[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190226/4e7b8738f2c1c344e52e6463c44b445c.png[/img][/center] The sun was rising above the riverbank, the first beams of sunlight touching the waters of the great river. As most mornings, Kiala was sitting at the edge of the floating construction, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sun, her feet submerged in the water. This was her daily moment of peace, a little while she had only for herself before she had to go back to decide about the issues of the whole tribe. It will not be long until I won’t have a moment for myself anymore, she thought and smiled, softly touching her belly. She felt the baby move slightly, as in response to her thoughts. [color=036F00][b]“Good morning,”[/b][/color] she whispered to the small being inhabiting her body. [color=036F00][b]“It’s just a few more weeks, my love, be patient.”[/b][/color] She laid back, happy and calm, her feet splashing in the water. She giggled as she felt some tiny fishes nibbling on her fingers. As Nizshi wished, all things that were no longer needed were returned to her. As a result, the floating villages were often followed by swarms of fish and flocks of various birds, all enjoying the blessings of the great river. Even the great crocodiles were hunting around, although never attacking any of the Ai’dallani, such act was unthinkable as long as the tribe was under Nizshi’s protection. Ruuvi approached her quietly, but soft screeching of the reed on the floor gave him away. He sat down next to her, but stayed quiet, didn’t want to disturb her meditation. Kiala smiled, she didn’t even need to open her eyes to recognize him. She thought back to the last year’s ceremony, to the surprise the whole tribe felt when the voice of the river assigned him as the new Lan’Nizshi, the male spiritual leader of the tribe. While no one would ever argue with Nizshi’s decision, some were unsettled and even jealous about it. Ruuvi wasn’t special in any way, he wasn’t a strong warrior or a shaman, but the moment Kiala saw him, she knew that the spirit river had made an excellent choice, not just for the tribe, but for herself as well. She was elected for the third time and the well-being of the tribe now rested on her and her new partner. The tradition didn’t require Lan’Nizshi and Aila’Nizshi to be together as a man and a woman, most of the elected couples spent the year living together as a brother and sister, which was accepted. After all, the great crocodile and ibis spirits were also siblings, the first children of Nizshi. Kiala was good friends with her previous partners but knew this time would be different. Luckily, Ruuvi felt the same way about her, and now she was just weeks from bring a new blessed child into the world. [color=036F00][b]“The stream is slowing,”[/b][/color] she spoke quietly, [color=036F00][b]“has the council decided where to move once the spring floods are over?”[/b][/color] Ruuvi laid a hand on her raised belly. [color=00a651][b]“They are still arguing about it. Most the chieftains want to move upstream all the way to the forests, and Ozei is trying to convince them to stay at the lakes to the east.”[/b][/color] Kiala sighed and shook her head. The young chieftain seemed to always be in the opposition, no matter the subject. [color=036F00][b]“What do you think?”[/b][/color] [color=00a651][b]“They are both right. The forests would provide us with building material to make more permanent repairs. There have even been voices asking for the construction of a new village, as our numbers are growing. On the other hand, Ozei is right as well, more people need more food and clothes if we are to survive the fall and winter, when Nizshi is weaker. And the east lakes do offer much better fishing and hunting grounds. So I think that it might be wise to split the villages, at least for a few months over the summer. We can send Ozei’s and Shuvi’s poap’kis to the lakes and rest to the forests, that way we will…”[/b][/color] Kiala wasn’t listening to him anymore. Although the morning sun was already strong and it was warm, her body suddenly shivered and she instinctively pulled her feet out of the water, eyes widened by fear. Ruvvi leaned over her, concerned, but she pushed him away and stood up, carefully watching the surface of the water. For a moment she thought she saw something, but it must have been just the shadows playing tricks on her eyes. [color=036F00][b]“It was nothing,”[/b][/color] she whispered, more in attempt to convince herself than Ruuvi. [color=036F00][b]“Just an eel in a colder undercurrent brushed up against my leg and startled me.”[/b][/color] Her voice sounded stronger now. [color=036F00][b]“Splitting the villages up is a serious decision, all chieftains must agree on it.”[/b][/color] It wasn’t unusual and it was done once in every few cycles, when the tribe required, but this time Kiala had a very bad feeling about it. [color=00a651][b]“They probably will,”[/b] [/color]Ruuvi answered, coming closer and hugging her. [color=00a651][b]“So they will be able to spend the summer away from Ozei,”[/b][/color] he added with a smile. Kiala managed to put a smile on her face, but still was unable to shake off the strange and ominous feeling. [color=036F00][b]“That matter is up to the council to decide anyway, not us. We need to start preparing for the end of spring ceremony.”[/b][/color] She glanced on the river one last time, one of her arms wrapped protectively around her unborn baby, but didn’t see anything unusual.