[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c48684b4-d08f-48bf-95a4-f0ae90b41385.png[/img][/center][hr] Shun continued his anxious vibrating throughout most of the assembly, his wide-eyed gaze captivated in awe at the stage as the teachers gave their respective spiels. Despite a couple of them, namely Croc, trying to come off as intimidating, Shun found the staff absolutely endearing. He had almost completely forgotten that hero courses were taught by actual pros, even if he didn't recognize most of them. Guodo's mention of a quirk exhibition followed by Tanifuji's mention of combat coaching had him particularly excited, and his legs were starting to twitch with the anticipation of kicking something. From an outsider standpoint, he probably looked like he [i]really[/i] had to pee. As Tokisaki bursted in at the last minute, Shun practically leapt out of his chair to get a better look (although he stayed close enough to the chair to still arguably pass for 'seated' should he be called on it). The principal was definitely not what he was expecting. Even from her appearance, she looked like some crotchety old lady who wanted to be left alone and would snap at you if you bothered her. But she was so... animated. Shun tentatively decided he liked her, even if the other teachers didn't. He felt an abstract pang of guilt as the principal adjusted her glasses before getting serious. It took him a minute to piece together what exactly about that motion made him uncomfortable, neglecting his full attention to Oracle Thought as she properly introduced herself. Of course! He never did check on Shiki after he ran off screaming earlier. Was he supposed to apologize? Shun tilted his head backward, although he could barely get a glimpse of the tailed boy behind the massive brute sitting in front of him. He didn't dare lean back further with the assembly going on, lest he already get in trouble - wait, he was supposed to be listening. He tuned back in just in time to catch the Four Pillars announcement, which had him practically holding his breath to suppress an excited squeal. When she got to provisional licenses, Shun was grabbing at the sleeve of Hiroki's shirt, trying to tug at it rapidly like an excited child trying to get a parent's attention. He kept swiveling his gaze between Tokisaki and Airplane Arms, trying to convey his enthusiasm to his blue-skinned classmate silently with his eyes alone. When the talking finally stopped, Shun sucked in a deep breath; he had barely gotten any air for that last segment. He started bouncing up and down in his seat and excitedly jabbering to anyone who would listen, although his face was pointed at Hiroki. [color=2EFEC8]"That's so cool! I thought this place was supposed to be awful, but this is amazing! Provisional licenses as first years is practically a U.A. only thing! And we're actually going to [i]compete[/i] with them!"[/color] He wanted to scream. He wanted to run up and personally hug whoever made that possible. He wanted to run around until all his energy was burnt out. He wanted to [i]kick something[/i]. But he settled for just hopping to his feet with a stupid grin adorning his face. He still had classmates to meet and a support class to beat, apparently. He couldn't waste all his energy yet. [hr][@ShwiggityShwah] and everyone in the immediate vicinity of him [sub]and I guess [@Animal] and [@Jojo] are sorta mentioned.[/sub] [hider=tl;dr]Shun gawks at the teachers like their new biggest fan as he gets more and more outwardly restless, culminating in the arrival of the principal, which prompts him to start staring at Shiki and Kenji until his short attention span fails him. At the end of the assembly, he finally gets unbearably [s]annoying[/s]excited and starts bothering Hiroki. Good thing exercise was planned immediately after this.[/hider]