[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/eT0fu7k.png[/img] &[h1][color=darkorange]𝔖 𝔱 𝔩 đ”„ 𝔡 đ”„ 𝔞 𝔯 𝔞[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QR9aaIO.png[/img] [hider=Seihdhara of the Red Hair | The Crimson Goddess | The Sanguine Protector | Bear Over Red Water] Goddess of [i]Martial Combat[/i] 0 Might and 23 Freepoints[/hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/o5T6T0Q.png[/img][/centre] [indent][sub]Time: The Day the Gods Came[/sub][/indent] For a long time, Urhu had drifted through Galbar. Ever since her talk with Shengshi, she had dedicated all of her attention and curiosity towards her idea, however, as much as she tried to come up with it, there was always something that seemed to be missing. Sometimes she wondered if going back to her brother’s palace would help, but her heart told her that what she searched for was not something she would find there. One would have expected her to have strong feelings about certain things that had transpired on Galbar - but in truth, she was too focused to care. Even Asceal’s explosion, something that was directly her fault, had been handwaved. She had desired a more peaceful solution and had not even considered causing destruction so great that the effects would be irreversible as an option, yet it was what had happened and it had worked, and that was what mattered. In her mind, Asceal would not have had the second sun blow up her sphere if she had not made the second sun in the first place. On her travels she noticed new lands rising up from the sea, most were normal, but some were elusive. It seemed many of her siblings had gone to great efforts to make areas of difficult access, made to mess with travelers. She understood the thought, but they had to understand that they were indirectly challenging her to brave such areas. Along the way, the goddess would start to use her divine energy to create little ‘notes’ for later, when her mind was free, so she could easily find locations of her interest. In the continent controlled by her brother, neighbor, and god of the hunt, she extended her hand and a mountain rose from the ground. A simple mountain would not do, and as such, this mountain had large blocks of what appeared to be polished moonstone. In the continent north of where she had met Shengshi, she found a pleasant natural harbor hidden in a cliffside cavern. Urhu would reshape that cavern, opening its walls up to an extent, but keep the cavernous aspect of it. Finally, her siblings’ attempts to hide an entire continent had certainly left her apprehensive, she could easily find it, but she wanted to invest more on knowing where things were. Her answer to this issue would come in the form of fish, a little test of the waters for future possibilities. Blessing the waters near the elusive continent, she created a moving ecosystem. Every few days, the schools of fish would go to the surface and shine, a natural instinct making these fishes always track the shifting lands. The goddess felt she was becoming used by now to create ways to track the lands she visited, recognizing and memorizing what was distinct, and, if necessary, creating her own markings. Yet this was a skill that did not help with her main objective at the moment, and as such, she continued to drift across the oceans and continents
 [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/wPVvnvI.png?1[/img][/centre] Mount Muspell belched and for miles around the seafloor shook and the waters frothed and turned angrily. Searingly hot ash and smoke swirled and swelled into the air, and lava streamed down the seething volcano’s sides. Large waves rose and fell, crashing resoundingly against the well-worn southern cliffs and shores of Kalmar’s newly-raised and jealously guarded continent. And from the mess of twisting and turning smoke, there emerged a great mass of tendrilous lava that speared at the sky then extended and spread out until, encompassing the world from horizon to horizon, it was a second sky. And from the smoke there exploded a goddess running at speed, her face set in a focused frown. With each swift and powerful stride she exploded forth, outrunning even the air. Higher and higher she raced, her hair exploding and writhing about her, leaving a great fiery trail in her wake as though she were some comet streaming across Galbar’s skies. Seihdhara could see that there was now a landmass that had either not been there before, or that she had not taken notice of, rather close to Mount Muspell. As she she maintained her aerial dash to get as far from Mount Muspell as she could, she ducked beneath a cloud, dove, and Galbar suddenly spread out below her. The new continent presented itself for her appraisal, and the goddess very suddenly came to a screeching stop and took pause in the heavens, her immense red hair now drifting in the wind and now twisting and snaking about itself or about her, and she observed the great landmass. It was bare. She took a few aerial steps, and her hair shimmered and rustled. But now that she looked more carefully, there seemed to be a rather pretty mountain standing defiantly on the sea, and it glittered and glistened - now a pale blue and now white, and now a yellow and now the most subtle, oddly comforting, purple. Not too far along the coast Seihdhara spotted a great patch of green, and excitement gripped her. She had been so mired in the series of increasingly strange incidents that had been happening to her since entering this world that she had not truly had time to take things in properly. Now, at last, she had a moment of calm. She drifted forward, then - one step, two steps - and she plummeted explosively towards the one patch of living land on the great landmass. Her hair streamed behind her like a great river of flame across the heavens, a great red spear dashing impossibly towards its target. Air clawed at her in an effort to slow the flaming goddess, now catching her shoulder and now tugging at her hair, but no protesting wind was stopping the goddess. Yet Seihdhara did not crash into the forest. When she was close enough, her hair very suddenly extended outwards like a great canopy, catching the air and slowing the goddess considerably. She laughed at the floaty feeling, and then her hair wrapped up around her and, with two preparatory steps, she leapt, flipped in mid air, and dove right down into the trees. She snaked about branches despite her speed and very soon landed gently in the thicket where she fell on her back and breathed deeply. This was good. Comforting. Cosy. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to take it all in. The winds rustling in the leaves, the leaves falling, small plants growing in the thicket, the trees themselves [i]breathing[/i], sighing, growing. She opened her eyes and looked at them curiously. Back beyond the Door she had spread Kappy’s souls to everything - to the grasses and the trees, the rivers and the mountains and the hills, to the very winds. Here though, despite a soul visibly throbbing in every tree, the earth itself did not seem to have a soul, or the pebbles and rocks strewn everywhere, or the streams. And the world felt all the emptier for it. Perhaps she could try to give them souls? It felt right. Getting on her hands and knees she looked about her, sensing the little bits of soul dust that permeated the air everywhere. She tapped the air with one hand, tapped the earth with another. She tapped again. The slightest ripple pulsed outwards - not in the physical air, but in the air of souls. She tapped again, more urgently, and the ripple became a rush. She smiled and tapped a third, and it was a great surge. Then she extended a hand and gripped, and in her hand there was a ghostly rope. She pulled once, but it would not give, so pulled again. Standing, she gripped the otherworldly rope with two hands and pulled with greater strength. One step back she went, the rope with her, and another. And when she was half way through the third, it suddenly gave and she went flying - not only due to the force of her pulling, but the [i]surge[/i]. Something - Seihdhara knew not what - had been actively stopping souls from making a home in natural phenomena like rocks and rivers. Seihdhara watched as an endless stream of soul dust exploded through the breach she had created and rushed towards the earth and rocks and distant mountains, into the wind and off into the sea. The trees rustled about her, as if stretching, and the smaller plants seemed to give off long sighs. Seihdhara smiled and bent down to a small blade of grass, stroking it. It shivered. Gently the goddess lifted it from the root, leaving enough soil and moisture for it to live for a time yet. A tress of hair curled about the single grass blade and it disappeared in Seihdhara’s endless hair. She watched the flow of soul dust for some time, and then she frowned. Though great amounts were attempting to access the rocks and wind and earth, they did not seem to be meeting with any success. For whatever reason the rocks here seemed to
 reject the souls? Or maybe the souls of this world were different and could not enter such things and forces naturally. It seemed a shame to Seihdhara, and she fell on her back again and closed her eyes. She listened to the song of the birds - the only creatures in this forest besides the insects everywhere, it seemed - and it took her back to the song of those little creatures on that island seemingly so long ago. That tune
 She opened her eyes and extended a tress up into the trees, breaking a branch and bringing it down were she proceeded to hollow it out and carve it with her hairs. When it was complete, Seihdhara took the flute into her hands and, blowing on it a few times, brought it to her lips and held it there. She did not blow, but allowed herself to live the moment, and the many moments like it that she had lived and made merry and sang and danced with her beloved grizzlies and children, clapping and whirling about the flames, some playing wooden flutes while others blew energetically into panpipes. She remembered their laughter as [url=https://youtu.be/i5pxeiK0H5o]she began playing[/url], and the memory brought tears to her eyes, and anger that those good days had to end. Her father had been angry. It was true, she had disobeyed him. But to strike her loves down like that, to tear her from her children, to imprison [i]her[/i], the youngest of his daughters. [indent][i]Climb up to the chimney and tell the Aerian Wind to gentle blow. I fear he will tip the mountain over. [b]But whatever you do, do not stick your head out at the top[/b].[/i][/indent] And so she had climbed, and she spoke as her father bid her to the Aerian Wind. But then she remembered what father had once said to her as she lay wrapped up warm and safe in a blanket by the fire - [indent][i]If you go up and look over from the top of the mountain, you can see the ocean in all its vastness and wonder.[/i][/indent] She had been a little girl then, could one punish her for being curious? And she had raised her head - ever so slightly, mind you - to see. But she saw nothing but the ruffling of her long red hair as it whipped all about her and disappeared even beyond the four horizons. And the Aerian Wind caught her, and carried her oh so far away to a land of endless snow and trees. And she dragged her hair in snow till the grizzly found her and took her with him home. And there in the home of the grizzly bear, with his wife and all his children, the little red-haired girl grew. Then in time she was no longer a little girl, but a woman full-formed and beautiful. And she married and was happy, and her naked little children danced and played about her feet - funny little things, neither bear nor god. And they brought much joy to their mother, and they brought much joy to their many fathers. And she dwelled in a small lodge near her father's mount, and was in all ways content. And when the old grizzly knew that death was soon coming to accompany him on the next journey, and he feared ascending to see her father once his life was ended, he called upon all the grizzlies and sent one of her children up to call her father down, that his daughter may be returned at last. And her father had come rushing down as a mighty whirlwind to the lodge where his daughter lived expecting the little girl. But when he saw the full-grown woman and mother a great anger took him, and he struck the old grizzly down and cursed grizzlies everywhere to forevermore walk on four feet, their head cast low. And he scattered her children - his grandchildren! - across the earth. And he put out the mountain fire she had basked in as a child and took her and all her siblings back with him to the sky, from where she constantly launched her gaze earthward just as earnestly as her children looked heavenward. And her father caused nature itself to oppress them, and so she had taught them - though her father knew it not - how to protect themselves. Then one day she was offered freedom. A Door opened where there had been none, and it bid her enter and partake in creation. Freedom. She had not wanted to step in, only look through - she had only been curious, you see, for she thought she could smell the salt of the sea. And her crimson hair had been swallowed in, and she fell head-first through the First Door. And when she rose, she was on a bare shore, the sea stretching out before her and her endless hair spearing every horizon. She had stared wide-eyed then, and she had raised her hands to her face and wept - cried for beauty, and cried because she knew. She knew there was no going back. And she cried even now as she remembered - remembered the new siblings she had met, remembered her Dwyni and her Newygnong, remembered the sword-child she had birthed to be her joy and comfort in that new world. Seihdhara lifted the flute from her lips and looked up with wet eyes. She had not noticed them, but a number of birds were now sat gaping at her, stunned and grieved by the deep sadness in the sounds - and yet for all its sadness, its core was all hope. Seihdhara wiped her tears away and tucked the flute into her hair. Yes, hope. A steeliness entered her eyes then. She had determined, when she passed the First Door, that she would open it and bring her children through. And now that she had passed through a Second Door, she determined that she would open that too and bring the rest of her soul, the rest of her hair, her beloved Dwyni and all who she loved through. She raised a hand and looked at it, and when she clenched it into a fist a shower of golden dust exploded from it, and there came before her the apparition of a shortsword. She smiled. Ursus Mater was still with her it seemed. For all her losses, she had not lost all. Rising to her feet - and so causing her bird audience to scatter - she kicked the earth and leapt into the air, and with two great bounds took off into the air. Up through the canopy and into the clear sky. She did not go higher, however, preferring to maintain some proximity to the sea of green. Peals of joyous laughter echoed across the forest, her feet touching the crowns of innumerable trees as she went breezing by. And then forest gave way to grassy plain, and plain gave way to sand, and sand gave way to sea as far as the eye could go. Seihdhara beelined for the surface of the water, and as her speeding feet grew closer the water began to swirl and foam beneath her. She brought her knees to her chest, looked down as the surface approached, and then she stretched out suddenly so that her heels skimmed the surface of the water even as she continued gliding onwards. Foam and spray flew all about her in a hail of sound and wetness, and she was soon soaked from head to toe and laughing. [colour=darkorange][i]Whooooo![/i][/colour] She whooped for any who would hear, her arms spread out to meet the air and spraying water as she transition to running on the surface of the sea. She did not realise quite how fast she was going, for soon enough she saw land. Immediately she made for it, whooping and letting her joy and excitement be known. [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/wPVvnvI.png?1[/img][/centre] Urhu was calmly flying Nyeothay Tag over the sea when she stopped, looking up into the sky with apprehension. It seemed that yet another celestial object had been launched towards the world, this time it was some sort of
 red comet? Nevertheless, the wanderer took the ship’s wheel and commanded it let go of its speed and size in an attempt to avoid whatever that was. The comet continued at speed, and as it approached it became clear that it was making strange sounds - whooping and cheering, and every now and then the odd[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘Tu! Emu! Nuyyu! Oh! Yeo! Kea! Hea! Ha! Ey!’[/i][/color] Hearing this Urhu froze
 She knew the voice, and was glad it was who it was, but she could not help but to wonder how could she know those words. Thoughts over such things as Urhu still wanted to stop Nyeothay Tag to be on the side of safety. And now that it was far closer, it was clear that this was no comet, but Seihdhara made whole (or at least more whole) and more glorious than the Ugly Old Ogre had willed. The goddess seemed rather focused on the great island she now heading towards and did not notice the ship and Urhu on it. But as she looked here and there her eyes finally settled on the strange boat. From high up where Seihdhara was, it looked to be made of wood, but her divine senses told her that this was no the case at all. A structure that looked something like a great shack stood on its deck, and on top of the shack there were many animal-shaped structures - deers and birds and dogs. Curious, Seihdhara bent her knees and dived for the great boat.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘Ahoy there!’ [/i][/color]She announced as she approached at speed, and just before she crashed feet first into the ships deck her hair exploded outwards suddenly and she decelerated almost immediately. She floated inches from the deck for a few moments, and then her feet settled on the wood-like deck. Immediately she sensed a familiar presence and, eyes wide with excitement she rushed about in search of the presence.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘Rhu?’[/i] [/color]She called as she wandered about, her hair trailing all over the place and falling off over the boat’s side into the water. From under the sea of red hair, Urhu emerged, having been on a spot that had been covered by the hair. Brushing aside the threads, she raised her hand. [color=#c0783b]“That would be me, yes.” [/color]She told her, in a somewhat playful tone. [color=#c0783b]“Nice to see you again, Seihdhara, and it seems you have recovered your other half!” [/color]Seihdhara’s eyes widened with joy when Urhu emerged, and she leapt at the other god. At the last second she remembered her friend’s warning against painful bear hugs and rather than crashing into her, as she fully intended to do, swept her off her feet instead and twirled her about. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Yes! It’s back! And it’s all thanks to you!’[/i][/color] And she planted kisses on the other god’s forehead and cheeks as she said it,[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘you made it possible Rhu! Thank you!’[/i][/color] And though she would have been happy to hug the other god for days, her encounter with Orvus had taught her that not everyone enjoyed close physical contact as much as she did, and so she eventually - if reluctantly - put the other goddess down. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘You won’t believe what happened after I left you Rhu-rhu, it’s been one horrible thing after another!’[/i][/color] As she spoke she tugged on her hair and the strands slowly began to wrap themselves tightly about her like a second skin until the deck of the Nyeothay Tag was free of hair and safe to walk again. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘First I got in a fight with Orvy and he turned my hair white! And he threw a massive asteroid at me. It was going to destroy that Old Ogre’s moon, but I didn’t let that happen - but then the asteroid came towards here instead,’[/i][/color] she looked about curiously, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘but the planet’s still here, so I’m guessing somebody dealt with it. But anyway, I told him not to do stupid stuff like throwing asteroids at people. Then he went off and I followed him - and I fell asleep. But while I was asleep my hair saw Orvy save me from a painful trampling by that laughing madman Narz! And when I woke up I saw the planet and my goodness, it was so pretty! So I went down and - ugh, did I tell you that Orvy made my hair go all white and icky? And when I was flying down to the planet it all burnt off and I became bald!! So ugly,’ [/i][/color]she scrunched her nose up at the memory, then shook her head,[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘but anyway, you won’t believe this, but that crazy Sealy went and made a big explosion and she chopped me up in two! It was the worst. And then that crazy Cat-head tried to kill me! And after that, Danglydong tried to eat me! Heh, but I showed him!’[/i][/color] She laughed at the memory of Sartravius groaning and carrying his belly after she exploded from inside him. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘What about you Rhu? What’ve you been up to? Is this your boat? It’s pretty. I really like the dogs on the roof!’[/i][/color] Still dizzy from being twirled around, Urhu started to nod, trying to catch up to the torrent of information being thrown at her with fury unmatched. [color=#c0783b]“White hair
 bald? Ah
” [/color]she thought, freezing at the mention of the explosion, she had no idea she had caused so much trouble to Seihd when she fixed Asceal’s mistakes, but there was little time to linger on this when the red-haired goddess continued to talk, it was the sort of wound that would hurt more on the next morning. [color=#c0783b]“Cat
 Eaten?”[/color] The goddess of travel shook her head, confused, and reached forward, taking the other goddess’ hands. [color=#c0783b]“I am glad you liked my ship, it has been so useful for me! I myself have not been up to much, Seihd, not as much as you, but I can tell you about it. First, however, would you not like to get in and have something to eat or drink? Then you can tell me about how you were eaten by a cat among other things.” [/color]Seihdhara laughed and nudged Urhu playfully with a hand. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Not by the cat silly!’[/i][/color]And she took off towards the interior with Urhu’s hand still in hers. Realising that she had no idea how to navigate around the boat, she turned to Urhu and put her in front, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘I haven’t eaten in
 forever! I could eat the boat! So yes, food it is!’[/i][/color] [color=#c0783b]“Eat the boat? Well then, better leave it in the largest of its forms then.” [/color]Urhu smirked and entered Nyeothay Tag. Even at its largest size, it was easy for a god to tell there was some extent of space bending within the ship’s cabin, nevertheless, the location itself was quite simple in looks, wooden furniture, simple linen over flat wood benches, decorations made from seashells and feathers she had collected in the Eye. A simple room more that did not seem to belong to a god but to a humble mortal, albeit one that really cared about keeping things organized and decorated with the little they had. Seihdhara trailed a hand along the wooden furniture as she passed by and stroked the linen on the benches. She appraised the feathers and seashells decorating the place with a little starstruck smile, and only Urhu’s voice caused her to shake herself out of her wonder and go after her. She liked this place. It reminded her of
 of home. Cosy, simple, [i]warm[/i]. Not a physical warmth, but a spiritual warmth of familial gatherings and the get-togethers of friends; of evenings spent wrapped up in so many blankets slumbering by the fire while Father snored in his great rocking chair; of being pressed against the warm fur of a lover while thunder and hail pounded the world outside; of raining kisses and laughter on now this child of her bosom and now that and watching their eyes light up in wonder when regaled with tales that once regaled her. [color=#c0783b]“I did a hunting trip to the Eye archipelago, it was created by that meteor your mentioned.” [/color]The wanderer said as she entered the kitchen, reaching into a box and taking out meat cuts much larger than it was possible to store in it. [color=#c0783b]“Very nice place, really, got myself a lot of meat, then I made some trophies and clothes with what was left because wasting an animal is not very respectful.” [/color]Seihdhara noted Urhu’s words and smiled distantly as she took a seat. How many times - sternly, kindly, firmly, warningly - had she heard such words from puckered grizzly lips? After some moments, Urhu returned to her sister with a plate full of simmering lizard meat steaks, covered in nuts and fruits she had found while scavenging. She then reached for a cupboard and took out a bottle and a cup, filling the cup with a strange liquid that had a distinct and strong burning smell. [color=#c0783b]“All yours. If you want more, just ask, I have plenty.” [/color]Seihdhara nodded and stared at the food giddily and was about to dig in with abandon when she took pause. She looked to Urhu with a slight frown and spoke. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Uh, Rhu? What about you? Won’t you eat with me?’ [/i][/color]Then she inspected the odd liquid and smelled the bottle. She had never before come across such a strange odour - not back in the previous world and not in her home world either - and she scrunched her nose up and placed the bottle a distance from her,[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘a-and, what’s that?’[/i][/color] [color=#c0783b]“I will admit I am somewhat tired of lizard meat
 But, hmm, I suddenly got an appetite!” [/color]Sharing a meal with others was typically very fun, at least it had been with the river god, she could only guess it would also be enjoyable with Seihdhara. [color=#c0783b]“Oh
 Hehe, that is wine, a gift from Shengshi” [/color]she explained, sitting by Seihdhara’s side, getting herself some of it. [color=#c0783b]“Very unique flavor, but quite nice, you cannot drink too much or your head starts to feel light
 unless that is what you are aiming for.”[/color] Seihdhara raised an eyebrow and chuckled - a drink that made you lightheaded? How odd. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Shengshi...Shengshi
’ [/i][/color]she muttered to herself as she watched Urhu drink from the cup, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘he’s the
’ [/i][/color]she frowned as she tried to remember the other gods, but on this occasion only the information which the Ugly Old Ogre had forced into her head came through,[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘the wet snakey one right?’ [/i][/color]Without waiting any longer, she finally reached for the steak and ripped a morsel that she swiftly plopped into her mouth. She savoured it and looked to Urhu with approval before popping some nuts in after it. A single strand of hair floated off and curled about the cup of wine Urhu had poured her, and she brought it close for further inspection. It had a rich, orange-gold colour that was very much to Seihdhara’s liking, and the smell - now that she sniffed it again - was not altogether bad. Carefully, she brought the cup to her lips to wash down the food. Its taste was just as pungent as its smell, but sweeter than Seihdhara was expecting. She took another sip and smiled approvingly before digging into the food and more readily washing the meat and nuts and fruit down with the sweet golden liquid. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘It’sh very goot!’ [/i][/color]She declared with a mouthful of food, before muttering a small [color=#ff8c00][i]‘ooh, pardon me,’[/i] [/color]and swallowing. She extended her now empty cup out to Urhu as she downed mouthful after mouthful of the well-cooked, lovingly-made food. Urhu did not only care for the animals she hunted it seemed, she was also a fine cook and one who put her heart into what she made - and Seihdhara could taste that. [color=#c0783b]“Yes, the snakey one. I think you should visit him when you can, he is a great host and a very friendly god, a rare thing,” [/color]she said, smiling somewhat proud at seeing Seihdhara enjoy the food she had made, and it also seemed like she had overgrown her suspicions over wine. The wanderer poured her some more and took some for herself as well, before continuing. [color=#c0783b]“I will be honest, I have not met many gods down here, just him and Parvus, many of our siblings just don’t seem to enjoy each other’s company. I understand the feeling, but there are moments for being alone and moments for being with others.” [/color] Taking a bit of starfruit and eating it, Urhu sighed. [color=#c0783b]“So.. what was the whole thing with Cat-Heads and the such again?”[/color] Seihdhara gulped more of the food down and took a sip of wine. She was curious about this Shengshi now, and this Parvus. She would have to have Urhu tell her about her encounters with them in more detail. For now though, she focused on the other goddess’ question. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Well, I guess I’ll start from when I found myself torn right out of my body
’ [/i][/color]the saffron-haired goddess began. [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/wPVvnvI.png?1[/img][/centre] If not for the natural happiness brought about by alcohol and food, Urhu would have been raging. She knew many others were somewhat messed up, but the things Seihdhara described were terrible, especially the burning of souls. She had seen so many memories from so many worlds when she entered this universe, to think of all that as gone
 burned down
 angered her. Albeit that was far from the only thing. [color=#c0783b]“What kind of person eats a sibling like that? Like
 wow. Messed up stuff!” [/color]she said in a slow manner, the wine clear in the redness of her face. [color=#c0783b]“I hope you took, like, a loooong bath in the ocean after that. Your hair is too pretty to smell like the entrails of some god.”[/color] Seihdhara covered her face with one of her hands at the compliment and giggled, then she reached down and smelled a strand of her own hair. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘I- hic. I didn’t. But I think it all burnt away. I-it was hot in there.’ [/i][/color]She stroked her tresses absent-mindedly,[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘and, well. That’s the thing y’know. They’re not-’ [/i][/color]she paused and bit her lip before taking another sip of wine.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘I
 I’ve been thinking, after all of this. And I realise now that
’[/i][/color]she looked at Urhu fearfully, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘you are my sister Rhu-rhu. B-because I want you. And like you. A lot. And you’re nice. But the others
’[/i][/color]she looked away with a hint of sadness in her eyes and left the only logical conclusion to her words unspoken. She emptied her cup and extended her hand for more. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘That Cat-head was the worst. H-he made me feel bad for wanting to live and w-wanting to be free. And for not wanting him to burn my memories a-’ [/i][/color]she scowled suddenly, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘and my soul. And would you believe it, he wanted to look into me as I burnt, know all my memories! I- hic. It’s not nice. But also- also. The souls.’ [/i][/color]She grimaced, even the memory of their pain and suffering as they frayed and shredded causing her discomfort.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘They were not normal. Something was very wrong with them - like they were slowly being peeled away. I don’t understa- hic. Understand w-why. I... have to fix that.’[/i][/color] Urhu reached forward and placed her hands on Seihdhara’s shoulder. [color=#c0783b]“I know you will figure it out, so far nothing has stopped you
 just delayed you a bit. But hey, let’s not dwell on these bad thoughts, they have their time, but now it's the turn of merriment.” [/color]she poured more wine for her sister, who nodded and forced a smile. [color=#c0783b]“And you know what? If the other gods want to be stupid and treat your poorly, their loss, your company is a gift not a burden. Let them retreat to their shells and shrivel up all alone!” [/color]she took an angry sip from her cup, even coughing a bit. Seihdhara giggled at Urhu’s words and nodded vigorously in agreement, her sadness suddenly forgotten. She took a hearty drink from her cup and looked more closely at her sister. She was cute when she was drunk and red-faced. And angry. Seihdhara chuckled again. [color=#c0783b]”There are other gods who don’t act like blowhards. Shengshi, as I said
 and I am sure Azura must be at least interesting to talk with.. And
” [/color]having a hard time to think about her nicer siblings, she banged the cup on the table and sighed. [color=#c0783b]”Anyway! Just know this, you
 can stay in Nyeothay Tag for as long as you desire. I have spare bedrooms and more than enough wine! I can show you some places I found on this plane and we can like, hunt together if you want
 And talk more... And stuff!” [/color]Seihdhara’s eyes, which had begun to show signs of drowsiness, brightened at the suggestion and she looked around at their homey surroundings. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘I can stay?’ [/i][/color]She asked incredulously.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘You and me? We can hunt together? And go places?’ [/i][/color]She stared at Urhu for a bit - whether the the drink was slowing her down and befuddling her or she was still registering her sister’s words, it was not quite clear - and then she extended a few tendrils of hair around Urhu and brought her into an embrace. She placed her head on her sister’s shoulder and sighed happily. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘I’d like that. A lot. W-we should,’ [/i][/color]she yawned, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘go do that right away. I wanna see all the pretty places.’[/i][/color] Urhu smiled and hugged her sister back, it had been lonely since she left Shengshi’s palace, she had forgotten how much she had missed talking to others. [color=#c0783b]”I will order the boat to move, I have made a whole lot of landmarks on Galbar, and Nyeothay Tag can go to them by itself.” [/color]she said, waving her hand behind Seihdhara a bit to send the order to her boat. [color=#c0783b]”Are you sure you are not tired, though? This hug is far softer than the first!.”[/color] the wanderer giggled. Seihdhara’s eyes snapped open at the word tired, and she stood suddenly picking Urhu up and placing her on a shoulder while blinking furiously. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Me? Tired? No! We’re gonna see the pretty places!’[/i][/color]She declared as she carried Urhu out of the kitchen and into the furnished room beyond. Seihdhara paused there and yawned again. All that drinking had really made her quite drowsy and she was not entirely sure she understood what she was saying or what she wanted. She noticed that she was carrying Urhu and was taken aback by that, wondering when and how that happened before quickly putting her down. A tendril of hair, unsteady and not moving quite as certainly and gracefully as normal, made its way out of the kitchen wrapped around two more bottles of wine. Seihdhara grinned suddenly and shoved one of the bottles into Urhu’s hands. She took a swig from the other bottle and sighed, her eyes relaxing visibly.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘Ok. First. F-first we’re gonna. To see places we want to see first.’ [/i][/color]Her eyes lit up and she took Urhu’s hand and dashed outside. She slipped and fell at the door but was up swiftly, unfazed. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘The doggy! I wanna see the doggy first. Such a nice doo- A-and then allova- all ovtha ship. A-and-’ [/i][/color]she looked at Urhu with wide eyes, tears brimming in them all of a sudden,[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘you said- my own room?’[/i][/color] Urhu did not know exactly what had happened as Seihdhara started darting around
 carrying her around. All she knew was that she was somewhat intimidated and making mental notes about training, then she was back on the floor
 then she was flying outside being pulled by her hand. [color=#c0783b]”The dog
 sure? It's on the roof
 Oh?” [/color]she stopped as her sister stared at her, Urhu gulping and nodding slowly. [color=#c0783b]”Y-Yes? I have a lot of spare rooms, i-if you want.” [/color]she caught herself stuttering
 it felt like deja-vu, but she did not know why. Seihdhara scratched her head and nodded, raised a hand to say something and realised she was holding the bottle. Blinking a few times, she handed the bottle to Urhu. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Tha- that’s for you.’ [/i][/color]She then saw that Urhu had another bottle in her hand, [color=#ff9900][i]‘I- I’ll take that one.’ [/i][/color]And she plucked the other bottle with an uncertain strand of hair.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘I think Rhu-rhu maybe
 maybe we should rest first. B-before seeing the pretty things.’ [/i][/color]The delirious saffron-haired goddess looked at her sister and, uncertain on her feet, reached out to her for steadiness. She seemed calmer now, but she had seemed rather calm in the kitchen too. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘To bed. To bed. The old man said.’ [/i][/color]She sang to herself and giggled, and then she seemed to remember something and she shuffled around in her endless hair for something. After a minute or so of rummaging about, she finally emerged triumphantly with a wooden flute. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘R-Rhu! F-for you. Here.’ [/i][/color]And she extended the wooden flute to her sister with an excited drunken smile. [color=#c0783b]”When did you...How... “ [/color]Urhu shook her head, she was putting too much thought into it. She took the flute, patted it until it was free from red hair strands, and then took a deep breath before playing a very plain sounding tune, neither good nor bad. [color=#c0783b]”Hah
 It makes a nice sound
 I don’t remember seeing something quite like it before, but I was for some reason expecting a higher pitch, but I like this.” [/color]she played with it a bit more, more for the fun of it than anything, then smiled. [color=#c0783b]”Thanks sister.” [/color]she then gently wrapped one arm around Seihd so she would have better footing, and started to guide her back into Nyeothay Tag. It was a good thing that at this size nobody had to take ladders, she did not know if she would manage to and she knew for sure Seihdhara wouldn’t. Seihdhara allowed Urhu to guide her through the ship. And as the other goddess helped her, the impassioned Seihdhara told her how she would teach her a few good tunes to play on the flute, and how she had played it herself to some birds back in a pretty forest. And she looked about them and commented about one piece of furniture or a particularly pretty feather. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Y-you’ve made it so nice and warm Rhu. It’s warm.’ [/i][/color]Seihdhara muttered and looked down at her sister. Just then Urhu moved to brush some stray hairs out of her face, and that caused her right sleeve to fall back slightly revealing an odd flame-red tattoo. Seihdhara let out a gasp and reached for her sister’s arm.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘What’s that Rhu-rhu?’[/i][/color] Urhu looked down confused, then gasped in realization; the tattoo she had made as a memento of Seihdhara back when she arrived on Galbar. [color=#c0783b]“When I came to talk with you after you fought the cyclops, you ended up staining my skin with some of your blood.” [/color]she explained, it felt weird to put it out in words. [color=#c0783b]“When I arrived in Galbar, most of that blood was being washed away, but I decided that I did not want to fully erase that, as it served as a reminder of what the Architect had done... but also of you.” [/color]she added. [color=#c0783b]“I know it sounds stupid, but I was somewhat paranoid about forgetting important things.”[/color] Seihdhara’s eyes softened at her sister’s revelation, and she smiled a full-toothed, hearty smile, her eyes creasing up.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘It’s not stupid. I underst- understand that. It’s beautiful. We have t-to protec-hic, our memories.’ [/i][/color]She seemed to think on this and realise something,[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘I should get one too! To remember not to forget.’ [/i][/color]She looked at her hands and the tattoos alread- her eyes widened and she looked frantically at the unmarked back and palm of her hands, and realisation dawned. Her original body
 she fought the tears away and quickly smiled, not wishing to ruin the beauty and magic of what Urhu had told her. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘WHEN I WAKE UP, I’M GETTING A BLOOD TATTOO TOO!’[/i] [/color]She declared, pounding her chest with an arm and nearly knocking herself over. She steadied herself on Urhu again and wrapped an arm about the other’s shoulder. She had been at ease and peace with her sister before, but now there was something more. Her heart flitted here and there, but in her drunken state she could not quite work out what it was. Urhu smiled seeing her sister shift in spirit again, she was glad Seihdhara had reassured her, but she blinked rapidly as she saw her examining her own hands. Something had clearly gone missing. [color=#c0783b]“Hah, that can be arranged. I think tattoos would look great on you. But for now, remember what the old man said, to bed, to bed.” [/color] Seihdhara laughed out loud and slowly nodded one too many times. Then she pointed ahead and repeated the proverbial old man’s words.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘Yesh. To bed, to bed, the old man said, and wouldn stay for an aaanswer. This old man, he said one, he said knick knack on my tum, and a knick knack oh and knick knack eeh, this old man went flying free!’[/i][/color]And as Seihdhara and Urhu made their stumbling way to the bedroom, the saffron-haired goddess babbled a number of rhymes she knew. In ages past and worlds not of this world, she had been a mother after all and had sang her children to sleep. It was noticeable across the corridor that unlike in Shengshi’s palace, all rooms were of about the same size, including Urhu’s own room, the wanderer taking Seihdhara to the one left of that. [color=#c0783b]“It’s pretty barren, sorry.” [/color]she told her, in reference to it being a bed, a window and a table. [color=#c0783b]“I will take care of that later!” [/color]her tone was legitimately apologetic, Seihdhara would discover that the mattress however was quite soft and in a pristine state, Urhu doing her best to stop her sister from just dropping on the bed like a rock. [color=#c0783b]“Comfortable?”[/color] Seihdhara rolled about on the bed a few times, one of her strands wonkily placing the bottle of wine on the one table. Seihdhara looked up at Urhu groggily and nodded. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Yeh, nearly. Just need
’ [/i][/color]and suddenly Seihdhara’s strands wrapped about Urhu’s waste and, lifting her gently, brought her to the bed where Seihdhara swiftly wrapped her arms about the other goddess and squeezed her like a great stuffed toy.[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘Now it’s
’ [/i][/color]she muttered, already asleep. A small satisfied smile lined her lips and her face - after all she had seen since entering this strange new world - was utterly serene. In this universe of unknown dangers and treachery, she had found the one safe place. And she soaked herself in it. The wanderer gasped as she was grabbed and went red when she found herself being hugged. She tried to gently leave at first, but the combat goddess was far stronger even when asleep. Eventually, she was slowly persuaded to just give up, she was drowsy from the wine and glad Seihdhara had a peaceful expression in her face. [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/wPVvnvI.png?1[/img][/centre] Seihdhara woke up with a loud moan and a stretch. It would be noticeable that Urhu had left earlier, needing less rest than the reborn goddess. She rolled about sleepily, mumbling something about[color=#ff8c00] [i]that hit the spot[/i][/color]before pushing herself to her knees. Immediately a wave of dizziness caught her and she fell back to the pillow, grumbling something incomprehensible. Eventually however, wrestling with the blanket that had managed to get twisted and entangled about her, she managed to fall of the side of the bed. Using her hair for support, she pushed herself up and one cheeky strand reached for the waiting bottle of wine. Though dizzy and feeling nauseous, the saffron-haired goddess yet had her wits about her and swiftly pulled the rebellious strand away. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Oh no you do-’ [/i][/color]and then her eyes widened as her stomach lurched and she knew she had to get out. At speeds she did not think herself quite capable of in her state, she launched herself out of the room, through the corridor and well-furnished room, past the kitchen and exploded onto the deck where she swiftly made for the side of the ship - just about holding back the floodgates. Placing her head over the side, she emptied the contents of last night’s dinner into the sea. She watched with bleary eyes as the biological ejecta spread with the waves, and then suddenly exploded outwards as now odd orange fish with lizard-like features swam this way and little winged sprytes pulled themselves from the water and flew of that way. There were not many of them, a handful of fish and three or four sprytes, but it was enough to cause the hungover goddess to stare for a few moments. With her stomach somewhat settled, she turned around and allowed herself to sink to the deck, staring at the cloudy sky. Tiny droplets of rain were wafting in the air, landing on her skin and fizzling away. Now that she thought on it, she had not seen rain on Galbar at all until now. Wherever she went the sun had beaten mercilessly down on everything. Only here were there clouds. She got unsteadily to her feet and made for the doorway leading into the boat’s interior. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Rhu-rhu!’ [/i][/color]she tried to shout, but it only came out as a somewhat pained croak, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘it’s raining!’[/i][/color] [color=#c0783b]“That seems to be the case
” [/color]Urhu grunted, a bit startled, she had been focusing a lot on a large piece of paper over a wooden board, the goddess drawing something though what was being blocked. Trying to not look too directly at Seihd, she continued to sense the outside and then blinked rapidly. [color=#c0783b]”Why can I feel your essence on a school of fish? Oh
” [/color]she had to think hard, it felt like she needed to say something but it was something never said before. [color=#c0783b]”Ah. Good morning.”[/color] Noticing that Urhu seemed busy with something, Seihdhara approached. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Good morning to you too!’ [/i][/color]she responded as she took a peek over Urhu’s shoulder,[color=#ff8c00] [i]‘I think those fish
 well, I think they came out of all that vomit. You were right about drinking too much. Not nice. And there were these little flying things. Whatcha doing?’[/i][/color]She stared intently at the drawings Urhu was making, appearing to invest some effort into focusing. [color=#c0783b]“Ah! This is nothing, forget it.” [/color]she says, suddenly placing the paper upside down with the wooden block over it. [color=#c0783b]“Hmm! Reminds me of when I first drank, haha. Do you want me to prepare something to make you feel better? Vomiting fishes ought to be bothersome.” [/color]she stood up and smiled. Seihdhara looked distractedly at the paper, her eyes now filled with curiosity. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Are you sure you don’t want to show me? I promise I won’t laugh! And hmm, food?’[/i][/color]she placed a hand on her stomach, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘not feeling hungry. Stomach’s still a bit upset. I might end up throwing up more fish if I eat.’[/i][/color]She laughed slightly at the idea, before wincing slightly and taking a seat. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘You know, I talked a lot last night. But you never told me much about what you did. I feel like,’ [/i][/color]and she glanced back at the mystery paper, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘I feel like you’re working on something important. Won’t you tell me?’[/i] [/color] Urhu bit her lip, took a deep breath, and then nodded slowly. [color=#c0783b]“Fine, but first things first. I will make you some tea. Do you know it? I know one that helped me when I had drank too much.” [/color]she said, moving to the kitchen, the sound of cutlery and pots being moved around echoing through the boat. [color=#c0783b]“You can look into what I was doing if you want, it is pretty flawed, however.”[/color] she said, not wanting to leave her sister waiting. Seihdhara looked curiously at the paper and considered waiting on Urhu to show her herself. But since she did not seem to mind (or perhaps did not wish to go through the embarrassment of showing her personally), Seihdhara turned it over carefully and looked. A figure of the same landscape was repeated four times on each corner of the paper, Urhu was not the best at drawing, but the images were good enough to give an idea. One had blooming flowers and gentle winds, one had clear blue skies and a strong sunshine, one had the land covered in snow, the other
 was somewhat dead, about as withered as the cold one, but with nothing that made it distinct beyond that. [color=#c0783b]“And here you go.” [/color]she said, placing the tea filled cup on the table, a trail of steam being left along the way. [color=#c0783b]“Didn’t I say it was nothing? It is quite underwhelming, really cannot make this work, especially with that spot between the hot and the cold season.” [/color]she sighed. Seihdhara continued to stare at the paper, clearly absorbed. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘The bit between the hot and the cold season?’ [/i][/color]she asked, looking at the representation of the dead landscape. She frowned and placed her finger on the blue skies and strong sun, before moving it to the snow. She liked the colours, it was a nice contrast.[color=#c0783b]“Yeah. I mean, I am fine with theme of withering, but this one is just depressive, nothing but grey, brown, and leafless trees. It needs something more, something that fits between the plentiful of this one and the hardship of the last one, but I cannot figure out what.” [/color]Seihdhara finally put the paper down and took up her cup of tea, a deep frown on her face. She sipped the hot tea, the fact that it was still slightly too hot to drink passing her by. Colours. Her eyes narrowed as she thought. The sea was blue and vast, the sky too. Then endless snow, the white of that against the short dark days. Urhu was right, for between the blue and brightness and the white and darkness there had to be something. She took another glance at the complete picture again, extending a strand of hair to bring the page closer. Her eyes widened with curiosity and she placed the strand across the drawing of the dead landscape. Between the brightness and darkness
 a sunset. Seihdhara beamed suddenly and looked at Urhu excitedly. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘A sunset Rhu! You need a sunse-’ [/i][/color]she exclaimed, in her enthusiasm forgetting all about the cup of tea and causing it to spill all over her. It hissed against her naked skin and swiftly blew up into a steamy cloud. She blinked a few times and looked down at the content of the cup. There was still some there. Drinking it up in one swallow, she stood up and brought Urhu close. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘An explosion of colours, Rhu, just like a sunset. Glorious, beautiful, awe-inspiring. That’s what it needs.’ [/i][/color]She remembered the little fishes that had exploded from her ejecta, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘and purple! A very dark one - almost red. All those colours.’ [/i][/color]Even as she spoke she seemed to see it and grew all the more excited for it. But then she looked at Urhu, worried that she was not making any sense. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘D-does that make sense?’[/i] [/color]To ensure that her point was clear, she gripped a handful of hair, which quickly hardened and came to a point, and she began scribbling on the representation of the dead land. Immediately the trees were coated in orange-red leaves, and the ground too was littered with them. Seihdhara lifted her hand and looked at her additions, then back to Urhu. The wanderer had understood what Seihdhara had been going for from the start, leaning her head close and nodding at her wise words, now there seemed to be a true natural flow to the project. [color=#c0783b]“[b]It does![/b]” [/color]she said in a loud, excited tone, [color=#c0783b]“It finally does make sense
 And it works so well. It's not only beautiful, but is also very calm, almost melancholic
 yet this red
 it's your red, of perseverance, of not giving up even in the face of the cold death that is to come once all leaves fall
” [/color]she smiled widely and Seihdhara blushed visibly. [color=#c0783b]“Seihd
 I don't even know
 how to thank you! I spent so much time stuck on this, never seeing the possibilities
 But you brought the missing piece!”[/color] The saffron-haired goddess took Urhu’s hands in her own and laughed. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Don’t thank me yet! Let’s do it. I want to make them. They’re going to be beautiful! How do you plan to do it? I wanna help! We should start on the- hmm,’ [/i][/color]she frowned, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘we can’t keep calling them “them” can we? Do you have a name in mind?’[/i][/color] [color=#c0783b]”Hmm, guess I will need to go to my sphere. It's still a blank slate
” [/color]Seihdhara’s words about names caught her by surprise, but she nodded, seeing the point, [color=#c0783b]”Yeah, but I truly do not know what to do with that. I was thinking of just waiting and letting others sort it out.” [/color]the wanderer shrugged. Seihdhara nodded distractedly, her mind already fixated on getting to Urhu’s sphere as the next step in their endeavours to make the drawings into reality. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Alright! Three two one go!’[/i][/color] she shouted, racing out of the door and bounding into the air. A few moments later her head reemerged at the door, frowning. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Your sphere? Where’s that?’[/i][/color] [color=#c0783b]”It is a weird place, to find it, you must get lost.” [/color]Urhu told the other goddess, slowly making her way out, to the deck, to join Seihdhara. [color=#c0783b]”Let me make Nyeothay Tag small, this way we can reach it faster.”[/color] and as she said so, the ship started to lose its size, the deck contracting, the structure shifting, until it was no bigger than a small boat where the two gods barely had space for themselves. The considerably larger Seihdhara found herself sat with her knees to her chest, looking about her in surprise at the shrunken ship. The wanderer raised her hand, the ship started to gain speed, the wind blowing against them with great strength, even if the deck itself was shielded from hazards. The saffron-haired goddess laughed as her endlessly long strands were taken up and swept far and wide by the force of the air. The continent below started to turn into a blur, and the mountains in the distance approached them as fast as a tree would approach someone running on foot. Seihdhara turned and watched as the mountains got ever closer, captivated by all that the others had been creating while she was fighting to exist. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Who made those?’ [/i][/color]she asked, gesturing towards the mountains. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘And, uh. If we don’t stop soon we’re going to crash right into them!’ [/i][/color]She did not seem at all perturbed by this - if anything, she seemed excited at the prospect and muttered something along the lines of [color=#ff8c00][i]tu emu nu
[/i][/color] [color=#c0783b]“I don’t know. I think they kinda come with the whole land raising act, or the whole throwing rocks at Galbar act, or the
 well, you get the idea.” [/color]not losing speed, she gracefully made the ship slide to the side, gently avoiding the mountain by very small distance. [color=#c0783b]“Hey, where did you learn those words?” [/color]she questioned. Seihdhara looked over at Urhu questioningly, before realising which words she meant. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Oh, you mean “tu emu nuyyu oh yeo kea hea ha ey”? I heard you say it in this dream once. I liked it and it’s been stuck in my head. I’ve no idea what it means though, sounds like a great battle cry though. Fills the belly with fire!’ [/i][/color]She chuckled at this before raising her arms skyward and bellowing the phrase at the top of her lungs so that all of heaven heard it. Urhu laughed at that, though also taking note about how she learned that from a dream, which was a bit worrisome, she look up at Seihdhara as she screamed it. [color=#c0783b]“You show them. Heh. I guess in a sense it's a battle cry, I sure would love to imagine a field of warriors screaming that to the heavens.” [/color]she smirked widely. Seihdhara smiled mischievously at this and noted it. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘If I have anything to do with it, you won’t have to imagine it for long!’[/i] [/color]the warrior goddess said, watching the earth below. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘As soon as I get the chance, I’ll teach it to others! In fact, I should teach it to you too! When you next find yourself in a pickle just smash the earth with a foot and scream it at the top of your lungs! But that’s for after we make the pictures real.’[/i][/color] [color=#c0783b]“I will remember to do that, not usually my
 battle cry, but I see its charm.” [/color]with a nod, she lowered the ship down, just over the trees canopies, as they navigated over a small woodland. Raising her hand slightly, the goddess made the ship lose some velocity and go down below the trees, quickly finding its path among the woods until it entered a mist covered area. Soon trees would stop appearing among the fog, and when they left it, they would be in an empty cavern world deep bellow Galbar. Shaking off her curiosity as to what Urhu’s [i]usual [/i]battle cry was, Seihdhara watched as her sister navigated the small boat ever downward, through beautiful green woods and eventually to the cavern. Before the ship had even landed, Seihdhara gave off a great excited cry and leapt off the side, her hair trailing wildly behind her as she fell. Once on the ground, she turned and waited on the boat to settle and Urhu to emerge. Nyeothay Tag gently landed over the ground, and Urhu swiftly jumped out of it, smiling as she saw how excited Seihdhara was, even though she herself was a bit anxious, as this seemed like a much more complicated task from her point of view. [color=#c0783b]“I guess it's easy to see why I prefer to live on my ship, eh?” [/color]she joked, looking at the plain nothingness of the cave. Seihdhara looked around thoughtfully, her brows furrowed. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘It doesn’t seem like your usual style to be honest. It’s not quite as
 well-decorated or pretty as the boat. But I’m sure that once we’re done here it will be!’ [/i][/color] [color=#c0783b]“Yeah, I just did not know what to do with the place, but come to think of it, the place is in a perfect position to effect Galbar above, its
 curious.” [/color]she stopped and picked up her picture, some trees and small plants had grown on the sphere, seeds stolen by the wandering fog gateway, she looked at them and focused on the first of the pictures
 Strong winds and earthquakes rocked the sphere as Urhu imbued it with the divine drive of change, as it started to slow down, one would notice that some of the small plants and even a few trees had bloomed together, petals floating on the now gentle breeze. [color=#c0783b]“Phew! First one
 Hmmm. Seems nice and pleasant! A bit mild, but also vibrant.” [/color]Seihdhara watched in fascination as the sphere turned and roiled, shaping and reshaping itself as the force of divine imagination was unleashed upon it. She grinned widely as it began to settle and the fullness of life ascendant lay resplendent in all its nascent beauty before her. It was beautiful! She leapt towards the previously barren plain, and wherever she stepped flowers and grasses and saplings sprung, the leaves of trees took on a greener hue and budding flowers sprung awake. As she went, the goddess left peals of laughter in her wake, and greenery and life. Moulding and feeling the energies Urhu had released, she was the uncontrolled vigour and zest that Urhu had planned and accounted for perfectly. The latter controlled and precise with a passion, the former wildly fervent and dangerous if loosed without guidance. When the plain bloomed with nascent life, Seihdhara bolted into the air and ran through the sky, before diving right back to Urhu, whooping and screaming until - laughing giddily - she swept Urhu from her feet, spun her a number of times, and then set her back down. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘The next one! The next one!’ [/i][/color]Seihdhara cried. [color=#c0783b]“I was going to bring it about but someone swooped me up!” [/color]she said, pretending to be angry before laughing, placing a hand on Seihdhara’s side. [color=#c0783b]“I don’t know where you store so much energy and excitement, but I am glad you enjoyed it. I guess strolling through the flowery fields is a proper reaction.” [/color]she then focused with the free hand, calling forth even more change towards the sphere, the winds and quakes resuming. This time, the spirit of change was even more present within the act, hills would rise up from the floor and ravines would appear, the petals quickly scattered in the wind, which continued strong even after Urhu rested her hand, thunder echoed and rain started to pour, yet, as humid as the air was, it was still very hot as well, a fake light shining in the sphere with great intensity. Seihdhara’s hair seemed to brighten with the heat, tongues of flame rising and licking at the humid air about them before settling down, only to be replaced by others. She took a step towards the mouth of the cavern and breathed in the full, earthy aroma. It was strong, suffocatingly so! Rain spattered against her skin and fizzled, instantly becoming steam and emanating from her. If before life had been nascent, it was now in full, glorious bloom. It moved and turned and fought and struggled, and Seihdhara found the sensation exciting and erotic all at once. It moved something within her, caused her heart to leap and her fingers to stir, filled her with an impossible urgency that told her [i]do![/i] It did not quite matter [i]what[/i], only that action was needed. But it was an overpowering sensation, so great that it crippled her utterly and she could do nothing but helplessly watch, glorying in it and crying out in anger at her inability to act. She could have thrown Urhu over her shoulder and gone running madly in the sun and rain, but she felt that she had done that before (was it yesterday?) and did not want Urhu to think her crazy. So instead she turned back around laughing giddily once again and swept her up as she had done before, spinning her until she felt she could go no more (and by all things, she could keep going!) and then set her down. Almost immediately the saffron-haired goddess stumbled about, laughed, then fell on her bottom. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘I can’t feel my head. Rhu-rhu, that picture you just painted on the plain is
’ [/i][/color]but she could not find the words for the impossible urgency and excitement rattling about inside her chest, and she left it at that. Her head still spinning, she allowed herself to fall on her back and just breathe it all in. Urhu blinked at that, her skin still warm where the burning goddess had touched her, she was worried about Seihdhara, after all, she had just been reborn, she wondered if the effect of change on her sphere could be causing her trouble. She gently sat down on the ground facing the goddess. [color=#c0783b]“Do you want to me to stop? You are looking tired, maybe you still need to sleep off that hangover from yesterday.” [/color]the wanderer said, worried. Almost immediately Seihdhara’s eyes shot open and she sat up, looking at Urhu like a wounded puppy. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Stop? No! Rhu-rhu, this
’ [/i][/color]she looked at the world beyond the cavern outside, exploding with life and vigour, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. It’s a bit
 overwhelming. But in a good way. I want to feel like this forever!’ [/i][/color]She took Urhu’s hand and stood up, helping the other goddess to her feet also and leading her to the mouth of the cavern where they could both watch and feel. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Do you feel that? Throbbing so urgently, pounding like it could never stop, like nothing could ever make it stop. It’s so
 so full. And it’s growing. It’s overwhelming. It’s a
 call to action.’ [/i][/color]She turned back to Urhu, her eyes glistening with tears, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘let’s keep going.’[/i] [/color] The goddess took a deep breath, nodding to Seihdhara, she was not great at reading the feelings of others, sometimes she even feared the conclusions she took from that. Raising her hand again, she made it so the change in the sphere continued to go forward, mountains breaking from the soil, new coastlines forming, winds carried the summer heat away, and slowly, Seihdhara’s hair started to disappear among the leaves that mimicked it, the world of green slowly becoming a world of red, yellow and brown. Seihdhara watched as her hair wafted from the mouth of the cavern and bits of red tore away and flew into the great open sky, eventually settling on leaves, some were burned - becoming brown - others took on the light and shone - becoming yellow - others took the strand complete, becoming a brilliant sunset orange. Here and there some trees exploded in purple glory, others maroon. As Seihdhara watched, her breath caught in her throat and she sat down, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms about them. She watched wide-eyed the incredible tapestry bursting out before them. She looked up at Urhu, who was staring into the distance, and the saffron-haired goddess was filled with awe and admiration for her sister. She shuffled slightly towards her and leaned her head against her sister’s thigh. And she watched the prettiest colours the new universe had ever seen. Urhu blinked as she felt Seihdhara resting against her leg, it seemed she had suddenly become far less hyperactive, she wondered if seasons really changed people’s mood like that, nevertheless, her focus now was entirely on the work, just one season was left and then the Purlieu would be complete. The mountains that had just recently risen started to crash down back onto the ground, the sphere was now in a constant state of change, landscapes and forests shifting like very slow waves. The cold intensified and snow started to fall from the sky as the last leaves from the trees disappeared, covering the land in a mantle of white. The white blanket encompassed all, and the skeletal trees stood like so many gnarled fingers across the great landscape. The skies were grey, the earth was white, the trees were black, and darkness beset the world. Seihdhara shivered and a great cloud of air left her mouth. Her hair wrapped around her more tightly, and it wrapped about Urhu also, bringing her down beside her. Strands extended outwards towards the trees and gathered hardened deadwood and brought it before the two goddesses. There the goddess piled it up and set it aflame so that a great fire rose up before them. Every now and again a strand would return and place a log or a twig into the flame, or another would dive into the tongues of fire to move a burning log this way or that. Against the winds and cold and blizzarding snows, the fire and Seihdhara’s hair provided warmth and safety. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘It
’[/i] [/color]Seihdhara mumbled, [color=#ff8c00][i]‘reminds me of home.’ [/i][/color]She looked over at Urhu, her eyes lost in thought. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘It was always cold, and my pa always kept a fire going. We’d sit around it, all wrapped up in blankets. And pa would sit in his
’ [/i][/color]her face fell and a single tear rolled down her face. Urhu smiled, moving a bit closer to Seihd, rising her hand up to take that tear away. [color=#c0783b]“I am glad that this reminds you of your home, I am also very happy that you enjoyed the seasons so much.” [/color]she looked to the horizon where white and black met in a contrasting clash. [color=#c0783b]“Though as important as what was, is what is now. I know new memories do not replace old ones and neither am I proposing that, but, the expression you are making worry me, I much prefer the Seihd who lives here and now.”[/color] Seihdhara looked at Urhu, appreciative of her wiping away the tear. She listened attentively to the words and was silent when they were said. She looked out at the great snowy expanse and released a long sigh that manifested in a tremendous cloud of vapour. Urhu was right. She had allowed the past to constrain her, allowed the unkindness of the other gods to make her more guarded. She remembered the innocent liberty of her youth, the bliss and laughter, the pleasures sought without hesitation or doubt. She had been sat like this on a snowy night when one of the grizzlies came to her and lit a fire and sat by her. She turned to Urhu, a light in her eyes, as she had turned to him then. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘No, old memories can’t be replaced. But why not try?’ [/i][/color]and with no further explanation, she leaned in and placed her lips against Urhu’s cheek. She lingered there for a few moments before setting her head on her other’s shoulder and closing her eyes. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘This was good. Seasons you called them. They are lovely. It is good that you made them Rhu. They will make the world so pretty. They have already made your sphere so much prettier too.’ [/i][/color]And with that she stared out at the wintry landscape and was silent, feeling her sister by her and all the spiritual warmth and safety she exuded, the warmth of the fire that kept the cold at bay, and the frozen coolness of winter beyond. They had done it. The wanderer looked to her side and gently caressed the side of her sister’s face, smiling. [color=#c0783b]“It feels nice. I always wanted to do something to my sphere, to act more like a goddess, so it was bothersome that I had yet to do something to leave my mark in this world. Now that I have, it feels like I let off from a weight, I feel at rest.”[/color] The saffron-haired goddess only smiled at these words. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘You are an overthinker Rhu-rhu. You have so much to give - look at all this! It’s breathtaking - but you seem so full of doubt and hesitation. You shouldn’t be afraid to let go, to dance amongst the flowers and kiss the trees and whisper to the winds. Tell me - what are you so afraid of?’ [/i][/color]and here Seihdhara lifted her head and turned fully towards Urhu, her hair stilled wrapped snugly about the both of them. [color=#c0783b]“Well
 I would not say I
 It's not so much being afraid, I do not find the will to do it, sometimes I just prefer to watch from afar, without, you know, creating bonds to these things. It's simpler that way.” [/color]Seihdhara cocked her head at these words. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘I think it’s a good thing, to be able to sit back and watch from afar. A person can learn a lot, see a lot. But it takes courage to find the will and create. It takes courage to stop observing and decide to bare a bit of yourself to the world. In every creation, you reveal parts of your soul that are not visible - not even to Cat-head! That takes courage. And your soul is so beautiful that it would be a damned shame if you only watched, Rhu.’ [/i][/color]Seihdhara stared at Urhu with adoration as she spoke, like a worshiper sat at the altar declaring all the love and admiration she could muster for her goddess. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Without this one creation I would not be so happy. Imagine how much happier so many others will be made by it. Imagine how much more joy you will bring into the world if you mustered the will! Imagine how much more joyous [b]you [/b]will be.’ [/i][/color] The wanderer leaned back a bit, as Seihdhara approached her with such intense stare and words. [color=#c0783b]“W-Well! It is not like I plan on doing nothing
 Well, you are right, and yet
 No, forget it. I understand your words. Though you have nothing to worry about, I won’t ever fear doing what I feel must be done
” [/color]she wondered if that was true, if she knew what her intervention on the second sun would do to Seihdhara, would she still do it? She looked back at Seihdhara, just now noticing how close she was. The saffron-haired goddess was smiling slightly at Urhu’s words, but she could also see that she was conflicted. Smirking, mischief entering her eyes, she tightened her hair about her sister and got even closer. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘Well Rhu, you’re going to have to forgive me but I’m about to do something that must be done. And it’ll no doubt cause you some trouble, but sacrifices must be made!’ [/i][/color]And grinning widely she leapt from her place and pinned Urhu to her back. Seihdhara brought her hands either side of the smaller goddess’ head on the ground and looked down at her, biting her lip. [color=#ff8c00][i]‘When the snow came we had to keep each other warm in the woods. We’d snuggle up together nice and warm, and we’d tell each other stories and play the flute, and then
 then we’d
’ [/i][/color]and she lowered her head towards that of the other goddess. Outside the wind howled and the snows fell and darkness encompassed the Purlieu. But in the cave there was only warmth. [indent][hider=Summary]Urhu has been travelling all over Galbar. She places three landmarks around Galbar. (A mountain on the eastern coast of Kalmar’s continent made of moonstone; on the Kick - I believe, Capy can confirm - a natural harbour is created; on Swahhiteh and Tendlepog she creates an ecosystem of moving fish to track down the movement of the land). Seihdhara meanwhile leaves Muspellheim and explores the green peninsula created by the Gardeners on Kalmar’s continent. She loves it. She also sees Urhu’s mountain. This takes place in the period between Kalmar’s departure from the continent and his return, so the continent is still bare. Seihdhara and Urhu then meet up and catch up. Urhu is a great host and gives her both food and wine. Seihdhara is hyper-sensitive to wine and gets drunk. They have a wild night. In the morning Urhu is drawing seasons while Seihdhara is vomiting fish and sprytes. When Seihdhara sees the drawings she commits to making them with Urhu and suggests making autumn more colourful. They then head off to Urhu’s sphere, the Purlieu, and there they create the seasons. Seihdhara gets very emotional and excited by it all, and things get frisky.[/hider] [hider=Might cost] Urhu 2x3 FP for the creation of three Landmarks 5 MP for the acquiral of the Landmark Portfolio. 25 FP to create The Purlieu[/hider][/indent]