[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WTurGol.png[/img][/center][color=#2f7a9f][center]Venture Academy - School Grounds[/center][center]Interactions - None[/center][/color] Students came and went at their leisure, as one would say. They were responsible for their own development, a sense of maturity placed upon children of an early age. This was, as could have been expected, often case a starting point of debates and discussion. Should children be given the freedom to shape their own education? A heavy responsibility, indeed. However, with the mantle of heroics at their backs, the students of Venture Academy did not quite fall under the same jurisdiction as those within the public school system. Neoh, though a single coin in the pond, reasoned that it offered him a desire to attend class, more so than when he was younger. The days where his presence was a forced addition behind that desk. Then, considering the nature of Venture Academy, he would be forgiven for the all too casual reaction to yet another student's entrance into the classroom. However, the scenario did not fall under a more general application. A young man had fallen through the ceiling, undoubtedly the start of a creepypasta, had fingers been present upon a keyboard. Unable to stifle the chuckle escaping his lips, Neoh noted the startled reaction of more than a few. Lime's attention was peaked, naturally, the ferret's ears standing erect and attentive. "How nice of you to join us, Mr. Anderson." Came the teacher's voice, as she paused the development of class. "Use the door next time, yes?" She finished, before proceeding with the curriculum. Yes, Neoh had come across this young man, before. Kane, if the boy recalled. Laid back, relaxed and with little consideration for a day's less pleasant scenarios, he was what one would be right to expect from a young man of twenty winters. Of course, like any student at the academy, his powers were an aspect many would be interested in unearthing. They would, however, have that curiosity sated at the sight of his arrival. A specialized operative, one might say. Neoh was more or less informed of his classmates' abilities, and of their exploits. This was, after all, the main talking point of any student. Missions were the absolute focus, both in interest and conversation, without fail. One would surely be deprived of ears if rumors and gossip passed, leaving nothing behind. Neoh was not exempt from this. Missions were oftentimes a vast source of exchange between himself and Miles, or rather, Milly. This served a purpose, of course. Neoh and Miles and were primary team mates. They fought as one, these brothers, the relentless spear and the unyielding shield. Javelin and Barrier. They had been dubbed The Nova Brothers, which was a title they decided to maintain. They were not above resorting to this theme at costume parties, which, despite expression, Neoh quite enjoyed. Though, dressing to reflect one's powers was a commodity at Venture. Crimes thwarted at the day of Halloween were colorful, to say the least. Neoh could still point towards last year, when an emergency forced him onto the field, still dressed as a dog. An animal theme sounded good beforehand, but reached a point of laughter in more ways than one. Shifting his attention back to the single most impressive feature of his reportire, vacant of a battle zone, Neoh continued working on a picture he had been drawing. It was an outfit, something a tad more flamboyant than what he and his brother wore. Something which borrowed elements from the mystical desert with a decorated vest and silken sash. This was merely one of the countless outfits Neoh had been working on. He decided on something simple for one reason alone. He could not make up his mind. It was, however, never a bad idea to work on more aspirations. Armor was far too heavy for him, and tactical gear was too boring. He wanted to find something more akin to his powers, flashy but straight forward. Mystical and dangerous. Tapping his pen against the page of his sketchbook, Neoh occasionally looked toward the teacher, only halfway regarding her, before smirking at his brother for nearly dozing off. It was no particular individual's fault, make no mistake. They had enjoyed a far too engaging game of Dungeons and Dragons, so, who could possibly blame the brothers? Indeed, roleplaying. An activity heroes of Venture enjoyed, like any other teenager with the interest. Even though they had been blessed with the very powers displayed upon game boards, in rule books or character sheets, few disregarded the prospect of imagination. The pursuit of something fantastical, in the safety of one's own mind. It was quite entertaining, however, to compare heroes to what had been offered on the pages of this material. If Neoh found himself in a roleplaying game, what would he be? A wizard? Yes, perhaps. Would Miles follow the same route? They were very alike in abilities, after all, but polar opposites, all the same. Would Kane, who had made his entrance known only recently, fall under the category of a Rouge? It was a playful notion, to be sure. One which occupied Neoh's mind occasionally.