[color=0054a6][b]Adrian[/b][/color] "No children, liberties for the both of us." Adrian concluded, raising his glass of champagne. "To us. May our marriage be short and glorious" With a smile he gulped the drink and put it back on the table, waving for the waiter to come. "As tempting as the foods on the menu sound, we would like to try something else. As our lives are full of surprises, the date shall be no less. Please, indulge us with your chef's masterpieces of his own choice." Turning back to Azariah, Adrian folded his hands on the table. "And you should indulge me with your stories. How has England treated you so far? Albeit you are American, you must surely have come across some similarities. After all we share history." He could barely hide his smug smile. [i]And soon you will be part of it.[/i]