Hello, I have stumbled upon this and, as it is One Piece, I am very interested. I have two character ideas but I am not sure which would be best. [hider=Character 1] Name: Adelinde Dey [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/maoyu/images/7/7a/Maid_ane_akira_ishida.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20160428165104[/img] The basic premise of her story is that she lived in a very poor town that was one day raided by pirates. The captain had a habit of collecting DF and if he ever had enough would take the most defiant people of a place he attacked and force them to eat a DF and fight to the death. He would then tend to kill the final one. Well, he had two DF's and Adelinde was one of the ones forced to eat a DF and it was a paramecia type that gave her control over soundwaves. The Onsei Onsei fruit. Through ways, I haven't determined yet she and the other person barely defeated the pirate crew. When the Marines arrived they mistook the new DF users for pirates as well and attacked the pirates as well as the two. The two ran but her ally died in the ensuing chase and she got away but received a bounty soon afterward. In order to keep her family safe, she sailed off from her home island. Another thing of note, for now, is that she could potentially be the cook for the crew as she is a fairly talented chef.[/hider] [hider=Character 2] Name: Cassie [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Iy2Z1zLYYpI/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] I haven't figured out too much about her other than the fact that she has Bipolar Disorder, and if you don't want something like this I can easily change it. Her dream is to become a master of many different types of weapons. Currently, she only has three weapons she uses but has not mastered. In order of most skilled the Emei Piercers, Kusarigama, and Daikyū.[/hider]