[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/d6DCjxd/Banner.jpg[/img][/center] For the most part, Yui ignored any negative comments, threats or death stares directed at her or her friend. She felt like addressing any of the Dark Ones directly would result in a fight, and thought this was best. Her eyes only briefly met with Ayumu as the Dark girl entered the room just as Tama, Soma and Yui left it. For the next few moments, Yui seemed to have been stuck in her mind, remaining silent as Soma and Tama spoke. Ayumu's last words stuck into her mind. Like an empathetic weight on her shoulders. More than that, her Magical Girl senses were assaulted by everything that was happening in the school. Back in the classroom, their youngest member seemed to be in possible trouble. She also felt agitation on the roof, as well as the blond haired Magical Girl they met the other day. And the approaching darkness...just what was going on? Yui landed a hand on her friend's shoulder and gave her a smile before talking to Soma. [color=a2d39c]"It's true that Miso City seem to be a little...troublesome to say the least. I don't think Luna was blind to it, Soma...she was focused. Just like we should be. This city might have it's secrets, but we have a duty to keep it safe before all else - including poking around. With Luna's gone..."[/color] her mood faltered for a moment, but a deep breath brought her back into the sun [color=a2d39c]"...and Yurei's missing, we are the only defense against the encroaching darkness." "That being said..."[/color] Yui transformed once more into Gaia [color=a2d39c]"There might be a way to have [i]some[/i] answers to [i]some[/i] questions today. Let's go talk to one of the source of today's agitation...hoping she will grant us time."[/color] They were bound to run into Aegis soon enough. Maybe she held answers to some of their questions? In the meanwhile, further away in the corridors of the school, Chiaki was not stalking alone. Tailing her was Rania. Like a regal shadow, she followed Chiaki without the trace of a doubt. While her partner looked at nothing else than forward, Rania's gaze briefly lingered on the two Dark Magical Girls in the Nurse's Office as she recognized the aura of her replacement as Code Keeper. She graced them with a smirk before disappearing past the door frame. Chiaki was burning with Dark energy, and was bound to attract [i]something.[/i] Whatever her plan was, Rania would be ready to assist if need be.