "...The bullet must have gone straight through" she thought to herself as she looted his battle pack for ammo and rations when turning him over on his chest she noticed he had an AK-74 on his back which she promptly took as an automatic weapon is always good to have as a secondary option. When she got out on the road she made sure to stick to the walls and not show herself on the open streets too much, she made sure to look at her clock as she had forgotten to check for how long she had been knocked out for. "... Twelve days? What? and somehow I am not starving, I should definitely eat something" She told herself as she moved to the outskirts of the town. She joined up with the PMC little ways out when she found and took down one of their members putting a knife to his neck essentially forcing them to accept her to the group, but they have become good friends over some time now [/i] [hr] [b][color=ed1c24][u]SKILLS[/u][/color][/b] [i]Sniper, Radio Operator, Infiltrator[/i] [b][color=ed1c24][u]WEAPONS[/u][/color][/b] [i][url=https://i.imgur.com/eSl7Mqz.jpg]M24 sniper rifle[/url] [url=https://cdn.athlonoutdoors.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2016/01/ak2016-concern-kit.png]AK-74[/url] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/guns/images/5/59/GSh-18.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170804121408]GSH-18[/url] [url=http://www.pullthetrigger.co.uk/WebRoot/Store2/Shops/es774039/5561/8172/3B1E/4E06/C496/0A0F/1117/2449/m9-rubber-training-bayonet-92rbnt-full-1.jpg]M9 Bayonet[/url][/i] [b][color=ed1c24]Gear[u][/u][/color][/b] 5,45 mm 180 RNDs 7.62 mm 100 RNDs [b][color=ed1c24][u]Experience/Training[/u][/color][/b] [i]Russian Armed Forces (7 Years) Spetsnaz (4 Years) Sniper school (1 Year) Radio Operator school (1 Year) Triple Canopy, Inc. (2 Years)[/i] [hr] [b][color=ed1c24][u]Extra[/u][/color][/b] [i]She is fluent in Russian and has a slight accent while talking She is allergic to chocolate[/i] [color=ed1c24][b][u]Quotes[/u][/b][/color] [i][color=fff200]"This is not a problem give me five minutes"[/color] - Anastasiya, 21, Tasked with rescuing a hostage from the embassy[/i] [i][color=fff200]"Four minutes and Forty-two seconds *winks at CO*"[/color] - Anastasiya, 21, After successful extraction of hostages from the embassy[/i] [/hider] [Center][hider=Carrie Smith] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/274/036/large/%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%B7_234-2.jpg?1414522579[/img] [b][color=fff200][Center][h1] Carrie Smith [/h1][/Center][/color][/b] [sub][color=fff200][Center] "Dont worry boys Angels here" [/Center][/color][/sub] [hr] [b][color=fff200][Center] Name [/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center] Carrie "Angel" Smith [/Center][/i] [b][color=fff200][Center]Gender[/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center]Female[/Center][/i] [b][color=fff200][Center]Age[/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center]24[/Center][/i] [b][color=fff200][Center] Place of Birth [/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center] Titan - Sol System [/Center][/i] [b][color=fff200][Center] Military Branch [/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center] UNSC 25th Specialized Medical Corps [/Center][/i] [hr] [b][color=fff200][Center] Appearance [/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center] Carrie is very charismatic turning heads when she drops in with her medical team giving her the nickname Angel. she is 5'7 making her the smallest in her team, her hair is exceptionally kept, She is very often seen without her helmet on so she can give people hope on the battlefield when she enters. she build is decent for a medic in the UNSC but nothing compared to some of her teammates, her shape is one that would be compared to goddesses making the most undisciplined of soldiers make sure they are in check when she walks by. To get back to her face she has blonde hair that looks more golden than yellow, her eyes are grey with a splash of light blue [/Center][/i] [Center] [hider=Attire] [u][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/427502701681573898/494792586628956170/unknown.png[/img][/u] [hr] [i]Carrie is fit with quite a basic medic Attire her helmet is custom made to be open in the front fitted with goggles that help her analyze what she needs to take care of first and it also helps her run triage if there are too many patients to take care of everyone, looking at her upper body her shoulder-pauldrons are standard issue put they have red painted wings on them, on the back of her body armour she has bigger angel wings painted on it, everything else is standard issue making her not stick out a lot compared to some other medic team leaders[/i] [/hider] [/Center] [hr] [b][color=fff200][Center] Weaponry [/Center][/color][/b] [Center] [url=https://www.halopedia.org/M45_shotgun]M45 shotgun[/url] [url=https://www.halopedia.org/BR55HB_battle_rifle]BR55HB Battle Rifle[/url] [url=https://www.halopedia.org/Combat_knife]Combat Knife[/url] [/Center] [b][color=fff200][Center] Fireteam [/Center][/color][/b] [Center] [hider=Medical Team Phoenix] [hr] [b][h1] >2ndLT Richard "Reaper" Scott< [/h1][/b] [i]>Medical Team CO/IC - Triage Specialist - Richard and Carrie went to the same training ground to become Triage Specialists while being there they built a relationship that ended in them falling in love with each other and asking command to put them in the same squad together they were both top of the line Triage Specialists but Richard went missing 2 months ago during a mission - M.I.A<[/i] [b][h1] >1stSGT Simon "Sunlight" Young< [/h1][/b] [i]>Medical Team - 2IC - Rescue Specialist - Simon got assigned to the team during Operation Blood Splatter he was used to getting civilians out of falling buildings and making sure that none of the people that could be rescued got left behind, he got on well with Richard and got promoted to 2IC when he disappeared - Alive<[/i] [b][h1] >SGT Carrie "Angel" Smith< [/h1][/b] [i]>Medical Team - Triage Specialist - M.I.A<[/i] [b][h1] >SPC Edwin "Ghost" Ward< [/h1][/b] [i]>Medical Team - Operator - The job of an Operator is to while getting to the destination asses the situation and see what needs to be done first and where they are needed the most so it's a very crucial job that Edwin was very good at. Edwin was killed in operation Blood Splatter with a shot to the head while peeking over the barricade - K.I.A[/i] [/hider] [/Center] [hr] [b][color=fff200][Center] Rank [/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center] Sergeant [/Center][/i] [b][color=fff200][Center] Specialisation [/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center] Combat Medic, Triage Specialist [/Center][/i] [hr] [b][color=fff200][Center] Personality [/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center] When Carrie is on the battlefield she is usually messing with the people she is helping and likes to tell them stories while helping she does this to calm them since bleeding out on the battlefield and not knowing if you will survive is very stressing, she does get annoyed when the commanding officer of the mission does not trust her professional opinion on who is able to save. When there is downtime she usually likes to calm herself and tell jokes to get the morale of the troops up so that they don't dwell on the losses that they have faced in the mission. [/Center][/i] [b][color=fff200][Center] Biography [/Center][/color][/b] [i][Center] Carrie lived on Titan with her Dad, Mom and Brother. Her family became a military family when the war came knocking and now both his Mom and Dad are UNSC Communications officers and his older brother is a Frigate pilot, They decide to move away from the industrial planet they had been living on to live on the UNSC station called Retribution so they could learn how to help the marines while not being on the front line, Carrie and her brother Casper were 12 and 16 respectively when they moved here. The station they lived on was a training ground for Titan inhabitants that wanted to become marines or work in the UNSCs Administrative this is where when Carrie turned 18 she got her basic training to become a marine, but during training, she noticed that she would run towards the people who got hurt during training or simulations and try to provide basic first aid until the medevacs came and took them out of the training. So she decided to become a combat medic so that she could help the civilians and squadmates right there on the battlefield so they did not have to stop fighting. After Basic boot camp and basic medical, she got stationed on an unnamed planet in the outer colonies that just pledged allegiance to UEG and were having rebellions from the insurrectionists, she was stationed there for 6 months until the rebellion was squashed. When she got back to the inner systems she decided to become a Triage specialist and signed up for the training and got moved to a specialized station called Starlancer station During the 1 year training to become a Triage specialist Richard and Carrie got very intimate and became a couple during the last month of training which both pushed them to work at 200% so that they could both become the best in their field, when triage school was finished she got assigned to Medical Team Pheonix where Richard was the Commanding Officer [/Center][/i] [hr] [Center][hider=Service-History] [Center] [hr] [b][h3] >Operation: Vigilant Angels< [/h3][/b] [i]>The goal of Vigilant Angels was to help ground units being bombarded by Aerial attacks and Ground units, Essentially making sure that casualties while waiting for ODST to arrive to help push the enemy back - Vigilant: Sucess with massive casualties - Vigilant Angels: Partial Sucess, there were too many casualties to be called a sucess<[/i] [b][h3] >Operation: Blood Splatter [/h3][/b] [i]>Operation Blood Splatter was a cleanup operation for Operation Sand Devil that destroyed many civilian colonies in the process of clearing out the enemy that decided to hide underneath the cities. Blood Splatter was partly a rescue op and partly an operation to clean up the rest of the enemy that the main force missed - Sucess with minimal casualties<[/i] [b][h3] >Operation: Blade storm<[/h3][/b] [i]>Operation Blade storm was an anti-rebellion operation that was conducted on Levosia for 6 months where the UNSC sent a lot of rookies to get field training since it was not seen as a high priority operation. - Success with minimal casualties<[/i] [/Center] [/hider] [/Center] [hr] [b][Center] Theme Song [/Center][/b] [Center] [YouTube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvaIgq5j2Q8]Angel with a shotgun[/YouTube] [/Center] [/hider][/center] [hider=Vinnie Esposito] [table] [row] [cell] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/427502701681573898/577780223802605579/xxxxx.png[/img] [/center] [/cell] [cell] [h1]Vinnie Esposito[/h1] [code] Gender: Male Age: 34 Height: 187 cm Weight: 78 kg Occupation: Club owner, Smuggler [/code] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [b]Background[/b] [indent]Brief history. Vinnie was abandoned as a child he lived on the street in Italy for 15 years trying to swindle tourists so that he can get some roof over his head or get some food when he was 15 he started learning how to pickpocket. On his birthday he decided to treat himself and tried to pickpocket a Capo in the Sicilian mafia when he failed he was quickly caught by his soldiers and given a choice, work for him or get killed. Vinnie decided to work for him, when he turned 20 he was tasked with overseeing a small smuggling operation of 2 trucks. During the setup of the operation, Vinnie spotted a faster route that let them earn 20% extra from not having to waste gas. After 5 years overseeing smuggling operations in the Sicilian mafia, he decided to move to Chiavo due to his skill of acquiring contacts he got an in with the local Syndicate and started up a smuggling ring and night club in the city. [/indent] [b]Resources[/b] [indent] Connections in the Sicilian Mafia (Smuggling side) Smugglers (4 trucks, 5 vans) Multilingual (Japanese, English, Italian, Spanish) [url=https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/huracan-1505056852.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*]Lamborghini Huracan Performante[/url] AR-15 Burner phone iPhone X [/indent] [b]Crimes[/b] "I have never broken the law except for keeping 400 people in a 350 people area" [list] [*] Smuggling [*] Racketeering [/list] [/hider] [/center]