Rohaan was very interested to hear Hana's explanation, interested enough that he actually approached her within arms reach--something he hadn't recently been inclined to do. He looked up at her with eyes of an impossible shade of blue like two polished rounds of lapis lazuli, bright and inquisitive, and brushed his sloppy blonde curls out of his face. he did not have perfect corkscrews, nor did he have loose waves but rather had a haphazard mix of both. To his credit, he tried very hard to follow what she said and for a while he thought he did pretty well, but at some point she used words he did not know, and while he was stuck trying to piece them out, he didn't quite take in the rest. He did pick up 'wine bottles shatter' and that piqued his interest. Why wouldn't he want to do that for fun? it sounded plenty fun for him. Rohaan gave Hana an earnest but very lost expression before glancing questioningly to Berlin, who gave a brief explanation in rapid vokurian, which the boy seemed to take in better. The language had a 'jagged' feel to it, with odd breaks in the middle of words and prominent, hard vowels. Berlin had learned vokurian better than Rohaan had picked up Carisian, and so the man was reasonably fluent, though he had his shortcomings too. The boy nodded, thinking, then asked, "Oh! Soo....can you...explode Berlin's spyglass?" A look of mock alarm brushed the man's features. "No, please no." This made Rohaan smile. "What abouuuuut...." he cast around with his eyes, searching for things to be destroyed. "Umm..." Idly, his finger poked through the bullet hole in his shirt and twirled the fabric around it, unraveled it, then wound it up again. "Wheel's boots? A melon? A crab?" he froze suddenly, eyes going wide in sheer horror as he realized something, then as he looked at her again he seemed almost a little more withdrawn than he was a second ago. "You...wouldn't explode [I]me[/I].....would you?" Nothing about his tone or expression suggested he was joking; in fact, he was gravely serious. Clearly, it was well within his scope of understanding that if someone could, it was very possible they would. Uban stretched, feeling like he'd just done a hard day's work in the fields or up aloft. It was satisfying in a way, to feel like he had labored for something productive. Except his muscles weren't sore, he just felt shaky and hungry and like he'd earned himself some reclining. He was still laughing to himself softly, absolutely giddy with what he (and Hana) had just done. There were so many things he hadn't thought of doing with his ability, and this was one of them. He turned, silently watching Hana as she spoke to Rohaan. [I]Damn, she's smart. Hell of a lot smarter than me.[/I] Uban caught himself grinning and, shaking his head as if to clear something away, went to go down to the hold and find himself some food. He rejoined the rest once he'd pilfered some salt pork, the last of the bread (which was now fairly dry) and some tea to wash it down. He needed to do that kind exercise more often, he decided, because he felt wiped out now. "That was absolutely incredible," he said. "Maybe next time you could teach me the runes or draw them out with charcoal first and I could help you carve them? I dunno what kind of tools you got, but if you need proper ones Rohaan here can get you some next time we dock." Uban slid one hand over the boy's head to sweep pale blonde curls into his face. Rohaan playfully slapped Uban's arm and 'fixed' his hair, which only meant sweeping it back so that some strands lay back down and others stuck straight up. But he looked at Hana and, taking pride in his renown as an...[I]obtainer[/I] of things, he stuck his chin up proudly and with his arms folded across his chest he boasted, "I can get [I]anything[/i]."