The large eared girl was breathing deeply, attempting to calm her stomach as the wait for the teachers' arrival waned on. As the familiar looking male teacher and a placid looking woman (who seemed rather nervous despite her appearance) began to introduce theirselves and the curriculum, the small girl slipped into routine, and felt a wave of normalcy. A blush welled in the small girl's face as she was congratulated on her performance in the entrance exam. She didn't feel as though she deserved it, but swallowed the compliment nonetheless. As the teachers' names were being announced, the girl's left ear began to flick backwards. It sounded as if someone large was shifting about behind her. So the small girl was perhaps startled by the volume of the sound, but not surprised as the large individual burst through the doors. She was, however, taken double aback as she noticed his appearance. He looked like a man and an alligator at the same time! Could his Quirk have been like hers? Or was he one of those animals with a Super-Intelligence Quirk that she had heard about? Either way, he introduced himself rather loudly as Itagaki Naomoro, the Pro Hero Crooked Crock. His assertion as the Quirk Development teacher interested her, despite being mildly pained by his loud voice, even from the back of the room. The large eared girl's self doubt began to creep in again, fearing that her Quirk had nowhere to go aside from how she was born. However, as Itagaki-sensei uttered a rather rudimentary pun, the girl couldn't help but stifle a small laugh into a barely audible nasal snort. That was certainly an unexpected turn. Perhaps his air of intimidation had all been an act? Next to appear was a rather young looking individual with a ridiculously tight bun that seemed to drag every strand of hair along her scalp. Introducing herself as Sakkaku Haruhi, the bat-like girl's heart sank as she heard she was not only the head of the Hero Program- meaning all her potential failures would have to answer to her- but also the exam proctor. Her stomach knotted. Proctored exams were the absolute [i]worst[/i]. She hated feeling the eyes of an authority figure boring into the side of her head as she was trying to think. The briefness of her speech made it all the more dreadful- the poor girl had so much pressure on her already. Next was the tall, smiling man, Ohta Guodo-sensei, whose appearance set her at ease immediately. The fact that he was going to be their homeroom teacher set her mind at ease. However, her ease immediately turned to a small fright as he urged everyone to vie for class representative. Not only did she dread the thought of being in such open competition, especially if she felt she may lose outright, but the extra responsibilities were totally [i]not[/i] what she was about right now. However, as this segment of the speech came to a close, she very subtly raised her balled fist, elbow bent at a ninety degree angle and softly repeated "[color=18002c]Plus Ultra.[/color]" Next was the rather energetic- if not neurotic seeming- Tanifuji Egao, who was to be their combat instructor. Being unfamiliar with this particular individual, she was unable to judge what exactly that would mean. The short girl did hope that she could tone it down during that time, however. Such high-energy behavior over an extended period of time was so draining. And did she hear... note cards shuffling? After, the placid looking woman- reintroducing herself as Fujino Ukimi. Aside from Gudo-sensei, she was the only one who actually looked like a teacher. After explaining that she would be teaching more practical elements, the short girl nodded. This, at least, made sense. Normal school stuff; She could do that. The rather reserved girl had a bit of a shudder, though, at the public presentation elements of this. Clearly not her strong suit. The mundanity of explaining school uniforms, however, brought her mind back to the level. Again, as the introductions were shifting, she heard someone else coming towards the door. This individual, as she would soon see, sounded much more scattered than the heavy footfalls of Itagaki-Sensei. The somewhat elderly looking woman introduced herself in a cheery, but not over-the-top way, as the school's principal, Tokisaki Miraime. Something about the name seemed to itch at the girl's mind, only for it to be explained to her in proverbial bold face text. The slight girl's jaw dropped. Their principal was none other than the one and only- "[color=18002c]Oracle Thought...[/color]" she whispered to herself. Yes indeed, she could see it now. One of her most treasured role model Pro-Heroes was their Principal. The small girl's eyes practically sparkled at this, almost missing the more dire tone of things that must not be spoken. Upon the completion of the morning assembly, the girl stood along with the other students, making her way to the central aisle. By the time she made her way there, it seemed other students were already coming down the path. Not wanting to cut anyone off, or draw that much attention to herself, the girl waited, arms crossed at the wrist in front of her hips, fingers knitted together, for the end of the line. As much as she didn't want attention drawn to her, she wanted even less to get lost in the new school grounds. And so, the short girl, possibly easy to miss, if not for her large ears, watched as the veritable menagerie of students walked by. [hider=tl;dr]Bat girl listens to the assembly like a model student. Is a hero fangirl. Anxiety. Waiting in line to leave for Quirk display.[/hider]