[hider][b]Character Full Name:[/b] Bain Ketharhak [b]Gender:[/b] (Male or Female) [b]Race/Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Height:[/b] 6'2 [b]Character Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/22/36/b3/2236b36e0aad9f28178959392d510f4c.jpg[/img] Unlike in the picture he dresses like a normal human being unless working his Smithing or going out to a Ren. Fair. Work boots, slightly worn out jeans, leather belt, and a plain gray t-shirt are his main attire. [b]Personality Description:[/b] Bain is what a lot of people would call, an ass. He speaks without thinking, tends to do as he pleases within the lines of the law, and is bullheaded. He does care, to a certain degree, for those he deems his friends. But he has difficulty, or strange ways, of showing it. A fault of his though is that he's quick to anger, and tends to smash up whatever it is that angered him in the first place. That nasty temper hasn't earned him many, if any, friends, and he seems to prefer being the lone wolf. [b]Short Biography:[/b] (3-5 Paragraphs) (Optional) Bain is a Black Smith and has built himself around his profession. He started young, volunteering at the various Fairs in his area as an apprentice and worked up from there. When he hit eighteen he really started to get into it, buying up the materials and tools required for it. Now, at roughly twenty five, he's essentially mastered his craft and sells his pieces for hundreds of dollars. The suits of armor, his cheapest was one thousand five hundred dollars. Making to many pieces he set aside a lot of money, and since he worked for himself, he didn't really have to spend money on employees or salesmen. He saved every dollar he made that wasn't put into his business and his own well being. Unfortunately working so much, taking little time off, and doing his more athletic hobbies, he hasn't built a good social network. The most interaction he tended to get as an adult as with customers asking about his pieces. Bain was eventually persuaded by a female customer to go on a vacation. Her name was Brittany, and he relented after much pestering and went with her. The pair went to this big fancy place, Banoi, and he hadn't fully relaxed since he got there despite the place giving him extreme access to his hobbies. Partying wasn't the mans forte and he quickly kept losing track of his vacation partner and one of his better customers. Surprising amounts of armor were in cosplay for characters it seemed. [b]Voice:[/b] A deep, almost painful to actual hear, bass. [b]Character Profession/Job/Career:[/b] Professional Black Smith [b]Character Nationality:[/b] North American [b]Skills:[/b][list] [*] Metal Crafting: With proper tools he can craft various arms and armor from metal. The type of metal dictates what tools he needs and how long it will last. [*] Medieval Proficiency: He uses what he crafts, so he knows how to wield numerous melee arms from the medieval ages. Swords, Axes, Maces, being the ones he mostly focused upon. [*] Anatomical Knowledge: Between Smithing and going to Renaissance Fairs, he studied how the human body works, and how best to take it apart with the weapons he makes. It also helps him figure out how best to protect those spots. [*] Endurance Jogger: He has stamina for days and can jog for literally hours. He always says it's all in the breathing. He calls it a skill but it probably isn't in a lot of peoples eyes. [/list] [b]Weaknesses/Detriments:[/b][list] [*] Heavy Set: Given his size he's not sprinting or running fast anywhere. [*] Acromegaly: A rare disorder that's already causing him to change despite only being twenty four. This disease will eventually lead to an early death, but currently it has enlarged his hands and feet so he's a little awkward with certain movements. [*] Social Disaster: He's got all the social skills of a rock, making friends nonexistent and incredibly difficult. So making allies isn't as easy for him either unless in dire circumstances. [/list] [b]Likes:[/b][list] [*] Smoking: As if he didn't get enough smoke in his lungs. He enjoys lighting up a cigar regularly. [*] Swimming: The near weightlessness in water is a joy for him. He swims for pleasure, not for weight loss or muscle toning. [*] Crafting: He doesn't just craft for money, he makes things because he enjoys making them. [/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b][list] [*] Alcohol: It burns on the way down, it hinders and rots your mind, destroys your liver, and more often than not tastes nasty. He'll have no part of it. [*] Drugs: It utterly destroys your body, makes you waste all your money due to addiction, hinders your mind and motor functions, no thank you. [*] Wanton Destruction: He's never been fond of people just destroying things for the sake of it. He's gone out of his way and stopped people from doing such when he's able to. [/list] [b]Character Blood Type:[/b] O- DO NOT REMOVE: “This hell looks a lot like paradise.”[/hider]