[center][h1][color=crimson]Lance[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=Adventure Log] Moves: -Scratch - - - Health: Full Health Status: None Ability: Defiant(Raises Attack when a stat is lowered) Inventory: Empty Quest: -Fend off the beaver. -Find a way to get back home. [/hider] [hr] As they left the cave, they were attacked almost immediately. It was some kind of beaver-like creature, completely grey save for a pair of bright red eyes. Even without the bird's warning, Lance could clearly tell that it was hostile. While this rodent probably wasn't the source of the howling, Lance was ready for combat nonetheless. [color=crimson]"En Garde!"[/color] The bird, despite being told to stay in the cave, swooped down toward the creature to peck it, while Nathan tried to goad it into attacking him. Some of the people from the other group had arrived to assist them, as well. The moment after Trevor attacked it, Lance lunged forward, swiping one of his blades at the creature, then quickly jumped back in an attempt to avoid a counterattack.