[@Rabidporcupine] [center][h1] Indiana Jones [/h1][/center] Oh, that was right, he wasn't one of the guild's population, and to one unaware of the whole...messaging system, it would look pretty weird. Indiana didn't speak for a moment, but he did compose himself, slipping his clawed hands into the pockets of his traveling jacket, before finally responding to what Astra said. [i]"The hunting party ran into a Silver Wolf, odds are they're currently getting mauled, handling it, or running for their lives. They sent me a message, that's what the funny actions were. Sorry."[/i] Unless Astra remarked further on what he had said regarding the whole message system, Indy kept silent till the workshop was reached. He did, however, take in the sights prior, offering polite nods to those he passed. He had to admit, this place was already a lot livelier than he had expected, and with such a large workforce...anything was possible. That said, once at the workshop, he'd begun examining it, finding even a few things that he, as a lower level Artificer compared to the one that was currently missing, hadn't yet unlocked to work with. It excited him, shown by a few remarks under his breath that indicated intense joy, realizing just what they could do. Unfortunately, he didn't get much time, realizing Astra was leaving him behind. This prompted him to hurry after, a light grin on his dragonic face, thinking of all that they could do. Why, the thought of building a magical airship came to mind...they had the resources probably, it would just require figuring out how to put it all together. He hurried onto the elevator platform, feeling it creak just a tad under his weight, before it steadied. He looked around again, marveling at what he saw. [i]"I suppose I do have a fair number of questions. Regarding the ores, do you know if the prior Artificer had done any work with them? Could any be harnessed as a fuel source?"[/i] He was glad that as a dragonkin, he had better eyesight than say, a human based model. Still, he wished he'd brought along the goggles of night vision, or a potion for it. Note to self: Make more goggles, they'll come in handy later. [i]"Also, do we have any gunpowder in storage? Or boom sticks I can remove the powder from? Need it for an idea."[/i] That was another idea that he felt in his mind, the thought of trying to make a rudimentary portable cannon. They were around the tech level already...factor in magic, then China having invented gunpowder long ago...Granted, he had no idea if Astra knew what he meant by gunpowder. So much to do, so much to see. [i]"Also...any chance we know if there's not say, a giant rock monster or demon boss whose lair is being dug into?"[/i] That was another thing to worry about, a lot of magical ore...it could be possible a boss slept nearby, which concerned him more than what the crew on the surface with the wolf were in the middle of. They at least could run, or possibly get help. If a cave in happened...him and Astra and anyone else, short of a miracle or good timing, were finished. That made him shudder involuntarily...and made him think of Meg. Hopefully she was doing much better, right? [center][h1] Margaret [/h1][/center] Meg whistled to herself just a tad as she pocketed the second half of the payment for the completed item, waving good bye as she turned away from the actor's understudy who had been waiting, a spring in a step. The gold would be a good step closer to paying for more of Indy's various researches, and perhaps even enough to improve their living quarters. And if there was enough left over...she could send the extra cash home to her family, or even pay for transporting one of her sisters up to the city. Indiana wouldn't mind a second big sister, she was sure of it! Or perhaps a little sister... Come to think of it, where was Indy? She checked, and well, he wasn't in the guild, based on what she'd seen. She pulled out the Sending Stone he'd given her incase they were a distance apart, and tested its locate function. After a few moments...she put it to her ear, and got...static. Checking the stone again showed that... [i]"Out of range? What...I hope he's okay."[/i] She was worried, that wasn't normal. It only happened if he was near a boss, too far away, inside another guild base, or...deep underground. Hopefully it was fine. Meg thought about it for a long moment, and sighed to herself, the elf walking down the corridors, past the quest board for the guild, down another corridor, and into her quarters she shared with Indy. She'd at least do something while she waited for him to come back, and she'd try calling again in an hour. Hopefully he hadn't forgotten the stone somewhere, that was another possible issue. Sitting down on her own bed, she pulled out her harp, and began to practice with it quietly, occasionally having to retune the strings. It wasn't exciting but...it beat being worried, right?