[hider=Elise and Sho] Name: Elise Miatori de Valois-Saint-Remy [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c897ca7b-3b59-4e39-98d3-9f884deb53c3.png[/img] School: First Year St. Laurels (Age 14) Bio: Elise grew up much the same as any noble living in the countryside. She was treated like a princess and was waited on hand and foot. Her gift came at the late age of eight. She was blessed by a god of darkness and emotion and as part of that blessing had a part of her soul torn from their body and infused into their shadow. Thus, granting it life and purpose. This was not the most pleasant day of her life, but she was happy to have finally been blessed with her gift. The resulting shadow being created by the god was, terrifying, to say the least. However, Elise could feel her connection to the shadow and thus named him Sho, because shadow would have been totally lame. The other side effect of the change was Elise noticed her emotions didn't feel like her own all the time. She quickly realized that she could now passively feel whatever a person near her could and even manipulate those feelings. Though being young she really didn't understand how to leverage this ability. She knew she liked positive feelings and thus would always try to make everyone around her feel happy, unfortunately, this led to her being tired a lot as the staff was often unhappy. She ended up asking how she could make people happier without her power and a staff member casually suggested she be nicer and maybe act cute. Elise took this to heart and thus sought to be kinder and act and dress in a manner deemed adorable. This proved to be a huge boon as she felt the positive vibes around her improve and didn't have to use her power nearly as much to keep the mood going. As this was going on Sho did their own things to help Elise. Sho was always near Elise but tended to wander off hiding in the shadows of objects and people to spy on them. Sho knew Elise only wanted to be happy and in truth, because of their connection, her happiness was their happiness. However, not all positive feelings were necessarily good. Sho did not know much but knew when someone did not have the best intentions for their charge. They would listen to what people say about Elise when they think they are alone and it was sometimes not pleasant or flattering. Sho would punish these people by filling them with feelings of regret and fear whenever they talked poorly of Elise and then inform her of these transgressions. Elise would always listen to Sho but would take his warnings as a sign that she needed to do better. If people thought poorly of her then she needed to improve that image. Sho felt differently, but respected Elise's wish. However, Elise never scolded of forbade Sho for acting on her behalf. This subtle trust told Sho all they needed to continue protecting her in its way. This went on for the next four years with Elise perfecting her persona as the perfect, smart, and adorable girl while Sho kept tabs on everyone and dissuaded anyone who'd dare to hurt them. There had only been a few notable events in that time. The most notable being an employee blowing up from stress. On that day Elise and Sho discovered their third power and an emotionless Doppelganger joined the staff in place of the other. At the age of twelve, Elise wanted to leave the countryside and finally see the city she had heard so much about. Despite the overwhelming insistence that this was a bad idea and lies about how the people weren't ready for her. Elise used her kindness, and Sho some blackmail, to convince a servant to help them. With a servant who actually knew the way and a shadow servant to assist they made their way to the city. This day didn't go well. The city people had been terrifying. They had all this resentment and bitterness about them. There were some positive feeling, but she wasn't sure those feeling were something a girl should feel from a middle-aged man. Sho scared him away luckily, but that sadly wasn't where it ended. She tried to introduce herself proudly as a noble and present her heritage to several, but they would laugh at her and even get mad if she insisted. She ended up just asking a girl about the nobility while not admitting she was. Nobles must have been a trigger because the girl ended up having quite the long rant about nobles and a lot of it centered around comparing them to bottom feeding fish and fecal matter. The girl thanked Elise for hearing out her rant and ended going shopping with her. This lead to her owning a sweater and finding out it was the best thing ever in the history of everything. It was so comfortable. Elise came back a changed girl, and still wearing the sweater. Her eyes had been opened to all the things she was missing out on that day and she needed, no demanded to learn more. The next two year Elise used all the influence her and Sho could muster to modernize the manor as much as possible. She asked explicitly for textbooks on modern technology and science. The books made her brain itch, but she needed to know what the world was. Her personal tutors were a big help, except the family history teacher whom she started blowing off. The manor had all the modern tech and magical amenities and the overall response to the change was positive. At least the servants appreciated the quality of life improvements. Her parents and the other nobles didn't seem to happy with the break from tradition. Well, they could shove tradition to the bottom of the see with the other scum suckers. The tradition wasn't working. The people thought the nobility was either a joke or just plain hated them. Finally, Elise's determination came to a head. She had made amazing progress at home, but her reputation and that of the Nobility wasn't going to improve if she spent all her time in the countryside. So, she applied for St. Laurels and thanks to her and Sho's combined study managed to get in despite their age. She hoped by being in and among the people that she could one day prove to them how amazing the nobility could be and defeat the bias leveled against them. Powers Core: The inner darkness. Elise's shadow or Sho is a living being connected to Elise. They can both feel what the other is feeling at all times and both share the same power. When either of them is near a person they can feel what that person is feeling and manipulate those feelings. Both of them seem to become passively stronger in the presence of different emotions. Elise getting stronger when in the presence of positive emotions and Sho getting stronger in the presence of negative emotions. This passive buff causes a large area around them to become dimmer and any shadows or darkness to become blacker. This makes manipulating darkness easier for them. First Power: Darkness my Ally. The darkness will answer the Call of Elise and Sho and when infused with their power will become corporeal and can be moved, stretched and shaped to their will. Second Power: One with Darkness. Elise and more so Sho. Can fuse with darkness and become incorporeal. Sho can do this at any time because they are darkness. While incorporeal their bodies can be manipulated and they can use this to become shadows and move at normally imperceptible speeds allowing them to near perfectly impersonate a shadow. Third Power. Dead inside Alive outside. If a target is overwhelmed by emotions whether they be overwhelmingly negative or positive. Elise and Sho can infuse those feeling into the target's shadow and then take it from them. The person would feel as if all there emotions were suddenly switched off and there detached shadow would rise from the ground and become a perfect copy of that person, but with a few caveats. The Doppelganger would only have half as much power as the original, it would not have a shadow, and the darkness around them would also become blacker. The first hour of the Doppelganger's life it will be overcome with the emotions that created it. During this hour the target would be without feelings or a shadow. At the end of the hour, or when the doppelganger is destroyed, the target would have their shadow and emotions returned albeit the feelings that formed the shadow would feel spent. At this point, the shadow would become docile and be under the complete control of Elise and Sho. [/hider]